Submitted by Rabbi Arthur Waskow on

Friends of peace & beauty –
One of the Psalms begins, "Of love & justice I will sing." Today, in the painful moments of working for peace despite a government determined on war, we need a psalm that goes –
And we have one. It is a psalm in cloth – a Shalom Quilt made of dozens of T-shirts that have called out in colorful and quirky words and images for peace, justice, and the healing of our wounded earth. It is 68" x 76".
The Shalom Quilt was "peaced together" by professional textile-artist Amy Smith of Blue Feet Studio. We are raffling it off as a way of raising money for The Shalom Center, while bringing its beauty into someone's home. In a regular sale it would cost $1800.
I guarantee you it will warm your bed, warm your heart, enlighten your eyes, and lift your spirit all at the same time -- and help to create warmth and compassion around the world by supporting The Shalom Center's work.
The raffle works this way: You buy tickets for $18 apiece. Print out and use the coupon below, or send us the same information on your own note.
You send a check to The Shalom Center, 6711 Lincoln Drive, Philadelphia PA 19119, earmarked "Quilt." We'll send you the raffle tickets.
The drawing will be held on July 4 -- in honor of those unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, may they soon be restored to the American people and all others.
With blessings of beauty & shalom -- Arthur
TO: The Shalom Center, 6711 Lincoln Drive, Philadelphia PA 19119
I want to enter the raffle for the Shalom Quilt. Please send me --
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