Earth & Torah: Rabbi Waskow's books on Eco-Judaism

Many of Rabbi Arthur Waskow's books deal with the teachings of Judaism about healing and celebrating the earth. Some are available from The Shalom Center:. We will mail them ONLY IN US. To order, add $7.50 (postage and handling) to the cost of the books you order, and send the check to: The Shalom Center, 6711 Lincoln Drive, Philadelphia PA 19119. If you want the books inscribed, enclose a note saying to whom they should be.

Down-to-Earth Judaism: Food, Money, Sex, and the Rest of Life. How Judaism has dealt with these everyday issues and their relationship to the earth through all the changing eras of Jewish history. Only 4 copies available here.  Reprinted copies from Ben Yehuda Press.

Seasons of Our Joy. Available only from Jewish Publication Society through Univ of Nebraska Press

Trees, Earth, & Torah: A Tu B'Shvat Anthology. Anthology of what Judaism has said about trees and the celebration of their rebirth, from the Garden of Eden through rabbinic teachings through the Kabbalah through Zionism through modern eco-Jewish teachings. Available only from Jewish Publication Society through Univ of Nebraska Pres7

Torah of the Earth (2 vols). Anthology of 4,000 years of Jewish thought about the relationship of human beings to the earth. 2 vols, $28.00


