Faith Leaders Challenge White House


Dear friends of compassion, justice, peace, and healing --

 I am writing to share more details of the #JeremiahJusticeJune12 gathering of faith leaders at the White House, led by Rev. Dr. William Barber. I very much hope you will join in that gathering.   

We are facing an extremely grievous attack by those in power on two sacred Covenants.

One is the Constitution –- a Covenant agreed on by the American people to organize our governmental process so that it leans toward justice. Despite its long evolution toward expanding and deepening democracy, it still has faults that undercut democracy. But it is the most democratic elements in it (such as the free press, freedom of religion, equal protection of the laws, and Congressional power of the purse and of declaring or refusing to dclare war) that are now under assault from the White House. 

The other Covenant is made up of the deep teachings of all the great religious traditions that give a grounding of justice, compassion, and love to the content of our governmental decisions.

When the rulers of our society violate, scorn, and shatter both our sacred Covenants, it is time for the upholders of those Covenants to bring our Prophetic Calling into action. Time to challenge and resist the arrogant and cruel.  

The spiritual leaders of our country need to come together to say No! to these assaults on our covenantal truth  -- and I hope you’ll join with us.

“Faith leaders” is a broader category than “clergy.” Nuns are in Roman Catholic parlance not called “clergy” – but they are certainly faith leaders. Islam does not consider “imams “clergy, though they are certainly leaders of the faith community. Quakers will often say that either they have no clergy or all of them are clergy – certainly many are among our most dedicated faith leaders. Jewish women who are taught in the emerging tradition of Kohanot – the guild of “Hebrew priestesses” – do not call themselves “clergy,”  but they are certainly faith leaders. And within many many congregations of the faith-filled are some who clearly lead without a title. All faith leaders are welcome!

On June 12, faith leaders wearing the sacred garb of their tradition will gather in Washington DC, beginning at 9 am, at the “New York Avenue Presbyterian Church,” four blocks from the White House, at 1313 New York Avenue NW.

At the church there will be explanations of the procession to the White House, of the legal plans for those who expect to risk arrest by persevering in nonviolent protest even if they are ordered to stop, and of the program. There will be prayers. And at 10:30, we will recite a litany of challenge and affirmation as we go forth into the faith-filled procession to the White House.

By clicking to,  you will find two forms of support and participation in this action. One is signing a petitionary Letter of Spiritual Challenge and Affirmation, and the other is signing up to take part in the June 12 action. You can choose one or both of them. And if you choose to be present on June 12, you can choose whether to risk arrest or not.

I mentioned the Litany we will join in as we begin our faith-filled procession to the White House. Whether you can come to Washington or not on June 12, I suggest you share it with others in your own communities –- perhaps reading it together in conjunction with Jumaa prayer services this coming Friday, with prayer services for Shabbat and Shavuot this coming weekend, and with this coming Sunday services for Sabbath and Pentecost. Here is the Litany:


To the present President and all Governmental Officials:


The Covenant calls you to nurture children, not cage them.

We call you to join in the Covenant.


The Covenant calls you to heal all the sick.

We call you to join in the Covenant.


The Covenant calls you to ensure pure air and water.

We call you to join in the Covenant.


The Covenant calls you to welcome the Stranger.

We call you to join in the Covenant.


The Covenant calls you to lift up the Forgotten.

We call you to join in the Covenant.


The Covenant calls you to repair us from racism.

We call you to join in the Covenant.


The Covenant calls you to respect women’s choices.

We call you to join in the Covenant.


The Covenant calls you to empower the poor.

We call you to join in the Covenant.


The Covenant calls you to restrain the rich.

We call you to join in the Covenant.


The Covenant calls you to defend all faiths.

We call you to join in the Covenant.


The Covenant calls you to affirm the free press.

We call you to join in the Covenant.


The Covenant calls you to accord everyone equal protection of the laws.

We call you to join in the Covenant.


The Covenant calls you to beat bombs into plowshares.

We call you to join in the Covenant.


The Covenant calls you to heal Earth, not to burn her.

We call you to join in the Covenant.


The Covenant calls you to speak only truth.

We call you to join in the Covenant.


The Covenant commands you to fulfill all these teachings

Or bring disaster on us all, dishonor on yourself.


The Covenant commands us to resist your misdeeds,

For where some are guilty, all are responsible.


We join in commitment to  uphold the Covenant

And act to create the Beloved Community!


Amen, Ameyn, Amin!


Here again is the link to sign up, either or both the petitionary letter and your readiness to join on June 12:--

Sign-on page with action sign-up and petitionary Letter

Forward together  -- not one step back!

  --  Arthur



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