Tent of Abraham: Addressing Islam

Rabbi Arthur Waskow on the Cordoba House proposal, Part II

Rabbi Arthur Waskow speaks at a Washington, DC press conference organized by The Muslim American Society in support of the Cordoba House Initiative's plan to build a Muslim Community center at Park 51 in Lower Manhattan. Part 2 of 2.

Rabbi Arthur Waskow on the Cordoba House Proposal, Part I

Rabbi Arthur Waskow speaks at a Washington, DC press conference organized by The Muslim American Society in support of the Cordoba House Initiative's plan to build a Muslim Community center at Park 51 in Lower Manhattan. Part 1 of 2.

We Have More In Common Than We Think

This Public Service Announcement features Rabbi Arthur Waskow among a group of Muslim, Jewish and Christian leaders describing the "golden rule" as expressed by their respective faiths --- and ends with the phrase, "We have more in common than we think." That PSA is designed to show the commonalities between faiths and to challenge those who --- like the members of a Florida church who plan to burn Qurans on September 11 --- would divide America along religious lines.

Gaza Shalom Salaam

Rabbi Arthur Waskow speaks on the situation in Gaza. Recorded January 9, 2009.

Rabbi Arthur Waskow Opposing BDS movement on Democracy Now!

VIDEO: On March 5, 2010, Rabbi Arthur Waskow of The Shalom Center appeared on Democracy Now! with Palestinian human rights activist Marwan Barghouti to discuss the campaign to Boycott, Divest from, and Sanction Israel.

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