Books, CDs, DVDs

Earth & Torah: Rabbi Waskow's books on Eco-Judaism

Many of Rabbi Arthur Waskow's books deal with the teachings of Judaism about healing and celebrating the earth. Some are available from The Shalom Center:. We will mail them ONLY IN US. To order, add $7.50 (postage and handling) to the cost of the books you order, and send the check to: The Shalom Center, 6711 Lincoln Drive, Philadelphia PA 19119. If you want the books inscribed, enclose a note saying to whom they should be. Down-to-Earth Judaism: Food, Money, Sex, and the Rest of Life. How Judaism has dealt with these everyday issues and their relationship to the earth through all the changing eras of Jewish history. Only 4 copies available here. Reprinted copies from Ben Yehuda Press. Seasons of Our Joy. Available only from Jewish Publication Society through Univ of Nebraska Press Trees, Earth, & Torah: A Tu B'Shvat Anthology. Anthology of what Judaism has said about trees and the celebration of their rebirth, from the Garden of Eden through rabbinic teachings through the Kabbalah through Zionism through modern eco-Jewish teachings. Available only from Jewish Publication Society through Univ of Nebraska Press Torah of the Earth (2 vols). Anthology of 4,000 years of Jewish thought about the relationship of human beings to the earth. 2 vols, $28.00

New learning, New feeling, New celebrating

Are you exploring how to renew your thoughts, your feelings, your spirit -- your life? Then check out these books from The Shalom Center:

Have you and your brother, or your sister, been having problems with each other? Want to learn how two brothers-in-conflict became deep friends?

Then order the book Becoming Brothers by Howard Waskow & Arthur Waskow from The Shalom Center. Just $7.95 + pstg & handling (see below).

Want to understand the history and the spiritual meaning of those Jewish life-cycle ceremonies you attend, feeling puzzled all the time? Want to shape a ceremony of your own to celebrate a major change in your own life?

How to Buy "The Tent of Abraham" Book at Discount

Photo of "The Tent of Abraham" book cover

"The Tent of Abraham" by Sister Joan Chittister, Murshid Saadi Shakur Chisti, & Rabbi Arthur Waskow is available to Shalom Center members and readers by special arrangement with Beacon Press. You will receive a 10% discount and free shipping on this (and any other Beacon title). The Shalom Center will receive 4% of the proceeds from Beacon.

To buy this book, visit Beacon’s web site at:

Just enter “tent” in the discount code box on the shopping cart to receive the discount.

"The Tent of Abraham" by Waskow, Chittister, & Chisti: Book Review by Claire Gorfinkel

The Tent of Abraham: Stories of Hope and Peace for Jews, Christians and Muslims (Beacon Press, 2006). By Joan Chittister, OSB; Murshid Saadi Shakur Chisti; & Rabbi Arthur Waskow. Foreword by Karen Armstrong. *

Reviewed by Claire Gorfinkel *

For some time now, I have longed for a study group that would consider common themes in Jewish, Muslim and Christian texts. But as is so often the case, in my longing I have created a set of expectations that are virtually impossible to fulfill.

Seeger, Zalman, Yarrow, Charlie King, Shefa -- New CD!!

image of Seeger, Zalman, Yarrow, Charlie King, Shefa -- album cover

When shofar meets flute, Pete Seeger meets them both, Debbie Friedman and Shefa Gold Join the chorus.

What could bring Pete Seeger, Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi on shofar dancing with Paul Horn on flute, Peter Yarrow, Debbie Friedman, Linda Hirschhorn, Shefa Gold, Reggie & Kim Harris, David Shneyer, Aryeh Hirschfield – we could go on and on -- all to the same "place"?

An extraordinary brand-new CD, that's what, produced by The Shalom Center!

Shalom Center Books

The movement for "Jewish renewal" has both learned from and created a number of books that The Shalom Center makes available through its Website, in association with Powell's Books.

You can navigate through the sections below to find books by Rabbi Arthur Waskow, director of the Shalom Center, and other authors associated with the Jewish revewal movement.

The Jewish-renewal current of thought and action originated in the intertwining of four strands of Jewish rethinking in the 1960s and 1970s, followed by two approaches that emerged in the 1980s and 1990s. Below, we place a number of the books in these patterns, and then suggest some other categories for seeking nourishment in thought about Jewish renewal.

Gender Equality

The emergence not only of a movement for equality of women and men in existing Jewish life but more deeply for their equality in shaping what Judaism is to become, including the insights of feminist Judaism.


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