06/16/19 |
Toward a future Judaism: A Retreat This July |
CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Sexuality & Spirituality, Community, Earth |
05/11/12 |
Bending history's arc: the Spirit breathes new life into marriage |
Featured, Sexuality & Spirituality, Covenanting: Marriage and Commitment |
11/07/16 |
Election Issues & a Torah Yardstick |
Ki Tetze, Ki Tavo, CiviMail, Climate policy, World-Healing Judaism, Globalization and Economic Justice, Community |
10/22/12 |
From the Western Wall to the Western Well: Where Women Cannot Pray |
Featured, Sexuality & Spirituality, Justice and Gender, Prayer |
07/13/15 |
Pope Francis & St Francis: "Laudato Si [Praised be the ONE]" |
B'reshit, CiviMail, Global Scorching, Environmental Justice, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice, Community, Earth |
11/18/21 |
Storybooks for Hanukkah & Always with Light Touch, Deep Meaning |
CiviMail, Rosh Chodesh, Community |
11/18/21 |
Storybooks with Inner Light for Hanukkah & Always: |
CiviMail, Community, Hanukkah, Community |
05/09/21 |
"Another Side of Sinai" -- R's Hammer, Seidenberg, & Waskow |
Yitro, Behar, Bechukotay, CiviMail, Climate policy, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Sexuality & Spirituality, Shavuot |
10/31/20 |
"Dancing in God's Earthquake" by Rabbi Arthur: How to Order Copies |
Books, CDs, DVDs, CiviMail, Heart and Soul, Community |
12/28/10 |
"Don't Love, Don't Marry": Coercion & Compassion in America |
Sexuality & Spirituality, Covenanting: Marriage and Commitment, Justice and Gender |
12/22/08 |
"Newsweek," Torah, and Same-Sex Marriage |
World-Healing Judaism, Sexuality & Spirituality, Jewish Renewal, Justice and Gender |
03/02/14 |
"Rabbis, Shut Up!" -- Is that OK? |
Community, Jewish Renewal, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community, Community |
12/24/18 |
"Some are guilty; ALL are responsible" |
Anti-Semitism, CiviMail, Climate policy, Community, World-Healing Judaism, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Spirituality of Justice, Community |
04/19/20 |
"Stunningly beautiful and inspiring" - 7th Night Seder Conversation |
Beshallach, CiviMail, Featured, Pesach, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Community, Earth |
10/06/15 |
"We each have two lives. The second begins when --- |
Heart and Soul, Yom Kippur, Community |
12/11/17 |
2018: Is the Spirit Rising? |
CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Community, Earth, Justice, Peace |
09/28/17 |
3 Million Americans: No water, food, electricity. [Puerto Rico: Who Cares?] |
CiviMail, Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Community in Time of Emergency, Justice and Race |
04/26/16 |
3 Moments on the Path to Passover: Meeting Bernie; Getting Arrested; Renewing Seder |
Featured, Pesach, World-Healing Judaism, Co-Housing |
10/02/18 |
3,000 Years => Kavanagh. Time’s Up! |
CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Sexuality & Spirituality, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice, Earth |
12/16/14 |
8 Lights, 8 Contemplations: In What Order? |
Featured, Hanukkah, Community |
09/08/01 |
A Jewish Response to Techno-Idolatry |
Community in Time of Emergency |
11/06/12 |
A Prayer for Our Day of Decision |
World-Healing Judaism, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Interreligious Relations, Community, Prayer |
03/25/20 |
A Prayer for the Health and Healing of Healers |
CiviMail, Community, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Community, Lifecycle |
05/29/17 |
A Tale of Two Hillels |
CiviMail, Community, Israeli-Palestinian Collision, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community, Community |
10/07/18 |
Antidotes to the Poison of Political Despair |
CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Community |
06/24/16 |
Are we facing an American "Brexit"? |
CiviMail, Community, Environmental Justice, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations, Justice & immigration, Justice and Gender, Justice and Race, Spirituality of Justice, Community |
11/28/16 |
Army Corps of Engineers Threatens; How do we Respond? |
CiviMail, Climate policy, Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Community |
04/19/16 |
Arrested yesterday for Freedom tomorrow |
Featured, Global Scorching, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations, Justice & immigration, Community |
11/21/13 |
Arrogance or Love? – the Biblical Story of Joseph |
Vayyeshev, Miketz, Vayyiggash, Jewish Renewal, Vayhi, The Nature of Torah, Spirituality of Justice, Community |
09/23/08 |
Bankers, the Bible, & the Bail-out |
Behar, Freeing Our Time, Global Scorching, Globalization and Economic Justice |
06/05/22 |
Betrayal & Beyond: Hosea's Haftarah Journey into Love & Justice |
Bemidbar, Noah, CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Sexuality & Spirituality, Justice and Gender, Spirituality of Justice |
03/18/11 |
Beyond "Renewal" to a Transformative Judaism |
Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Jewish Renewal, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community, Community, Earth, Justice, Peace |
08/03/12 |
Beyond Trauma: Erotic & Egalitarian |
Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Sexuality & Spirituality, Tu B'Av, Community |
09/08/01 |
Bisexuality and Polyamory |
Sexuality & Spirituality |
06/08/12 |
Bishops Attack Religious Freedom; Vatican Attacks Nuns |
Sexuality & Spirituality, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations |
01/02/13 |
Blessings for 2013 |
Featured, Community |
02/11/21 |
Blood or Tears? America’s Worst & Best |
CiviMail, Featured, Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Community in Time of Emergency, Spirituality of Justice |
01/12/20 |
Books by Rabbi Arthur Waskow, director of the Shalom Center |
Books, CDs, DVDs, CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, The Nature of Torah, Community, Earth, Lifecycle, Justice, Text-based, Peace |
05/19/15 |
Bread, Sinai, & Speaking in Tongues: Ten Notes on Celebrating Shavuot |
Sexuality & Spirituality, Shavuot, Community |
11/18/03 |
Bring Back the Eight Hour Day |
Freeing Our Time |
09/08/01 |
Building Stronger Jewish Communities as a Response to Y2K |
Community in Time of Emergency |
09/08/01 |
Cain and Abel in Colorado |
Community in Time of Emergency |
09/08/01 |
Can America Learn from Shabbat?: Free Time for a Free People |
Freeing Our Time |
03/22/09 |
Charoset and the Liberation of the World |
Pesach, Sexuality & Spirituality, Earth |
09/08/01 |
Checklist to Prepare for Y2K |
Community in Time of Emergency |
09/08/01 |
Cohousing, Anyone? |
Co-Housing |
09/08/01 |
Confessions of a Jew in a Christian Ministry |
Co-Housing |
08/30/20 |
Coronavirus: The Lightning Flash, Revealing Truth |
CiviMail, Featured, Freeing Our Time, World-Healing Judaism, Community in Time of Emergency, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice |
02/11/16 |
Dancing in God's Earthquake |
World-Healing Judaism, Community, Earth, Justice, Peace |
02/17/22 |
Dancing – Yes, Dancing! -- in God's Earthquake |
CiviMail, Heart and Soul, World-Healing Judaism, Community |
11/11/20 |
Death: Peace Or a Coup? -- This Week’s Torah |
Chayye Sara, CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Death and Mourning, Community |
05/17/20 |
Deeper: From #Shavuot2Sukkot: Green & Grow the Vote |
CiviMail, Featured, Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Shavuot, Community |
01/02/13 |
Demilitarizing America: Turn-Around Time? |
Climate policy, Spirituality of Justice, Community, Peace |
10/08/06 |
Do Not Stir up Love until It Please: the Song of Songs |
Pesach, Sexuality & Spirituality |
02/13/22 |
Dreams as Torah & the Torah of Dreams |
CiviMail, Jewish Renewal, Community |
05/12/06 |
Ecstasy, Frenzy, Domination, and Sexual Abuse in Spirit's Name |
Sexuality & Spirituality, Jewish Renewal |
11/04/14 |
Electing Our Leaders Today: The Torah of our Choosing |
Shofetim, World-Healing Judaism, Community |
12/10/03 |
Emerging Torah of Same-Sex Marriage |
Acharai Mot, Sexuality & Spirituality, Covenanting: Marriage and Commitment, Justice and Gender |
06/09/09 |
Eulogy for Dr. George Tiller |
Sexuality & Spirituality |
06/13/19 |
Facing the White House in Moral Witness: great photos! |
CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Prophets, Spirituality of Justice, Community, Earth, Justice, Peace |
09/17/03 |
Faith-Based Community Organizing: A Unique Social Justice Approach to Revitalizing Synagogue Life 1 |
Co-Housing, Spirituality of Justice |
11/15/11 |
Football, Rape, Cash: Idolatry |
Featured, Community |
08/05/00 |
Free Time Statement Signers |
Freeing Our Time |
09/08/01 |
Free Time/Free People Statement |
Freeing Our Time |
11/02/20 |
From "Dancing in God's Earthquake": Limits on the Powers of a King |
Shofetim, CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Spirituality of Justice, Community |
07/08/16 |
From Martin Luther King + 50 to Dallas, Minneapolis, Baton Rouge –-- |
CiviMail, Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Seasons of American Sacred Time, Community |
07/30/14 |
From One Broken People to Another |
World-Healing Judaism, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Community |
11/03/13 |
FULL UP: "This is What 80 Looks Like" |
Featured, News, World-Healing Judaism, Eldering, Community |
12/04/16 |
Gathering in January: "MLKing + 50" planning "Truth & Transformation" |
CiviMail, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice, Community, Earth, Justice |
08/26/21 |
Gift the Spirit Rising for a New Year |
Books, CDs, DVDs, CiviMail, Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Sexuality & Spirituality, Festivals, Community |
05/08/13 |
Gloria Steinem & Reb Arthur: What Does 80 Look Like? |
Eldering, Community |
10/23/15 |
Gloria Steinem, Reb Susan Talve, & Catholic Climate Activist on "The Church & Women" |
Climate policy, Sexuality & Spirituality, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Gender |
12/25/15 |
Gloria’ Steinem's insight: This moment -- Peril & Promise |
Community, Featured, Community |
10/12/12 |
God's Image, Caesar's Image, & the Jigsaw Puzzle of Humanity |
B'reshit, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Community |
05/13/20 |
Green & Grow the Vote: From #Shavuot2Sukkot |
CiviMail, Climate policy, Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Environmental Justice, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Shavuot, Community in Time of Emergency, Sukkot, Spirituality of Justice |
11/29/21 |
Hanukkah: A Strange Career in Spirit and in Politics -- Part I |
CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Hanukkah, Community |
10/16/16 |
Harvesting: Help Build the Sukkah of Shalom |
CiviMail, Sukkot, Community |
03/27/16 |
Healing America: BEYOND Economics |
Seasons of American Sacred Time, Community |
11/17/16 |
Healing our Country -- in 3 Concentric Circles |
CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Spirituality of Justice, Community, Earth, Justice, Peace |
04/23/09 |
Healing the Earth & Blessing the Sun:A Decade, not a Day |
Freeing Our Time, Global Scorching, Environmental Justice, Earth |
11/09/16 |
Heartbreak and beyond |
CiviMail, Climate policy, Community, Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Environmental Justice, Globalization and Economic Justice, Justice & immigration, Justice and Gender, Torture, Community, Justice |
12/14/12 |
Hey Hey, NRA, How many kids did you kill today? |
Community, Justice |
03/15/19 |
Horror in New Zealand: What We Can Do |
CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Community in Time of Emergency, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice |
06/02/22 |
Hosea's Haftarah: From Humiliation to Transformation |
Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Sexuality & Spirituality, Justice and Gender |
08/29/17 |
Houston: An UNNATURAL Disaster. Personal Tales, Intelligent Diagnosis, Activist Tool-Kit |
CiviMail, Featured, Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Community in Time of Emergency |
08/02/16 |
How Clergy & Congregations can Respond to the 2016 Election: |
Shofetim, CiviMail, Interreligious Relations, Community |
10/22/19 |
Impeachment: Constitutional, Moral, or Spiritual? |
CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Spirituality of Justice, Community, Justice, Peace |
03/10/21 |
Inside the Book: Liberate Your Passover Seder! |
Beshallach, CiviMail, Featured, Global Scorching, Pesach, World-Healing Judaism, Sexuality & Spirituality, Spirituality of Justice, Community, Earth, Justice, Peace |
09/08/01 |
Iran, Earthquakes, Israel, & Jews: What to Do? |
Co-Housing, Community in Time of Emergency, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community |
12/18/20 |
Is Any Beef Kosher Today? |
CiviMail, Education, Community |
09/29/21 |
Is the Song of Songs "Happily Ever After"? --- Well, no |
CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Sexuality & Spirituality |
09/28/04 |
It's About Time |
Freeing Our Time |
05/05/22 |
It's Not Just Abortion: Do Women Have Freedom of Conscience? |
CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Sexuality & Spirituality |
09/12/11 |
Jobs & Culture: Their Deep Connection & the Plan We Need, Part 1 |
Featured, Globalization and Economic Justice, Community |
12/26/14 |
Joseph -- Seeking God in Darkness |
Genesis, Vayyeshev, Miketz, Vayyiggash, Vayhi, The Book of Genesis, Community |
06/30/16 |
July 4, 2016: Independence Now! from Corporate Domination |
Shofetim, CiviMail, Freeing Our Time, Fourth of July, Community, Earth, Justice, Peace |
09/08/01 |
Learning About Homosexuality and Taking a New Stand |
Sexuality & Spirituality |
09/08/01 |
Learning from Eden: "Do not gobble the Earth!" |
B'reshit, Global Scorching, Sexuality & Spirituality, Globalization and Economic Justice, Food |
06/10/20 |
Lerner's "Revolutionary Love" |
Behar, Bechukotay, CiviMail, Community, Earth, Justice, Peace |
02/15/18 |
Lessons from the Wisdom of Marc Raskin |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, CiviMail, Community, Featured, Heart and Soul, Spirituality of Justice, Community |
04/11/12 |
Letters on the "New Poor" in our Congregations |
Globalization and Economic Justice, Community |
02/12/04 |
Light Old & New on Same-Sex Marriage |
Blog, Sexuality & Spirituality, Covenanting: Marriage and Commitment |
02/05/19 |
Living inside the Book of Exodus; Make the Seder activist again! |
CiviMail, Featured, Pesach, World-Healing Judaism, Community |
06/01/21 |
Living on the Fringes: This Week’s Torah |
Shelach, CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Sexuality & Spirituality, Community |
12/27/17 |
Marc Raskin: Mentor to me and to the World |
CiviMail, Featured, Heart and Soul, Community, Justice, Peace |
09/26/10 |
Marge Piercy: Science Fiction as Prophetic Vision |
Global Scorching, Sexuality & Spirituality, Globalization and Economic Justice, Jewish Renewal, Justice and Gender, Spirituality of Justice, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community, Community |
04/21/13 |
May Day & Torah |
Behar, Bechukotay, Freeing Our Time, World-Healing Judaism, Globalization and Economic Justice, Earth |
01/23/22 |
Meeting God's Lobbyist -- Rabbi David Saperstein -- |
CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Community |
07/20/16 |
Ms Clinton --Awake! -- The Times they are A'Changing |
CiviMail, Freeing Our Time, Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Community, Justice |
06/02/09 |
Murder is Murder and Abortion is Not |
Adolescence, Sexuality & Spirituality |
03/17/19 |
Murderous White Nationalists, Modern Pharaohs, and the Sea of Reeds |
Shemot, Beshallach, Anti-Semitism, CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Globalization and Economic Justice, Community in Time of Emergency, Interreligious Relations, Justice & immigration, Justice and Gender, Justice and Race, Spirituality of Justice |
01/09/12 |
My brother is dying |
Community, Heart and Soul, Death and Mourning, Community, Justice |
09/11/13 |
My turning 80, after almost dying |
Featured, Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur, Death and Mourning, Community |
03/24/05 |
Needed: Clergy support, legal brief on same-sex marriage |
Sexuality & Spirituality, Justice and Gender |
09/08/01 |
New Light for New Menorah; Polyamory |
Sexuality & Spirituality |
01/20/21 |
Noon, Jan 20: If we create the future in the present, the One from the differences that we can fit together --- |
CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Community in Time of Emergency, Seasons of American Sacred Time, Community |
09/08/01 |
Notes on Free Time Strategy & Tactics |
Freeing Our Time |
04/27/12 |
Nullifying Debt: Ancient Torah, Contemporary Crisis. |
Behar, Freeing Our Time, Global Scorching, Globalization and Economic Justice, Food |
03/31/10 |
Oh Freedom: Inward, Outward |
Heart and Soul, Pesach, Community |
09/15/10 |
One America Working Together: Oct 2 Giant Rally in Washington |
Climate policy, Freeing Our Time, Globalization and Economic Justice |
08/23/12 |
Oprah to Gloria Steinem to Reb Arthur OR Arthur to Gloria to Oprah |
Community |
08/23/12 |
Oprah to Gloria Steinem to Reb Arthur OR Arthur to Gloria to Oprah |
Community, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Community |
06/03/12 |
Oprah, Gloria Steinem, & Reb Arthur |
Featured, Community |
06/15/16 |
Orlando: Scapegoats Coming Home to Roost |
CiviMail, Sexuality & Spirituality, Terrorism |
11/30/21 |
Part II -- The Strange Career of Hanukkah Itself |
CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Interreligious Relations, Hanukkah, Community |
03/23/21 |
Passover Anew: Kindling Candles, Four More Questions, Facing New Plagues |
CiviMail, Featured, Pesach, World-Healing Judaism, Food, Community, Earth, Peace |
03/08/21 |
Plague Year I Ends: Now What? |
CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Community, Earth, Justice, Peace |
01/03/16 |
Prayer as if the Earth Really Matters: Shacharit (Morning Service) |
World-Healing Judaism, Community, Earth, Prayer |
01/03/16 |
Prayer as if the Earth Really Matters: Shacharit (Morning Service) |
World-Healing Judaism, Community, Earth, Prayer |
02/25/04 |
Presidential Press Briefing/ Anti-Marriage Amendment |
Sexuality & Spirituality |
05/16/17 |
Proclaim Restfulness throughout the Earth to all its Life-Forms |
Behar, Bechukotay, CiviMail, Freeing Our Time, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Spirituality of Justice |
12/22/08 |
Prop 8, the White House, & Same-Sex Marriage |
Sexuality & Spirituality, Justice and Gender |
04/29/10 |
Prophetic Hearing: The Voice and our voices |
Community |
11/03/20 |
Prophetic Song for These Times: Leonard Cohen, "Democracy is Coming to the USA" |
CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Spirituality of Justice, Community |
11/03/20 |
Prophetic Song for This Time: Leonard Cohen's "Democracy is Coming to the USA" |
CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Spirituality of Justice, Community |
04/20/21 |
Put Not Your Trust in Princes: Biden -- 2 Failures of Love, 2 Victories |
CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Spirituality of Justice, Community, Earth |
12/17/18 |
Rainbow Haftarah with Trop by Hazzan Jack Kessler |
Noah, Genesis, CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Spirituality of Justice, Community, Earth |
03/02/04 |
Reader Responses to Anti-Marriage Amendment |
Sexuality & Spirituality |
06/08/16 |
Reb Arthur's 2d Bar Mitzvah?! What's that? |
CiviMail, Eldering, Community, Earth |
04/28/04 |
Religious Service /March for Women's Lives |
Sexuality & Spirituality |
12/18/12 |
Report onPhone Calls to NRA & a Suggestion for Next Steps |
Featured, Spirituality of Justice, Community, Justice |
06/13/09 |
Rest: The history of Shabbat |
Yitro, Freeing Our Time |
10/02/16 |
Rosh Hashanah: New Year & Transformation-time |
CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Rosh HaShanah, Community |
05/10/18 |
Ruth: the Torah of Transgressive Transformation |
Nitzavim, CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Sexuality & Spirituality, Shavuot, Justice and Race, Spirituality of Justice |
03/31/10 |
Sabbath in the City |
Freeing Our Time, Heart and Soul |
08/01/13 |
Sacred Work, Sacred Rest: Free Time for a Free People |
Behar, Freeing Our Time, World-Healing Judaism |
09/24/14 |
Seder for Rosh Hashanah of the Shmita/Sabbatical Year |
Behar, Community, Freeing Our Time, World-Healing Judaism, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Rosh HaShanah |
08/23/12 |
Sex, Contraception, Abortion -- and God |
Sexuality & Spirituality |
08/18/09 |
Sex, Gender, & God |
Sexuality & Spirituality, Jewish Renewal |
10/11/20 |
Sex, God, & the Supreme Court |
CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Sexuality & Spirituality, Interreligious Relations |
08/15/11 |
Sex, Joy, and Sisterhood – Ancient Jerusalem, Modern Alleghenies |
Sexuality & Spirituality, Tu B'Av |
09/08/01 |
Sex, the Spirit, Leadership, and the Dangers of Abuse |
Sexuality & Spirituality |
09/08/01 |
Shabbat 2000 |
Community in Time of Emergency |
03/25/12 |
Shabbat B'Har: Texts on Shmitah (sabbatical) Year |
Behar, Freeing Our Time, Special Shabbatot, Globalization and Economic Justice |
03/25/12 |
Shabbat B’Har: the Seventh Year: Resources to Share, Time to Free Up |
Behar, Freeing Our Time, Special Shabbatot, Environmental Justice, Globalization and Economic Justice, Spirituality of Justice, Earth |
06/24/06 |
Shadows: A Letter in the Middle of the Night |
Sexuality & Spirituality |
05/04/20 |
Shamanic Necklaces for You also Support The Shalom Center |
Books, CDs, DVDs, CiviMail, Heart and Soul, Community |
07/14/13 |
Should we Cancel Oppressive Mortgages & Student Debts? -- Check Bible & Quran -- |
Re'e, Freeing Our Time, World-Healing Judaism, Globalization and Economic Justice, Earth |
08/21/17 |
Speaking Prophetic Truth to Racist & Anti-Semitic Power |
Anti-Semitism, Civil Liberties & Human Rights, CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Community in Time of Emergency, Justice and Gender, Justice and Race, Spirituality of Justice, Earth, Justice |
03/05/20 |
Standing at the Precipice: Political Change & Spiritual Choice |
CiviMail, Community, Earth, Justice, Peace |
02/20/04 |
Stop an Anti-marriage Constitutional Amendment |
Sexuality & Spirituality |
03/11/11 |
Strong Praise for "Freedom Journeys"-- McKibben, Messinger, Wallis |
Devoting Jewish Holidays to Peace, Global Scorching, Pesach, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Sexuality & Spirituality, Shavuot, Jewish Renewal, Nonviolence & Violence in Judaism, The Nature of Torah, Spirituality of Justice, Peace |
07/21/21 |
Tales of the Spirit Rising |
CiviMail, Featured, News, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Community |
09/08/01 |
Telephone Workers, Overwork, & Free Time |
Freeing Our Time |
05/25/17 |
Ten Days, Four Festivals |
CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Shavuot, Interreligious Relations, Seasons of American Sacred Time, Spirituality of Justice, Community |
04/28/10 |
Texts of Tennaiim for Gett [divorce] and Sheva Brakhot [Seven Blessings] for Same-Sex Wedding Couples |
Sexuality & Spirituality, Covenanting: Marriage and Commitment |
04/12/12 |
The "New Poor": Sharing Jobs, Freeing Time |
Freeing Our Time, New Poor, Spirituality of Justice |
01/17/10 |
The 21st Century: In God's earthquake, Domination—or Community? |
B'reshit, Freeing Our Time, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations, Jewish Renewal, Justice and Gender, World Empire, Earth, Peace |
04/14/04 |
The Bible's Sleeping Beauty and Her Great-Granddaughters |
Sexuality & Spirituality |
10/23/09 |
The Birthday of Creation & Its Seventh Day: Rosh Hashanah & Shabbat |
Freeing Our Time, Rosh HaShanah, Earth |
02/18/04 |
The Emerging Torah of Same-Sex Marriage |
Kedoshim, Sexuality & Spirituality |
01/07/13 |
The Heschel-King Festival: Transcendence & Beyond |
AJ Heschel, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Community |
08/05/03 |
The Jewish Multiracial Network...Because Jews Come in All Colors |
Co-Housing |
09/17/03 |
The Legitimacy of Gay/ Lesbian Sexuality |
Sexuality & Spirituality |
06/11/06 |
The Nazirite in us all: Ego, Anokhi, Samson, & Abuse |
Naso, Sexuality & Spirituality, Jewish Renewal |
10/07/13 |
The Pope, the Bishops, and the US Federal Shut-down: |
Climate policy, World-Healing Judaism, Environmental Justice, Sexuality & Spirituality, Globalization and Economic Justice, Justice and Gender |
10/20/15 |
The Pope, the Church, Rabbis, & Women |
B'reshit, Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Sexuality & Spirituality, Justice and Gender, Spirituality of Justice |
04/07/05 |
The Pope, the War, Modernity, & Sex |
Iraq-US War, Sexuality & Spirituality, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Gender |
02/25/21 |
The Puzzle of Purim |
Anti-Semitism, Heart and Soul, World-Healing Judaism, Spirituality of Justice, Purim, Community |
03/26/07 |
The Seven Who Danced in Paradise* |
Pesach, Sexuality & Spirituality, Earth |
04/11/14 |
The Song of Songs Seder: A Night of Sacred Sexuality |
Pesach, World-Healing Judaism, Sexuality & Spirituality |
08/01/13 |
The Torah's 'Restful Year' Today: From Farm to Hypertech |
Behar, Bechukotay, Freeing Our Time, World-Healing Judaism |
03/19/21 |
The WHY of the Georgia Murders |
CiviMail, Community |
09/08/01 |
Thinking Twice / Twice About Y2K |
Community in Time of Emergency |
06/08/16 |
This Election: Three Thresholds |
CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Spirituality of Justice, Community, Earth, Justice, Peace |
11/06/09 |
Thou shalt not rob the workers of their jobs -- or their rest. |
Freeing Our Time, Globalization and Economic Justice |
04/12/21 |
Torah of “Tamei”: Laser-Beam Holiness, Not “Impurity” |
Tazria, CiviMail, Sexuality & Spirituality, Covenanting: Marriage and Commitment, Jewish Renewal |
04/21/19 |
Toward a future Judaism: A Retreat This July |
CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Community, Earth |
05/12/08 |
Toward a Jubilee Economy & Ecology in the Modern World |
Behar, Bechukotay, Freeing Our Time, Special Shabbatot, World-Healing Judaism, Environmental Justice, Globalization and Economic Justice, Spirituality of Justice, Earth |
09/08/01 |
Toward a New Jewish Sexual Ethic |
Kedoshim, Sexuality & Spirituality, Covenanting: Marriage and Commitment, Jewish Renewal, Justice and Gender |
04/27/12 |
Transformative Judaism |
Climate policy, Featured, Environmental Justice, Community in Time of Emergency, Other, Spirituality of Justice, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community, Peace |
06/16/17 |
Transgressive Women => Transformative Leaders:The "Broad" of Jericho |
Shelach, CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Sexuality & Spirituality |
10/03/20 |
Trump: Repentance? |
CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Spirituality of Justice, Community, Earth |
01/02/18 |
Truth and Transformation: A Vision for the New Year |
CiviMail, Interreligious Relations, Community, Earth, Justice, Peace |
07/24/13 |
Tu B'Av: Healing from Disaster |
Sexuality & Spirituality, Tisha B'Av, Jewish Renewal |
12/29/19 |
Two Days Left! |
CiviMail, Featured, News, World-Healing Judaism, Community |
05/31/20 |
Two Reports: Right—wing fascists doing arson in Minneapolis |
CiviMail, Community, Justice |
12/12/21 |
Unique: Heschel on Heschel: LAST CALL |
CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Community in Time of Emergency |
07/23/12 |
VIDEO: Gloria Steinem about Reb Arthur on Oprah |
Featured, Sexuality & Spirituality, Tales of the Spirit Rising |
11/07/13 |
VIDEO: Reb Arthur Waskow introduced by Rabbi David Saperstein, Nov 3 2013 |
Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Rebirthing America, Eldering, Jewish Renewal, Community |
07/20/12 |
VIDEO: Reb Arthur's "We can change America" speech at his high school alma mater |
CiviMail, Education, Other, Community |
03/31/20 |
Washing Hands & Counting Omer: From Corona Plague Toward a New Society |
CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Shavuot, Community in Time of Emergency |
09/27/10 |
We Have More In Common Than We Think |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Community in Time of Emergency, Interreligious Relations, Tent of Abraham: Addressing Islam, Terrorism, War and Civil Liberties |
02/16/05 |
Wendy Rabinowitz- Artist Profile |
Sexuality & Spirituality |
12/03/20 |
What does it mean to "Wrestle God"? |
CiviMail, Featured, Vayyishlach, World-Healing Judaism, Spirituality of Justice, Community, Lifecycle, Peace |
06/09/05 |
What if the Bible's Ruth came to America today? |
Sexuality & Spirituality, Shavuot, Globalization and Economic Justice |
11/05/12 |
What if we Suspect a Stolen Election? |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Featured, Community in Time of Emergency, Justice and Race |
04/29/10 |
What makes the Arts "Prophetic"? |
Community |
04/29/10 |
What makes the Arts "Prophetic"? |
Community |
11/17/03 |
What the GA Delegates in Jerusalem Won't See |
Community in Time of Emergency |
04/05/22 |
What's an Iftar-Seder, on Zoom? |
CiviMail, Interreligious Relations, Community |
09/25/11 |
What's the deep meaning of "Rosh Hashanah" -- NOT just "Happy New Year" |
Featured, Freeing Our Time, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations, Rosh HaShanah, Jewish Renewal, Nonviolence & Violence in Judaism, Spirituality of Justice, Earth |
09/08/01 |
When Shabbat Meets Millennium |
Community in Time of Emergency |
11/25/20 |
When the Sisters Struggle God, Why is This Torah Little Noticed? |
Genesis, Vayyetze, CiviMail, Featured, Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Sexuality & Spirituality, Spirituality of Justice |
05/18/22 |
Who Owns Women's Bodies --- in Bible & Today? |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Sexuality & Spirituality, Justice and Gender |
09/15/21 |
Will Texas, California, or Yom Kippur be the American and Planetary Future? |
CiviMail, Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Community in Time of Emergency, Fasting for Peace and Justice, Spirituality of Justice |
02/11/13 |
Will the Next Pope Make a Difference? |
Featured, Sexuality & Spirituality, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Gender |
04/15/20 |
Will We Cross the Red Sea? |
CiviMail, Featured, Pesach, World-Healing Judaism, Spirituality of Justice, Community, Earth, Justice |
12/22/03 |
Yarmulkes, Head Scarves, Crosses: Diversity or Disaster? |
Co-Housing |
10/02/14 |
Yom Kippur/ St. Francis/ Eid al-Idha: Invoking Universal Unity |
Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Yom Kippur, Community |