10/13/21 |
Photo of Rabbis Waskow & Berman with Indigenous Leader at White House protest & arrest on his birtday (or b’earth-day) |
Climate policy, Featured, Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations |
04/22/19 |
#FreedomSeder50: Treasury of Films, Live-Streams, Articles, etc |
CiviMail, Featured, Pesach, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations |
12/22/14 |
Black Lives Matter, Green Lives Matter, ALL Lives Matter |
World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Race, Spirituality of Justice |
04/26/19 |
Campus Freedom Seders, BDS, & Israel: Freedom For Whom, Exactly? |
Anti-Semitism, CiviMail, Pesach, Interreligious Relations, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community |
08/13/09 |
Evanston IL Celebration of Creation & a Call for Climate Healing |
Noah, Global Scorching, Interreligious Relations, Earth |
12/15/19 |
Flu Shots & Loving Songs NOW for Kids in Cages |
CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Justice & immigration, Seasons of American Sacred Time, Spirituality of Justice, Hanukkah |
11/20/09 |
God, the State, Women, & Other Genies |
Interreligious Relations, Justice and Gender |
12/05/08 |
Interfaith Manifesto on Climate Crisis |
Global Scorching, Interreligious Relations |
07/13/15 |
Pope Francis & St Francis: "Laudato Si [Praised be the ONE]" |
B'reshit, CiviMail, Global Scorching, Environmental Justice, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice, Community, Earth |
03/18/09 |
Printable PDF New Freedom Seder for the Earth, with full-color graphic cover! |
Devoting Jewish Holidays to Peace, Pesach, Environmental Justice, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Interreligious Relations, Justice & immigration, Justice and Race, Peace |
06/15/15 |
"Deep Ecumenism" faces Endangered Earth |
Featured, Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations |
06/18/10 |
"Eicha" for the Earth: The Text of a Ceremony of Sorrow, Hope, & Action |
CiviMail, Climate policy, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Tisha B'Av, Interreligious Relations |
10/03/10 |
"Justice Denied": My Mini-Sermon at the Lincoln Memorial, 10-2-10 |
Global Scorching, Environmental Justice, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations, Justice & immigration, Justice and Gender, Prophets, Spirituality of Justice, US - Afghan/Pakistan War |
01/21/13 |
"Selling the Poor for a Pair of Shoes": Amos, MLK, & "Citizens United" |
Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Environmental Justice, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations |
04/19/20 |
"Stunningly beautiful and inspiring" - 7th Night Seder Conversation |
Beshallach, CiviMail, Featured, Pesach, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Community, Earth |
01/12/05 |
"Tent of Abraham" Retreat, September 9-12, 2004 |
Peace of Abraham, Hagar, & Sarah: Sacred Seasons, Fall 2006-07, Interreligious Relations |
01/12/18 |
"The Fierce Urgency of Now": Excerpts from MLK's "Beyond Vietnam," April 4, 1967 |
CiviMail, Featured, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice, Peace |
06/03/06 |
"The Tent of Abraham" by Waskow, Chittister, & Chisti: Book Review by Claire Gorfinkel |
Books, CDs, DVDs, Peace of Abraham, Hagar, & Sarah: Sacred Seasons, Fall 2006-07, Abrahamic Celebrations, Israeli-Palestinian Collision, Interreligious Relations, Nonviolence & Violence in Judaism, The Book of Genesis |
11/13/09 |
"To Bigotry No Sanction" |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Interreligious Relations, US - Afghan/Pakistan War, War and Civil Liberties |
12/04/14 |
"We Can't Breathe" -- An American Travesty |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Global Scorching, Environmental Justice, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Gender, Justice and Race |
05/03/19 |
#JeremiahJusticeJune12 at the White House |
CiviMail, Interreligious Relations, Prophets, Spirituality of Justice |
07/05/20 |
#ShareSukkot2GrowVote. |
CiviMail, Climate policy, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Interreligious Relations, Sukkot, Earth |
03/04/20 |
&th+ "Freedom Seder Revisited" At Natl Mus Am Jewish History |
CiviMail, Pesach, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations |
01/21/13 |
'We've got the Whole World in Our Hands": Climate Pray-in at White House |
Climate policy, Global Scorching, Interreligious Relations |
08/10/14 |
100 Shofarot for People's Climate March! -- NYC Sept 21 |
Behar, Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations |
01/08/14 |
120-plus sign Rabbinic call: "Step by Step toward Shalom with Iran" |
Devoting Jewish Holidays to Peace, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, War with Iran? |
06/15/05 |
2005 Interfaith Peace Walk Photos |
Community, Philadelphia Area Interfaith Peace Network, Interreligious Relations |
12/12/17 |
2018: Is the Spirit Rising? -- Part 2 |
CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations |
11/17/10 |
3 Festivals: Eid Mubarak, Light-filled Hanukkah, Joyful Sharing Thxgvg Abundance |
Featured, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations, Hanukkah |
03/23/12 |
3 Moments of Horror: Killing Jews, Killing Muslims, Killing Blacks |
Anti-Semitism, Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Israeli-Palestinian Collision, Interreligious Relations, Death and Mourning, Justice and Race, US - Afghan/Pakistan War |
10/02/18 |
3,000 Years => Kavanagh. Time’s Up! |
CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Sexuality & Spirituality, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice, Earth |
07/14/11 |
4 Jewish Summer Camps Sell "Fracking Rights" that Endanger Drinking Water, Food, Health, & Climate |
Global Scorching, Interreligious Relations, Jewish Renewal |
04/28/11 |
40 Years, a Pregnant Pause. And then, a Birth or a Belch? |
Shavuot, Interreligious Relations, Jewish Renewal |
09/04/10 |
5 Steps to Burning Books |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Interreligious Relations, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community |
08/26/10 |
9/11 and Rosh Hashanah: Reconciling Abraham's Families, Celebrating American Diversity |
B'reshit, Va'yeira, Chayye Sara, Devoting Jewish Holidays to Peace, Israeli-Palestinian Collision, Interreligious Relations, Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur |
07/23/08 |
A Call for Religious Dialogue -- Madrid |
Interreligious Relations |
02/10/15 |
Global Scorching, Pesach, World-Healing Judaism, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice |
04/11/16 |
A CALL TO COMMUNITIES OF FAITH AND SPIRIT: July 24 March for Clean Energy Revolution |
Climate policy, Global Scorching, Interreligious Relations |
10/11/12 |
A Festival to Renew Prophetic Action: From Lincoln to King-&-Heschel to Us |
AJ Heschel, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Race |
03/24/09 |
A Jewish Perspective on Abrahamic Wisdoms: Jacob, Joshua, Jesus, the Talmud, & Mohammed |
B'reshit, Gaza / Sderot Crisis, Israeli-Palestinian Collision, Interreligious Relations, Vayhi, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community |
05/15/21 |
CiviMail, Devoting Jewish Holidays to Peace, Featured, Abrahamic Celebrations, Shavuot, Israeli-Palestinian Collision, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community |
12/23/14 |
A Perverse Crime, Perverse Responses –- and Possible Transformation |
Environmental Justice, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Race, Spirituality of Justice |
11/06/12 |
A Prayer for Our Day of Decision |
World-Healing Judaism, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Interreligious Relations, Community, Prayer |
03/25/20 |
A Prayer for the Health and Healing of Healers |
CiviMail, Community, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Community, Lifecycle |
03/12/09 |
A Promise of Reform in Saudi Arabia -- NY Times Editorial, February 25, 2009 |
Interreligious Relations |
04/26/08 |
Abrahamic Freedom Seder |
Pesach, Abrahamic Celebrations, Interreligious Relations |
06/22/12 |
ACTION to rebuke anti-Jewish threats in Catholic circles, and support Catholic nuns |
Featured, News, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Gender |
10/21/07 |
Address by Rabbi Eric Yoffie to Islamic Society of North America |
Interreligious Relations, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community |
10/29/08 |
Aish HaTorah's New 'Obsession' |
Interreligious Relations |
07/25/08 |
AJC Committee report on the Saudi Interfaith Conference in Madrid |
Interreligious Relations |
12/09/14 |
Amer Jewish Committee Declares War on Sioux Nation -- and the Rest of Us |
Climate policy, Environmental Justice, Interreligious Relations |
03/04/20 |
Annual "Freedom Seder Revisited" at Natl Mus Am Jewish History March 30 |
Pesach, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations |
03/04/20 |
Annual "Freedom Seder Revisited" -- Natl Mus Am Jewish History, March 30 |
CiviMail, Pesach, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations |
05/21/06 |
April / May Actions against War & Global Scorching |
Global Scorching, Iraq-US War, Interreligious Relations, Torture |
04/04/05 |
April 3rd Anti-Violence Protest |
Philadelphia Area Interfaith Peace Network |
02/05/18 |
April of Resist: MLK+50, Holy Week, & Passover |
CiviMail, Pesach, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice |
11/17/09 |
Are Muslims Really Given a Pass By “Elite Opinion Makers”? |
Interreligious Relations |
06/24/16 |
Are we facing an American "Brexit"? |
CiviMail, Community, Environmental Justice, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations, Justice & immigration, Justice and Gender, Justice and Race, Spirituality of Justice, Community |
04/19/16 |
Arrested yesterday for Freedom tomorrow |
Featured, Global Scorching, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations, Justice & immigration, Community |
07/29/11 |
ARRESTED! -- In US Capitol Rotunda, Defending Jobs, the Poor, & the Earth |
Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice, Earth, Peace |
11/11/18 |
Ashes, Stones, & Flowers: A Litany For Armistice Day or Memorial Day |
CiviMail, Featured, Philadelphia Area Interfaith Peace Network, Iraq-US War, Terrorism |
02/01/21 |
Become a Jubilee Justice Sower |
Re'e, CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Environmental Justice, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Race, Spirituality of Justice |
10/26/20 |
Beginning Weekly Quotes from "Dancing in God's Earthquake" |
CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, The Nature of Torah |
04/21/20 |
Between the Fires: Invocation for Earth Week, Earth Year, All Years |
Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Festivals, Earth |
04/25/18 |
Beyond Destructive Gas/Oil Pipelines, to Birthing a Joyful Community |
CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Environmental Justice, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations |
09/16/15 |
Beyond ISIS: Avneri, Waskow, & Lerner comment |
Israeli-Palestinian Collision, Interreligious Relations, Terrorism, War with Iran?, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community, Peace |
11/03/10 |
Beyond the 2010 Election: Tears to Water the Wellsprings of New Life |
Devoting Jewish Holidays to Peace, Global Scorching, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice, US - Afghan/Pakistan War, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community |
09/30/14 |
Beyond the Climate March: Toward a Transformational Strategy |
Interreligious Relations |
08/07/12 |
Beyond the guns, Beneath the murders: What? |
Interreligious Relations, Terrorism, Spirituality of Justice |
09/06/12 |
Biblical Wellsprings, Water in our World |
Va'yeira, Climate policy, Featured, Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Interreligious Relations, Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur |
07/24/11 |
Bill McKibben Calls for Civil Disobedience Campaign in Washington DC in August 2011 |
Climate policy, Featured, Interreligious Relations |
06/08/12 |
Bishops Attack Religious Freedom; Vatican Attacks Nuns |
Sexuality & Spirituality, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations |
03/17/09 |
Blessing of the Sun, April 8; may we let the sun bless us |
Global Scorching, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations, Earth, Prayer |
10/30/07 |
Boycott or Dialogue? Speaking Out to Christian Ears when Israel is an Issue |
Interreligious Relations, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community |
07/14/15 |
Breaking News --Iran, Tisha B'Av, Hiroshima, &Temple Earth |
Shofetim, Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Race, War with Iran?, Peace |
12/17/08 |
Brief video: Facing the Pharaohs of Global Scorching |
Global Scorching, Environmental Justice, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations |
06/02/10 |
Can the U.S. Now Act Boldly for M. E. Peace? |
Gaza / Sderot Crisis, Israeli-Palestinian Collision, Interreligious Relations, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community |
11/08/20 |
Can We Walk, Breathe Deep, and Sing at the Same Time? |
CiviMail, Community, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Blog, Interreligious Relations |
04/09/17 |
Challenge Carbon Pharaohs: Interfaith Prayer Service in the Spirit of Passover & Palm Sunday: |
Bo, Featured, Global Scorching, Pesach, Protecting Our Planet, World-Healing Judaism, Environmental Justice, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Interreligious Relations |
03/20/16 |
Challenging hatred of Islam |
Devoting Jewish Holidays to Peace, Interreligious Relations, Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur |
06/21/15 |
Charleston Murders vs Pope Francis, Rabbis, Ramadan |
World-Healing Judaism, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Race |
01/01/05 |
Clash, Dialogue, or Interweaving of Civilizations? |
Interreligious Relations |
11/14/21 |
Climate Crisis & National Deadlock: Despair or Multi-Sacred April? |
CiviMail, Climate policy, Featured, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Interreligious Relations |
08/14/07 |
Communal Fast in a Time of Calamity: A Multireligious Call |
Take Action, Abrahamic Celebrations, Iraq-US War, Interreligious Relations, Fasting for Peace and Justice |
08/03/08 |
Conjoining MLK & Inauguration Day: Relearning Heschel, Rebirthing King, Re-Inaugurating America, Jan. 14, 19, 20, 2009 |
Environmental Justice, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Race, Seasons of American Sacred Time, World Empire |
12/16/11 |
Convicted in Court & Praised by the Judge! |
Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice |
08/30/20 |
Coronavirus: The Lightning Flash, Revealing Truth |
CiviMail, Featured, Freeing Our Time, World-Healing Judaism, Community in Time of Emergency, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice |
09/08/01 |
Counter-Inaugural Philadelphia Interfaith events |
Philadelphia Area Interfaith Peace Network, Seasons of American Sacred Time |
02/22/05 |
Creating a New Prophetic Agenda |
Interreligious Relations |
08/28/20 |
Dancing in God's Earthquake |
Books, CDs, DVDs, CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations |
04/14/07 |
Dancing or Denouncing in the World-Wide Earthquake: Jews and Muslims |
Peace of Abraham, Hagar, & Sarah: Sacred Seasons, Fall 2006-07, Interreligious Relations, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community |
06/16/19 |
Dear MoveOn: Saturday Protests Exclude Jews; I Urge You, Change! |
Anti-Semitism, CiviMail, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice |
05/19/15 |
Deeper than "Interfaith"? -- Our Personal Voyage |
Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations |
05/22/14 |
Earth and Climate Speak: MLK & the Fierce Urgency of Now |
Global Scorching, Interreligious Relations |
04/12/11 |
Earth Day/Good Friday/Passover Coincide |
Climate policy, Interreligious Relations |
03/14/21 |
Eco-Justice Activism: March 21, Multireligious Wisdom/ First Gathering |
CiviMail, Climate policy, Featured, Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Environmental Justice, Interreligious Relations, Earth |
08/05/09 |
Ecological Understanding of the Quran |
Interreligious Relations, Earth |
04/04/21 |
Ecstatic Visions: Passover, Easter, MLK |
CiviMail, Pesach, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Justice |
11/27/09 |
Eid Mubarak –- A Blessed Festival! |
Interreligious Relations |
11/25/11 |
Elders & Occupiers Meet: 20th & 21st-Century Movements Connect |
Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice |
07/02/20 |
Elders Call: Defend Our Voting Rights |
CiviMail, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice |
07/31/08 |
Emerson on Madrid, and a Critique of his essay |
Interreligious Relations |
10/14/13 |
End Govt Shut-Down! Prayerful Pilgrimage to House of Reps Oct 15 |
Climate policy, World-Healing Judaism, Environmental Justice, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations |
05/03/20 |
Every Bush Afire with God! |
Shemot, CiviMail, Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice |
06/13/19 |
Facing the White House in Moral Witness: great photos! |
CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Prophets, Spirituality of Justice, Community, Earth, Justice, Peace |
03/18/15 |
Facng Carbon Pharaohs in the Spirit of Passover & Palm Sunday: |
Global Scorching, Pesach, World-Healing Judaism, Environmental Justice, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations |
01/20/15 |
Faith Groups Urge Senate: Dump Tar Sands Pipeline |
Climate policy, Interreligious Relations, Jewish Renewal |
06/02/19 |
Faith Leaders Challenge White House |
CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice |
10/30/06 |
Faith-based climate care: Phila Inquirer Editorial |
Global Scorching, Peace of Abraham, Hagar, & Sarah: Sacred Seasons, Fall 2006-07, Interreligious Relations, Earth |
05/15/07 |
Faith-Based Organizations and Education for Sustainability |
Interreligious Relations |
06/20/18 |
Families Torn Apart: : A Lightning-Flash of Cruelty in Power |
Ki Tetze, CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Justice & immigration, Spirituality of Justice |
06/11/07 |
Fasting on Oct. 8 to challenge the culture of Violence |
Peace of Abraham, Hagar, & Sarah: Sacred Seasons, Fall 2006-07, Abrahamic Celebrations, Interreligious Relations, Fasting for Peace and Justice, Seasons of American Sacred Time, Terrorism, Spirituality of Justice, Torture |
04/20/05 |
First and Delay: Insulting Our Religions-And Outlawing Their Practice |
Interreligious Relations |
10/26/07 |
Flinging Dirt in Archeology Dispute [on Nadia Abu El-Haj] |
Interreligious Relations, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community |
10/16/17 |
Noah, CiviMail, Featured, Global Scorching, Special Shabbatot, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations |
06/21/18 |
For Families at the Border: IMMEDIATE ACTS OF COMPASSION |
CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Justice & immigration, Spirituality of Justice |
11/06/09 |
Fort Hood and the Prophetic "IF" |
Shofetim, Interreligious Relations, US - Afghan/Pakistan War |
04/02/08 |
Forty Years Later: MLK, Death & Resurrection |
Pesach, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice |
11/25/14 |
Forward from Ferguson? How Do We Change the Future? |
Featured, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Race, Spirituality of Justice |
02/23/10 |
Freedom Seder --expanded 2d edition (1970) |
Bo, Devoting Jewish Holidays to Peace, Pesach, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Race, Spirituality of Justice |
03/07/18 |
Freedom Seders, Old & New: Crisis 1968 & Crisis 2018 |
CiviMail, Featured, Pesach, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Gender, Justice and Race, Spirituality of Justice, World Empire |
03/07/05 |
Freedom Songs Concert in Philadelphia April 19th |
Philadelphia Area Interfaith Peace Network |
05/16/05 |
Freedom Songs/Passover Concert |
Philadelphia Area Interfaith Peace Network, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Race |
04/16/05 |
Frist Set to Use Religious Stage on Judicial Issue |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Interreligious Relations |
09/14/12 |
From Ben-Ghazi to Yom Kippur |
Va'yeira, Devoting Jewish Holidays to Peace, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur, Terrorism, Peace |
03/12/10 |
From Hospital Bed to DC Street Protest -- Facing the "Health Unsurance" Corporations & their dangerous behavior |
Heart and Soul, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations |
09/11/17 |
From Hyper-Hurricanes to Life-Giving Action |
B'reshit, CiviMail, Featured, Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Rosh HaShanah, Earth |
07/08/16 |
From Martin Luther King + 50 to Dallas, Minneapolis, Baton Rouge –-- |
CiviMail, Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Seasons of American Sacred Time, Community |
08/10/08 |
From Obama campaign, another blow to Muslim-Americans |
Interreligious Relations |
02/26/16 |
From Solar Neighborhood Coops to a Sustainable Planet |
CiviMail, Global Scorching, Move Our Money/ Protect Our Planet, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations |
09/08/01 |
From Spiritual/ Jewish Values to a Peace Policy for the Middle East |
Israeli-Palestinian Collision, Interreligious Relations, Jewish Renewal |
11/13/09 |
Ft Hood & Anti-Muslim Bigotry |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Interreligious Relations |
12/04/16 |
Gathering in January: "MLKing + 50" planning "Truth & Transformation" |
CiviMail, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice, Community, Earth, Justice |
09/27/10 |
Gaza Shalom Salaam |
Gaza / Sderot Crisis, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations, Tent of Abraham: Addressing Islam, Peace |
01/06/21 |
GEORGIA: You prepared for us a nourishing table, encountering our enemies: |
CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice |
10/31/14 |
Global Scorching & Climate Justice |
Climate policy, Interreligious Relations |
10/23/15 |
Gloria Steinem, Reb Susan Talve, & Catholic Climate Activist on "The Church & Women" |
Climate policy, Sexuality & Spirituality, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Gender |
09/08/01 |
God & Caesar: The Image on the Coin |
Interreligious Relations, The Book of Genesis |
09/08/01 |
God's October Suprise: Ramadan, Yom Kippur, & a National Fast Oct.13 |
Peace of Abraham, Hagar, & Sarah: Sacred Seasons, Fall 2006-07, Iraq-US War, Interreligious Relations |
09/08/01 |
God's October Surprise: Jewish Support |
Peace of Abraham, Hagar, & Sarah: Sacred Seasons, Fall 2006-07, Interreligious Relations |
02/01/13 |
Great Danger, Great Hope, Great Spirit: Earth, Action, God |
Climate policy, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations |
10/26/12 |
Green Festival, Green Hevra, Green Earth |
Behar, Bechukotay, Climate policy, Featured, Special Shabbatot, World-Healing Judaism, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Interreligious Relations, Tu B'Shvat |
03/22/18 |
Haftarah for Martin Luther King Birthday Shabbat |
CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Prophets, Seasons of American Sacred Time, The Nature of Torah, Spirituality of Justice |
12/13/07 |
Hajj & Eid al-Idha: Pilgrimage & Festival |
Abrahamic Celebrations, Interreligious Relations, Fasting for Peace and Justice |
12/13/07 |
Hajj, Saudi Arabia, Rape, & Prayer: A Muslim Feminist Outcry |
Abrahamic Celebrations, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Gender |
12/25/16 |
Hanukkah and Christmas: Spiritual Siblings in a Time of Dark |
CiviMail, Abrahamic Celebrations, Interreligious Relations, Hanukkah |
04/28/17 |
Heal Earth & America: Honor Transformative McKibben, Royster, Wilansky -- May 21 |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Environmental Justice, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Race, Spirituality of Justice |
01/09/09 |
Heschel and King After 40 Years in the Wilderness |
Rebirthing America, Interreligious Relations, Justice, Peace |
02/14/08 |
Honoring 6 Abrahamic prophetic voices: April 6, Philadelphia |
Interreligious Relations |
03/15/19 |
Horror in New Zealand: What We Can Do |
CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Community in Time of Emergency, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice |
08/02/16 |
How Clergy & Congregations can Respond to the 2016 Election: |
Shofetim, CiviMail, Interreligious Relations, Community |
11/07/17 |
How to Cool the Earth & Restore Life-giving Climate |
CiviMail, Climate policy, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Simchat Torah |
01/03/10 |
How Western anti-Muslim bigotry became respectable: The historic roots of a newly resilient ideology |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Interreligious Relations, Justice & immigration |
01/29/08 |
Hudna: A Long-Range Islamic Strategy for Conflict Resolution |
Gaza / Sderot Crisis, Interreligious Relations |
03/08/05 |
Imams and Rabbis for Peace |
Interreligious Relations |
11/30/06 |
Imams Speak Up: Amy Goodman Interview |
Interreligious Relations |
11/28/06 |
Imams, Airplanes, and my Grandmom |
Interreligious Relations |
02/21/12 |
Imposing "sharia" -- Roman Catholic version |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Featured, Interreligious Relations |
01/07/11 |
In Wintry times, nurture life! |
Featured, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Interreligious Relations, Tu B'Shvat |
11/17/09 |
Interfaith Candlelight Vigil for Health Care Reform at Senator Lieberman's Front Door |
Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice |
06/09/07 |
Interfaith Fast to Make Peace in Iraq |
Peace of Abraham, Hagar, & Sarah: Sacred Seasons, Fall 2006-07, Iraq-US War, Interreligious Relations, Fasting for Peace and Justice, Seasons of American Sacred Time |
02/01/08 |
Interfaith Leaders one year ago denounced slurs against Obama |
Anti-Semitism, Interreligious Relations |
09/08/08 |
Interfaith push for M. E. peace |
Israeli-Palestinian Collision, Interreligious Relations, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community |
11/02/09 |
Interfaith Work on Climate Crisis at Muslim-Initiated Vienna Meeting, 2009 |
Global Scorching, Interreligious Relations |
02/01/15 |
Inviting Netanyahu = Israeli & US Right Wings Inviting War |
Interreligious Relations, War with Iran?, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community |
12/29/09 |
Iran: the profound past becomes a volcanic present |
Interreligious Relations, Jewish Renewal, War with Iran? |
07/18/18 |
Is Helsinki the Hitler-Stalin Pact of our Own Day? |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, CiviMail, Interreligious Relations, Justice |
01/15/15 |
Is Murder a “Sacred Practice" in ALL Religions? |
Anti-Semitism, Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Interreligious Relations, Terrorism, Spirituality of Justice |
02/09/05 |
Is Palm Sunday for Christians Only? And April 4? ---- |
Interreligious Relations, Seasons of American Sacred Time |
10/05/11 |
Isaiah breaks into the official liturgy of Yom Kippur |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Globalization and Economic Justice, New Biblical Translations, Interreligious Relations, Jewish Renewal, Prophets, Yom Kippur, Spirituality of Justice, Torture |
02/01/08 |
Islam an unknown factor in Obama bid |
Anti-Semitism, Interreligious Relations |
11/02/17 |
It takes a village to heal America; it takes a village to heal the Earth |
CiviMail, Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Interreligious Relations, Earth |
11/06/09 |
J Street: From 40 Years in the Wilderness to the River's Edge |
Israeli-Palestinian Collision, Interreligious Relations, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community |
03/24/08 |
Jeremiahs Old & New: Wright & "wrong" |
Tzav, Interreligious Relations, Jewish Renewal, The Nature of Torah, Spirituality of Justice |
10/15/09 |
Jesus, the Rabbis, and the Image on a Coin |
B'reshit, Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Interreligious Relations, World Empire |
02/27/17 |
Jewish Gravestones Toppled, Mosques Torched, Sioux Water Endangered, ICE Cops Go Wild: How Come? |
Anti-Semitism, CiviMail, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice |
08/06/10 |
Jewish Vigil Supporting Muslim Center in Lower Manhattan |
Featured, Interreligious Relations |
06/17/20 |
Jewishly Honoring Juneteenth |
CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Seasons of American Sacred Time, Spirituality of Justice |
07/29/20 |
Join Life-Conversations with my book: Dancing in God’s Earthquake |
Books, CDs, DVDs, CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Interreligious Relations, The Nature of Torah, Spirituality of Justice, Peace |
08/12/11 |
Join Us, 9/7: Bless the Waters & Stop Fracking |
Climate policy, Interreligious Relations |
10/22/07 |
Judeo-Christo-Fascism Awareness Week Comes to American Campuses! |
Interreligious Relations |
06/01/09 |
Kashrut And Halal |
Interreligious Relations, Earth |
11/22/15 |
Lady Liberty Lifts High the Lamp of Hanukkah |
Ki Tetze, Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Devoting Jewish Holidays to Peace, Featured, Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Interreligious Relations, Justice & immigration, Spirituality of Justice |
12/02/15 |
Letter to Pres Obama in Paris |
Climate policy, Interreligious Relations |
10/08/08 |
Liberating Passover & the Earth: Making change happen with the Interfaith Seder for the Earth |
Tzav, CiviMail, Devoting Jewish Holidays to Peace, Global Scorching, Pesach, World-Healing Judaism, Environmental Justice, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Race, Spirituality of Justice |
11/30/17 |
Light & Delight for Hanukkah and Other Festivals |
CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Hanukkah |
11/18/18 |
Linda Sarsour writes on the Women's March & Facing Anti-Semitism |
Anti-Semitism, CiviMail, Featured, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice, Justice |
05/23/14 |
Losing a Gentle Prophet: Vincent Harding |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Heart and Soul, Interreligious Relations |
07/25/08 |
Madrid: Interfaith meet signals thaw in Saudi hostility toward Israel |
Interreligious Relations |
04/06/10 |
Maimouna: When Jews & Muslims Share their Sustenance |
Pesach, Interreligious Relations |
01/19/05 |
Mainstream Religious Leaders Urge Bush To Push Hard on Middle East Peace |
Israeli-Palestinian Collision, Interreligious Relations |
02/18/10 |
Making Passover, July 4, & Labor Day into ACTION-Festivals of Freedom & Justice |
Pesach, Globalization and Economic Justice, Fourth of July, Interreligious Relations, Seasons of American Sacred Time, World Empire |
12/09/13 |
Mandela, the Jews, & the Future: WHICH Jews? |
World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, War with Iran?, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community |
09/08/01 |
Martin Luther King: "Beyond Vietnam," April 4, 1967 |
Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Race, Seasons of American Sacred Time, Spirituality of Justice, World Empire, Peace |
05/05/17 |
McKibben: From Sunday School to Sit-Down & Jail |
CiviMail, Climate policy, Interreligious Relations |
07/18/08 |
Meeting in Madrid with Muslims -- & many others! |
Interreligious Relations |
01/18/15 |
MLK & Selma – the film and the history |
Featured, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Race |
01/18/15 |
MLK & Selma – the film, the history, & the future |
Interreligious Relations, Justice and Race |
06/28/16 |
MLK + 50: A Year of Truth & Transformation |
CiviMail, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice, World Empire, Justice, Peace |
01/12/18 |
MLK + 50: Remembering & Relearning from April 4, 1968 |
CiviMail, Interreligious Relations, New Poor, Peace |
09/08/01 |
MLK and the Passover Vision: Facing Pharaoh Today, Seeking the Promised Land |
Devoting Jewish Holidays to Peace, Pesach, Iraq-US War, Interreligious Relations, World Empire |
03/27/18 |
MLK Haftarah: “Beyond Vietnam” Prophetic Passages by Cantor Abbe Lyons |
Heart and Soul, Special Shabbatot, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Prophets, Spirituality of Justice |
12/29/16 |
MLK, "A Radical Revolution of Values ": Brief Excerpts from "Beyond Vietnam" |
CiviMail, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice |
09/08/01 |
MLKing & Eid Al-Adha: Ten Anti-War Days in January |
Philadelphia Area Interfaith Peace Network, Iraq-US War, Seasons of American Sacred Time, World Empire |
06/07/16 |
Muhammad Ali & Breaking the Rules |
CiviMail, News, Interreligious Relations, Rosh Chodesh, Justice and Race, Spirituality of Justice, Peace |
12/27/09 |
Muhammad, Detroit, & Afghanistan |
Interreligious Relations, US - Afghan/Pakistan War |
03/17/19 |
Murderous White Nationalists, Modern Pharaohs, and the Sea of Reeds |
Shemot, Beshallach, Anti-Semitism, CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Globalization and Economic Justice, Community in Time of Emergency, Interreligious Relations, Justice & immigration, Justice and Gender, Justice and Race, Spirituality of Justice |
12/18/06 |
Muslim leader speaks out against denials of Holocaust |
Anti-Semitism, Interreligious Relations |
08/18/10 |
Muslim-rooted Center in Lower Manhattan: Is it Right? Is it Wise? |
Featured, Interreligious Relations |
02/01/08 |
My Jewish Problem—And Ours (including comments on Obama and the Jews) |
Anti-Semitism, Interreligious Relations |
02/26/18 |
New "MLK+50 Interfaith Freedom Seder" |
CiviMail, Pesach, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice |
09/08/01 |
New Freedom Seder: Against the Pharaohs of Our Generation |
Pesach, Philadelphia Area Interfaith Peace Network, Abrahamic Celebrations |
02/03/09 |
New Interfaith Freedom Seder for the Earth: Text of an Earth-Haggadah |
Global Scorching, Pesach, Environmental Justice, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations, Justice & immigration, Justice and Gender |
06/21/12 |
News, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Gender |
10/25/21 |
Next April is the Holiest Month, Stirring --- |
CiviMail, Featured, Interreligious Relations |
11/25/15 |
Next Spring, Can Mass Civil Disobedience help Democracy Spring Up Anew? |
Climate policy, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice |
02/01/08 |
Nine Jewish Leaders Condemn "Hateful" E-mails Regarding Obama and Religion |
Anti-Semitism, Interreligious Relations |
06/23/12 |
No Religion is an Island: Challenging Injustice in a Community not "Our Own" |
Interreligious Relations, Justice and Gender, Spirituality of Justice |
04/10/07 |
NY Times article on CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations |
Anti-Semitism, Israeli-Palestinian Collision, Interreligious Relations, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community |
06/25/11 |
NYC Mayor Seeks to Ban Jewish, Muslim, & Catholic religious law |
Interreligious Relations, Dissociated Press |
06/05/09 |
Obama in Cairo: Response by an American Muslim |
Israeli-Palestinian Collision, Interreligious Relations |
02/22/08 |
Obama, Romney, Bigotry, & Slander |
Anti-Semitism, Interreligious Relations |
05/30/18 |
Oil /Gas Pipelines? NO |
CiviMail, Climate policy, Featured, Environmental Justice, Interreligious Relations |
02/22/08 |
Open Letter to Sabeel on Israel, Palestine, & American Jewry |
Israeli-Palestinian Collision, Interreligious Relations, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community |
11/17/09 |
Pachamama, Joanna Macy, and The Work That Reconnects |
Heart and Soul, Endangered Species , Environmental Justice, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice, Earth |
09/08/01 |
Palm Sunday/Passover liturgy |
Pesach, Philadelphia Area Interfaith Peace Network, Abrahamic Celebrations, Interreligious Relations |
08/10/16 |
Part 2: "Genocide," Black Lives Matter, & the Jewish Community |
Anti-Semitism, CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Race, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community |
11/30/21 |
Part II -- The Strange Career of Hanukkah Itself |
CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Interreligious Relations, Hanukkah, Community |
04/04/16 |
Passover When Earth Really Matters |
Shemot, Va'era, Bo, Global Scorching, Pesach, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Earth |
03/29/21 |
Passover: From Marking Old Freedom to Making New Freedom |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, CiviMail, Featured, Pesach, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Race, Spirituality of Justice |
11/24/14 |
Pope Will Call MultiFaith Gathering on Climate |
Climate policy, Interreligious Relations |
07/11/12 |
Pray with our legs. Lament for the Earth. Stop Frack Attack, Washington DC, July 26-29 (click for more info) |
Climate policy, Global Scorching, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Tisha B'Av, Interreligious Relations |
12/07/12 |
Pray-in for the Climate, the White House, Jan 15, 2013 |
Climate policy, Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations |
11/21/12 |
Prayer for the Children of Abraham/ Ibrahim |
World-Healing Judaism, Gaza / Sderot Crisis, Israeli-Palestinian Collision, Interreligious Relations, Death and Mourning, Prayer |
09/25/12 |
Praying with our Legs, Part 2: Facing the Frackers in Philadelphia |
Climate policy, World-Healing Judaism, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Interreligious Relations |
05/14/14 |
Preparing for Sinai: Uniting Earth & Heaven, Words and Wheat |
Behar, World-Healing Judaism, Shavuot, Interreligious Relations, Earth |
03/09/14 |
Purim 1994 + 20: The Goldstein Massacre -- Dark Torah, Absent God |
Israeli-Palestinian Collision, Interreligious Relations, Fasting for Peace and Justice, Jewish Renewal, Purim, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community |
03/24/08 |
Purim, Good Friday and 40 Years Abirthing: From Disaster to Delight |
Interreligious Relations, Jewish Renewal, Purim |
03/05/12 |
Purim: War or Spring fever? |
Anti-Semitism, Interreligious Relations, Fasting for Peace and Justice, Nonviolence & Violence in Judaism, War with Iran?, Purim |
10/06/09 |
Rabbi Arthur Waskow on interfaith dialogue among Jews, Muslims, and Christians |
Interreligious Relations, Justice & immigration, Tent of Abraham: Addressing Islam |
09/27/10 |
Rabbi Arthur Waskow on the Cordoba House Proposal, Part I |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Interreligious Relations, Tent of Abraham: Addressing Islam |
09/27/10 |
Rabbi Arthur Waskow on the Cordoba House proposal, Part II |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Interreligious Relations, Tent of Abraham: Addressing Islam, Justice |
09/27/10 |
Rabbi Arthur Waskow Opposing BDS movement on Democracy Now! |
Israeli-Palestinian Collision, Interreligious Relations, Tent of Abraham: Addressing Islam |
03/13/08 |
Raffling the Shalom Quilt: In Peace and Beauty I Will Sleep |
Abrahamic Celebrations, Interreligious Relations, Peace |
07/31/11 |
Ramadan & Av: Learning from Each Other |
Devoting Jewish Holidays to Peace, Featured, Tisha B'Av, Interreligious Relations |
09/08/01 |
Ramadan, High Holidays, Assisi -- Oct 3-4, 2005 |
Devoting Jewish Holidays to Peace, Peace of Abraham, Hagar, & Sarah: Sacred Seasons, Fall 2006-07, Abrahamic Celebrations, Iraq-US War, Interreligious Relations, Fasting for Peace and Justice, Terrorism, US - Afghan/Pakistan War |
08/31/10 |
Reading from the books that some would burn |
Devoting Jewish Holidays to Peace, Interreligious Relations, Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur |
02/24/10 |
Religion as a Source of Peace? |
Heart and Soul, Israeli-Palestinian Collision, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice |
05/21/06 |
Religious Liberals Gain New Visibility |
Interreligious Relations |
03/30/08 |
Renewal & Tradition in Islam |
Interreligious Relations |
09/12/14 |
ReNewing a Book for Rosh Hashanah: "The Tent of Abraham: Stories of Hope & Peace for Jews, Christians, and Muslims" |
Va'yeira, Peace of Abraham, Hagar, & Sarah: Sacred Seasons, Fall 2006-07, Abrahamic Celebrations, Israeli-Palestinian Collision, Interreligious Relations, Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur, The Book of Genesis, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community |
10/16/13 |
Report & Video: 3 Rabbis Among 70 Religious Leaders on Pilgrimage to Challenge Congressional Republicans |
Climate policy, World-Healing Judaism, Environmental Justice, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice |
06/28/04 |
Report back on Philadelphia Interfaith Peace Organizing |
Philadelphia Area Interfaith Peace Network, Iraq-US War, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community |
02/20/17 |
Right Now -- Resist, Rethink, Recreate – Part II |
CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice |
06/15/18 |
Ripping Children from Parents: Torah vs. Trumpery |
Ki Tetze, Civil Liberties & Human Rights, CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Justice & immigration, Spirituality of Justice |
02/01/08 |
Rumors & Slanders about Obama |
Anti-Semitism, Interreligious Relations |
12/04/17 |
Sacred Activism in Dark Time: Fireflies of Light before Dawn's Transformation |
CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Hanukkah |
06/22/07 |
Sacred Foods: Engaging the Congregation |
Food, Interreligious Relations |
07/17/12 |
Sacred Solidarity, Radical Hospitality: Women Priests & a Woman Rabbi |
Pinchas, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Gender |
12/12/18 |
Save the Date! 50th Anniversary of Interfaith Freedom Seder |
Anti-Semitism, CiviMail, Featured, Pesach, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice |
09/08/01 |
Second Abrahamic Retreat at the Garrison Institute |
Peace of Abraham, Hagar, & Sarah: Sacred Seasons, Fall 2006-07, Interreligious Relations |
09/27/20 |
Seder for Sukkot: Green & Grow the Vote |
CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Interreligious Relations, Sukkot, Earth |
03/12/14 |
Seeking arrest, under the barricades! -- Stop Tar Sands Pipeline |
Global Scorching, Interreligious Relations |
10/11/20 |
Sex, God, & the Supreme Court |
CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Sexuality & Spirituality, Interreligious Relations |
03/24/09 |
Shabbat HaGadol before Pesach: A Sun of Justice with Healing in its Wings |
Tzav, Pesach, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Interreligious Relations |
08/26/15 |
Sharing Texts on Climate: "Laudato Si" & Jewish Sages |
Climate policy, World-Healing Judaism, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Interreligious Relations, Yom Kippur |
06/22/18 |
CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Justice & immigration, Spirituality of Justice |
01/10/13 |
Should Oscar Go to pro-Nazi film "Triumph of the Will"? |
Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, War and Civil Liberties |
10/09/10 |
Should we fear Islam? |
Interreligious Relations |
02/01/08 |
Slurs against Obama: Editorial in "The Forward" & Waskow letter to editor |
Anti-Semitism, Interreligious Relations |
04/26/18 |
Songs for May Day -- and Beyond |
CiviMail, Interreligious Relations, Seasons of American Sacred Time, Earth |
12/25/12 |
Speak and Act as Prophets Did: Heschel & King in "Philadelphia Inquirer" |
AJ Heschel, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice |
07/04/22 |
Statement by National Council Of Elders |
CiviMail, Interreligious Relations, Peace |
08/04/10 |
Statements by Jewish Orgzns & by Imam Rauf on Proposed Muslim Cultural Ctr/ Mosque in Lower Manhattan |
Interreligious Relations |
07/16/09 |
Step 2 in Muslim-initiated Interfaith Dialogue => Action |
Interreligious Relations, Justice and Gender, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community, Earth |
08/25/15 |
Sukkat Shalom vs. Climate Chaos: Sunday, October 4 |
Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Interreligious Relations, Sukkot |
08/03/10 |
Support Peaceful Mosque at tip of Manhattan; Urge ADL to drop its opposition |
Interreligious Relations |
07/21/21 |
Tales of the Spirit Rising |
CiviMail, Featured, News, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Community |
05/25/17 |
Ten Days, Four Festivals |
CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Shavuot, Interreligious Relations, Seasons of American Sacred Time, Spirituality of Justice, Community |
09/08/01 |
Tent of Abraham Statement authored by Abrahamic Retreat Participants |
Peace of Abraham, Hagar, & Sarah: Sacred Seasons, Fall 2006-07, Interreligious Relations |
05/21/12 |
The "New Poor": Action within and beyond the Congregation |
Philadelphia Area Interfaith Peace Network, Globalization and Economic Justice |
10/26/08 |
The "Obsession" film: Is there something wrong with being a Muslim in America? |
Interreligious Relations |
01/17/10 |
The 21st Century: In God's earthquake, Domination—or Community? |
B'reshit, Freeing Our Time, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations, Jewish Renewal, Justice and Gender, World Empire, Earth, Peace |
01/28/14 |
The Eco-Jewish Moment of Pete Seeger: Our Loving Admiration |
Devoting Jewish Holidays to Peace, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Interreligious Relations, Sukkot, Earth |
09/25/08 |
The Election: Dancing in God's Earthquake |
Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations, Earth, Justice, Peace |
01/07/13 |
The Heschel-King Festival: Transcendence & Beyond |
AJ Heschel, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Community |
02/08/05 |
The Islamic Hijri Calendar |
Abrahamic Celebrations, Interreligious Relations |
04/20/07 |
The Jewish School where Half the Students are Muslims |
Interreligious Relations |
07/31/08 |
The king and I: An interfaith opening in Madrid |
Interreligious Relations |
07/25/17 |
The Last Tisha B'Av: A Tale of Jewish-Muslim Reconciliation |
CiviMail, Devoting Jewish Holidays to Peace, World-Healing Judaism, Israeli-Palestinian Collision, Tisha B'Av, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice |
12/05/08 |
The Meaning of Mumbai |
Interreligious Relations, Terrorism |
10/10/09 |
The Meanings of Shalom in Prophetic & Rabbinic Thought and in Action Today |
Interreligious Relations, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community |
03/28/12 |
The New Freedom Seder, 2012: Occupy Holy Week/ Occupy Passover |
Devoting Jewish Holidays to Peace, Pesach, Philadelphia Area Interfaith Peace Network, World-Healing Judaism, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations |
10/26/07 |
The New McCarthyism [in Middle East Studies] |
Interreligious Relations, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community |
05/11/06 |
The Peace of Abraham, Hagar, and Sarah: Sharing Sacred Seasons, Fall 2007 |
Peace of Abraham, Hagar, & Sarah: Sacred Seasons, Fall 2006-07, Abrahamic Celebrations, Interreligious Relations, Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot |
04/07/05 |
The Pope, the War, Modernity, & Sex |
Iraq-US War, Sexuality & Spirituality, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Gender |
12/01/04 |
The Press Notices -- Progressive Religion! |
Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice, Peace |
04/03/18 |
The Prophet Martin Luther King, Jr:: A ReAwakening |
CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Seasons of American Sacred Time, Spirituality of Justice |
03/22/18 |
The Prophet Martin: A New Haftarah |
AJ Heschel, CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Prophets, The Nature of Torah, Spirituality of Justice |
11/16/21 |
The Speech President Biden Needs to Give |
CiviMail, Climate policy, Environmental Justice, Interreligious Relations |
11/23/17 |
The Spirit Rises! -- for Activist Prayer & Learning, & for "Giving Tuesday" |
CiviMail, Featured, Global Scorching, Pesach, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Seasons of American Sacred Time |
02/22/04 |
The Talmud on the death of Jesus |
Interreligious Relations |
08/26/20 |
The Torah of Reparations for Slavery |
Bo, Beshallach, CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Race, Spirituality of Justice |
04/21/09 |
The “Ahmadinejad Show” at the Durban II Conference in Geneva |
Israeli-Palestinian Collision, Interreligious Relations, War with Iran? |
03/23/17 |
Till Next April 4: Creating #MLK50Awake -- A Jubilee Year of Truth and Transformation |
CiviMail, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice |
06/28/18 |
To frightened children, we Sow the Seeds of Compassion --- |
CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Justice & immigration, Spirituality of Justice |
04/13/17 |
To Hear the Breathing Spirit of the Earth, a Gathering this July |
CiviMail, Community, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community |
08/09/17 |
To renew & restore Earth's climate as it was for our grandparents |
CiviMail, Climate policy, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations |
09/28/12 |
Torture? Again?! Romney Advisers say Yes; Religious Communities say NO |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Interreligious Relations |
08/06/09 |
Toward An Abrahamic Peace: In the broader Middle East & in U.S. Grass-Roots Action |
Gaza / Sderot Crisis, Israeli-Palestinian Collision, Interreligious Relations, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community |
11/03/10 |
Toward Passover & Holy Week: Action for Jobs, Not War; What are Pharaoh & Caesar today? |
Devoting Jewish Holidays to Peace, Global Scorching, Pesach, Environmental Justice, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice, US - Afghan/Pakistan War |
01/10/12 |
Transformative Judaism & the Burning Bush |
Shemot, Devoting Jewish Holidays to Peace, Pesach, World-Healing Judaism, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice |
12/22/10 |
Trees, "Avatar," and Old King Coal |
Pesach, Environmental Justice, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Interreligious Relations, Tu B'Shvat |
06/06/17 |
Trump Makes CO2 a Weapon of Mass Destruction in War against Us All |
CiviMail, Climate policy, Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations |
01/02/18 |
Truth and Transformation: A Vision for the New Year |
CiviMail, Interreligious Relations, Community, Earth, Justice, Peace |
02/27/08 |
Turkey in radical revision of Islamic texts |
Interreligious Relations |
05/01/20 |
Two May Days? -- or Deeply One? |
CiviMail, Pesach, World-Healing Judaism, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Interreligious Relations, Seasons of American Sacred Time, Spirituality of Justice, Festivals |
05/14/07 |
Two Mosques Are Shaken by Ties to a Terror Plot |
Interreligious Relations |
07/22/10 |
Two Sherrods, Obama, & Preemptive Surrender |
Interreligious Relations, Jewish Renewal, Justice and Race, Spirituality of Justice |
09/25/15 |
Unique Haftarah for Yom Kippur at Lincoln Memorial, 2015 |
Global Scorching, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Interreligious Relations, Yom Kippur |
03/17/20 |
Useful Lessons from the Coronavirus Crisis |
CiviMail, Interreligious Relations, Earth, Justice |
09/10/12 |
Video: Reb Arthur introduces National Council of Elders |
Featured, Rebirthing America, Interreligious Relations, Justice |
03/23/09 |
Watch YouTube Film of Original Freedom Seder, 1969! |
Pesach, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Race, Seasons of American Sacred Time, Spirituality of Justice, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community, World Empire, Earth, Peace |
09/27/10 |
We Have More In Common Than We Think |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Community in Time of Emergency, Interreligious Relations, Tent of Abraham: Addressing Islam, Terrorism, War and Civil Liberties |
03/16/20 |
Welcome! Zoom Torah Conversations |
CiviMail, Pesach, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, The Nature of Torah |
01/23/17 |
What an extraordinary week! -- And now what? |
CiviMail, Featured, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice |
06/18/17 |
What can YOU do to defend and heal the Earth? |
CiviMail, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Interreligious Relations |
10/17/09 |
What is "the Image of God"? |
B'reshit, Community, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice, World Empire |
01/21/05 |
What is the Deepest Sacrifice? Muslims Observe Eid al-Adha |
Peace of Abraham, Hagar, & Sarah: Sacred Seasons, Fall 2006-07, Abrahamic Celebrations, Interreligious Relations |
06/03/06 |
What Makes Food Sacred? A Study in Eight Dimensions |
Globalization and Economic Justice, Food, Interreligious Relations, Earth |
06/22/07 |
What Makes Food Sacred? Congregational Resources for the Abrahamic Traditions |
Food, Interreligious Relations |
04/05/12 |
What we did for Palm Sunday/Freedom Seder |
Devoting Jewish Holidays to Peace, Pesach, World-Healing Judaism, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations, Justice & immigration, Spirituality of Justice |
10/02/12 |
What Would Muhammad Do about the Film Demeaning Him? |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice |
04/05/22 |
What's an Iftar-Seder, on Zoom? |
CiviMail, Interreligious Relations, Community |
09/25/11 |
What's the deep meaning of "Rosh Hashanah" -- NOT just "Happy New Year" |
Featured, Freeing Our Time, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations, Rosh HaShanah, Jewish Renewal, Nonviolence & Violence in Judaism, Spirituality of Justice, Earth |
07/19/12 |
When Ramadan and Av Unite |
Featured, Tisha B'Av, Interreligious Relations, Earth |
03/22/09 |
Which Strategy to Heal the Middle East? Naomi Klein & Arthur Waskow |
Israeli-Palestinian Collision, Interreligious Relations, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community |
04/20/05 |
Why "Benedict"? -- Can the new Pope transcend his own past? |
Interreligious Relations |
01/15/21 |
Why & How to Bless the Breath of Life |
Va'era, CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Earth, Prayer |
04/14/17 |
Why We Honor Bishop Royster – |
CiviMail, News, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice |
04/13/17 |
Why We Honor Bishop Royster –-- |
Global Scorching, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice |
04/14/04 |
World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, The Nature of Torah, Prayer |
02/11/13 |
Will the Next Pope Make a Difference? |
Featured, Sexuality & Spirituality, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Gender |
08/19/15 |
World Muslim Leaders Speak Out on Climate Crisis |
CiviMail, Climate policy, Global Scorching, Interreligious Relations |
03/16/06 |
Woven by Each Other's Destiny: Celeste Zappala on being honored as a Prophetic Voice by The Shalom Center |
Iraq-US War, Interreligious Relations, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community, World Empire |
05/01/08 |
Yom Hashoah: Mourners' Kaddish in Time of War and Peace |
Darfur, Interreligious Relations, Death and Mourning, Yom Hashoah, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community, Prayer |
09/21/15 |
Yom Kippur Meets Eid al-Idha: Isaiah & Ishmael |
Va'yeira, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Yom Kippur, Spirituality of Justice |
03/18/18 |
YOUR Copy of the New "MLK+50 Interfaith Freedom Seder" |
CiviMail, Featured, Pesach, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice |
07/27/20 |
“I Can’t Breathe” -- WE Can’t Breathe -- Earth Can’t Breathe |
CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Tisha B'Av, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice |
07/26/12 |
“Stop Frack Attack”: 1:30 Sat. 7/28, US Capitol multireligious service |
Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Tisha B'Av, Interreligious Relations, Earth |
03/11/11 |
“To Bigotry No Sanction”: Should America follow the path of President Washington or Pharaoh? |
Featured, Interreligious Relations, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community, War and Civil Liberties, Justice |
10/21/07 |
“Upholding Faith; Serving Humanity” : An Address for the Islamic Society of North America |
Interreligious Relations, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community |