Books, CDs, DVDs

Ordering Dancing in God's Earthquake by Rabbi Arthur

Rabbi Arthur Waskow's newest book, Dancing in God's Earthquake: The Coming Transformation of Religion is his sketch of an achievable future that will heal American society from its bitterness and Earth from its deeo wounds. Gloria Steinem, Ruth Messinger, Rev. William Barber; Rabbis Art Green, Jonah Pesner, and Jill Hammer; Bill McKibben, Marge Piercy, and Jim Wallis have all read and praised it. Join them!

"Dancing in God's Earthquake" by Rabbi Arthur: How to Order Copies

Rabbi Arthur Waskow's newest book, Dancing in God's Earthquake: The Coming Transformation of Religion is his sketch of an achievable future that will heal American society from its bitterness and Earth from its deeo wounds. Gloria Steinem, Ruth Messinger, Rev. William Barber; Rabbis Art Green, Jonah Pesner, and Jill Hammer; Bill McKibben, Marge Piercy, and Jim Wallis have all read and praised it. Join them!

Let me share with you some responses from people who got to read the whole book :

Dancing in God's Earthquake


Dear friends, 

 I see Dancing in God's Earthquake as a harvest of my whole life experience in religious commitment, spiritual delight, and social transformation. Many people look on a “harvest” as a product of past sowing and growing. But I see this book as what a harvest is really supposed to be – food for the future.

I have been having wonderful conversations about some of the chapters of the book. Some of my fellow-schmoozers asked for more. So I figured out a way:

The Shalom Center: 

Jewish and Interfaith Topics: 

Join Life-Conversations with my book: Dancing in God’s Earthquake

In my next-to-last letter to you, I mentioned that my book Dancing in God’s Earthquake: The Coming Transformation of Religion will be published in October. A number of you wrote asking for more information and how to order the book. I am glad to invite you to a special virtual gathering with me, before publication. Here is the way it will work:

I will meet with you and other clergy and spiritual leaders for a series of three sessions from 7 to 8:30 pm Eastern US time, on Tuesday evenings, August 11, 18, and 25. For each session, I will send you ahead of time one chapter of the book. For each session, we will discuss that chapter. When the book is published in October, I will send you a free copy, personally inscribed to you from me.

The cost of the series will be $72. To register, please click to ex ex ex ex

I am sharing with you the endorsements of the book that will be published on the back cover.

A wonderful book! Before the hierarchies and divisions of religions, there was the all-inclusive circle of spirituality. In Dancing in God’s Earthquake, Rabbi Arthur Waskow helps us trace our path back to our spiritual home.” –Gloria Steinem

“Rabbi Waskow calls each of us to reach down deep in our moral and religious traditions and have a grownup conversation about the response our present crisis requires. I'm glad to lift up this invitation for all to join the divine dance of love and justice.” –William J. Barber, II, President of Repairers of the Breach and Co-Chair of the Poor People's Campaign

Like poetry on a cold day, this book warms the heart and mind both. A fierce look at religion, a willingness to question history, to see the connections between the world’s faiths, to suggest how we might move forward from today’s hard times.”—Ruth Messinger, American Jewish World Service

“We are in a moment of great crises and gathering travail, and so one thing we need to learn is how to steadily, joyfully, determinedly pass through these trials, not just intact, but in love with the world around us. There could be no better guide than Arthur Waskow.”—Bill McKibben, author, Falter: Has the Human Game Begun to Play Itself Out

“This is a delightful and refreshing book, full of wit, wisdom, and hope--all of which we so desperately need amid the perpetual upheaval and crisis of the world today. I'm deeply thankful for both Arthur and this book.”—Jim Wallis, Founder and President of Sojourners

There are also a number that will be published inside, because they didn’t fit on the back cover. I will send you the endorsements of these others later, but I can tell you now that they include Rabbis Art Green, Jonah Pesner, and Jill Hammer; Marge Piercy; and other notables from the Christian and Muslim worlds. And I can tell you that these endorsements follow from people having insisted on reading the entire book before they wrote their comments.

  I look forward to having a conversation with you about the book. and with the book about our lives. -- I see the book as a harvest of my whole life experience in religious commitment, spiritual delight, and social transformation. Many people look on a “harvest” as a product of past sowing and growing. But I see this book as what a harvest is really supposed to be – food for the future

Please join us by clicking to the registration page:

Gift the Spirit Rising for a New Year

Dear companions of the Spirit Rising,


As Rosh Hashanah approaches, there are two of my books that you might want to consider as gifts to yourself or others to celebrate the coming of a new year--

shanah tovah -- a new transformation  - shinui tov – a year of Shmita – Release of Earth from overwork and Release of human earthlings from crushing debt, a year of Shabbat Shabbaton of reflective restfulness from ‘the same old thing.”


One of those books – Seasons of Our Joy --  is almost 40 years old, and it gained such a reputation as a “classic” that it has gone through more than a dozen printings and three different editions to keep updating it. It’s still out there from the Jewish Publication Society. It is five books imtertwinedtwined with each other:

  • A sacred eco-anthropology on how all the festivals are the offspring of a love affair between Earth and the Jewish People;
  • A warm description of the symbols and practices of each of the festivals and fasts with colorful flags for their deeper spiritual meanings;
  • A history of how they have changed to match the changing lives of Jews during four millennia;
  • A guide to how their celebrations, one to the next through the spiral of the years, can help grow the spiritual maturity of individuals;
  • And a collection of paper-cut artistry and heimisch recipes to enrich each festival.


To buy a new copy, click here:


The second book is my most recent, the harvest of my life experience – like any abundant harvest, meant to grow from the past what can feed the future:  Dancing in God's Earthquake : The Coming Transformation of Religion  Its cover is a darker, more mysterious dancer, as befits an exploration into the future.

It draws in new and unconventional ways on ancient stories to propose a religious life drenched in an ecological, not a hierarchical, view of the world. God  as not King or Lord but as “Interbreathing Spirit of the  world, the Breath of Life.”

It can be ordered at  Or a comgregation or book club could by calling order ten or more copies at half price and have a group discussion. And the gathering could possibly arrange for me to join the conversation. 

I'll look forward to sharing thoughtfUL action with you, by word of mouth or word of word!

Shalom, salaam, paz, pease, namaste -- Arthur

Read First! -- Our Learning Store for Books, Music, Art ("Shouk Shalom")

Ordering Books, CD's, DVD's & Art
From The Shalom Center and from Publishers

There are two ways to buy books, CDs, DVDs, and art of special interest to Shalom Center members and friends:

1. The Shalom Center's SHOUK SHALOM -- our virtual market-place / bazaar like the legendary shops of the Lower East Side and the marketplaces of Jerusalem -- has these items in stock at discounted prices. These items can be ordered from Shouk Shalom by clicking here:

The Shalom Center: 

Curriculum/Ceremony for Teens on Climate Crisis

Elijah's Covenant Between the Generations

The Shalom Center has published a curriculum and ceremony for Bar/ Bat Mitzvah and confirmation-age youth and families, on how the younger and older generations can work together to heal the earth from the dangers of global climate crisis. Below you will find testimonials about it from leaders of Jewish education and action. Below that you will find a coupon for ordering copies of the 60-page "Elijah's Covenant Between The Generations," and below that the Introduction by Rabbis Arthur Waskow and Jeff Sultar.


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