08/07/13 |
"In Our Defense": Caroline Kennedy & Ellen Alderman: the Bill of Rights |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Heart and Soul |
08/22/19 |
"No Lives Matter" |
Anti-Semitism, Civil Liberties & Human Rights, CiviMail, Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Justice & immigration, Spirituality of Justice |
11/13/09 |
"To Bigotry No Sanction" |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Interreligious Relations, US - Afghan/Pakistan War, War and Civil Liberties |
12/04/14 |
"We Can't Breathe" -- An American Travesty |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Global Scorching, Environmental Justice, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Gender, Justice and Race |
03/23/12 |
3 Moments of Horror: Killing Jews, Killing Muslims, Killing Blacks |
Anti-Semitism, Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Israeli-Palestinian Collision, Interreligious Relations, Death and Mourning, Justice and Race, US - Afghan/Pakistan War |
06/27/13 |
5 New Tremors in God's Earthquake |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Climate policy, Justice and Gender, Justice and Race |
09/04/10 |
5 Steps to Burning Books |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Interreligious Relations, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community |
09/17/06 |
Abolishing habeas corpus for prisoners who need it most |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, War and Civil Liberties |
09/08/01 |
AFL-CIO Outraged Over Police Tactics in Miami |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Globalization and Economic Justice |
11/15/15 |
After Paris, Where & How? |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Global Scorching, Terrorism, Spirituality of Justice |
09/23/21 |
After Texas, We Must Confront Misogynist, Anti-Sex Theology |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Justice and Gender |
03/31/11 |
April 2011--Mixing Memory, Desire, & Action |
Shemot, Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Pesach, Environmental Justice, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Rebirthing America, Seasons of our Joy: Festivals and Lifecycles, Spirituality of Justice |
12/13/06 |
Are Human Rights Actually Protected if we Confine Our Work to Human Rights? |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights |
12/13/06 |
Are Human Rights Actually Protected if we Confine Our Work to Human Rights? |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights |
03/12/03 |
As Protest Grows, So Does Repression |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights |
03/14/16 |
Before the Holocaust & Beyond Trumpery |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Globalization and Economic Justice, Justice & immigration, Justice and Gender, Justice and Race |
10/30/06 |
CNSNews on Waskow Interview, Torture, & Military Commissions Law |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Torture |
02/05/10 |
Defending New Israel Fund, Rabbis for Human Rights, etc from slanderous attacks by right wing in Israel |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Israeli-Palestinian Collision, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community, War and Civil Liberties |
02/02/10 |
Despite recent demagoguery, Non-Citizens also have Constitutional Rights |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights |
08/26/14 |
Find YOUR Ferguson -- and Heal It |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, World-Healing Judaism, Justice and Race, Spirituality of Justice |
08/03/08 |
Flashes of Light from the unkosher dark of Postville, Iowa |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Environmental Justice, Globalization and Economic Justice, Food, Justice & immigration, Spirituality of Justice |
04/16/13 |
For Boston: Love & Justice |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, World-Healing Judaism, Seasons of American Sacred Time, Terrorism |
07/07/14 |
Fox News Cites Bible, Segregates Black Employees (read to end; satire tag)) |
Noah, Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Justice and Gender, Justice and Race, Dissociated Press |
03/24/09 |
Freedom Seder, 1969 |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Pesach, Seasons of our Joy: Festivals and Lifecycles |
04/16/05 |
Frist Set to Use Religious Stage on Judicial Issue |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Interreligious Relations |
02/14/14 |
From Ancient Tents of Privacy to internet Exposed: NSA 2034 |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, World-Healing Judaism, Balak, Spirituality of Justice |
11/13/09 |
Ft Hood & Anti-Muslim Bigotry |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Interreligious Relations |
11/10/09 |
Ft. Hood, Armistice Day, and the Burial of Abraham |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Peace |
09/08/01 |
Gonzales Worse than Ashcroft |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Torture |
04/28/17 |
Heal Earth & America: Honor Transformative McKibben, Royster, Wilansky -- May 21 |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Environmental Justice, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Race, Spirituality of Justice |
08/27/17 |
Hilarious Nonviolence, Assertive Free Assembly |
Anti-Semitism, Civil Liberties & Human Rights, CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Spirituality of Justice |
01/03/10 |
How Western anti-Muslim bigotry became respectable: The historic roots of a newly resilient ideology |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Interreligious Relations, Justice & immigration |
10/22/09 |
Human Rights Watch reports on its work |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Gaza / Sderot Crisis |
02/21/12 |
Imposing "sharia" -- Roman Catholic version |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Featured, Interreligious Relations |
12/03/03 |
Information Warfare in Miami |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights |
07/18/18 |
Is Helsinki the Hitler-Stalin Pact of our Own Day? |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, CiviMail, Interreligious Relations, Justice |
01/15/15 |
Is Murder a “Sacred Practice" in ALL Religions? |
Anti-Semitism, Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Interreligious Relations, Terrorism, Spirituality of Justice |
10/05/11 |
Isaiah breaks into the official liturgy of Yom Kippur |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Globalization and Economic Justice, New Biblical Translations, Interreligious Relations, Jewish Renewal, Prophets, Yom Kippur, Spirituality of Justice, Torture |
02/05/10 |
Israeli "Meretz" leader warns against growing signs of Israeli "fascism" |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Israeli-Palestinian Collision, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community, War and Civil Liberties |
10/15/09 |
Jesus, the Rabbis, and the Image on a Coin |
B'reshit, Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Interreligious Relations, World Empire |
07/20/03 |
Join Jews in Solidarity with the Immigrants Rights Movement! |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights |
10/31/20 |
Justice & Freedom Are LOVE, Spoken in Public: Can We Keep Them Nov 4? |
Shofetim, Civil Liberties & Human Rights, CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Spirituality of Justice |
12/03/04 |
Justice Dept says Torture-based Evidence at Guantanamo is Legitimate |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Terrorism, Torture |
11/22/15 |
Lady Liberty Lifts High the Lamp of Hanukkah |
Ki Tetze, Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Devoting Jewish Holidays to Peace, Featured, Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Interreligious Relations, Justice & immigration, Spirituality of Justice |
02/15/18 |
Lessons from the Wisdom of Marc Raskin |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, CiviMail, Community, Featured, Heart and Soul, Spirituality of Justice, Community |
10/30/06 |
Letter to Congressmembers: "A republic -- if we can keep it" |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Torture |
07/01/09 |
Limiting the Power of Kings |
Shofetim, Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Seasons of American Sacred Time, War and Civil Liberties |
05/23/14 |
Losing a Gentle Prophet: Vincent Harding |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Heart and Soul, Interreligious Relations |
07/26/20 |
My small personal crisis and the Great American Social Crisis |
Shemot, Va'era, Bo, Beshallach, Civil Liberties & Human Rights, CiviMail, Climate policy, Heart and Soul, World-Healing Judaism, Environmental Justice, Justice and Race, Spirituality of Justice |
07/30/17 |
New Paths in Halting Trump’s Despotic March -- |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, CiviMail, Featured, Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Spirituality of Justice |
03/29/21 |
Passover: From Marking Old Freedom to Making New Freedom |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, CiviMail, Featured, Pesach, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Race, Spirituality of Justice |
06/09/13 |
Privacy from Rulers: Tents of Ancient Israel, Cell-phones of Today |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, World-Healing Judaism, Balak, Spirituality of Justice |
02/10/14 |
Privacy, Torah, Constitution, & Us -- vs. NSA |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, World-Healing Judaism, Balak, Spirituality of Justice |
09/27/10 |
Rabbi Arthur Waskow on the Cordoba House Proposal, Part I |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Interreligious Relations, Tent of Abraham: Addressing Islam |
09/27/10 |
Rabbi Arthur Waskow on the Cordoba House proposal, Part II |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Interreligious Relations, Tent of Abraham: Addressing Islam, Justice |
10/29/09 |
Rabbi Yehiel Grenimann arrested in Jerusalem |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Home Demolitions, Israeli-Palestinian Collision, Spirituality of Justice |
12/14/06 |
Rabbis for Human Rights Natl Conf: Turning Dark Despair into the light of Change |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Home Demolitions, Torture |
05/16/08 |
Revered New Jersey Imam, Facing Deportation, Has Interfaith Support |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community, War and Civil Liberties |
06/15/18 |
Ripping Children from Parents: Torah vs. Trumpery |
Ki Tetze, Civil Liberties & Human Rights, CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Justice & immigration, Spirituality of Justice |
02/14/16 |
Scalia, the Constitution, and Me |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Climate policy, Featured, Globalization and Economic Justice, Justice and Gender, Justice and Race |
10/28/13 |
Shalom Center Sues NSA: Stop Invading Americans’ Phone Calls! |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Community, Spirituality of Justice |
12/07/07 |
Shalom Ctr as Amicus in Torture case |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Yom Kippur, Torture, War and Civil Liberties |
05/07/18 |
Should We be Rewarding Torture? |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Spirituality of Justice |
08/21/17 |
Speaking Prophetic Truth to Racist & Anti-Semitic Power |
Anti-Semitism, Civil Liberties & Human Rights, CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Community in Time of Emergency, Justice and Gender, Justice and Race, Spirituality of Justice, Earth, Justice |
08/22/14 |
Spread over all of us a Sukkah of shalom, salaam, paz, peace! |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Featured, Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Environmental Justice, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Justice & immigration, Sukkot |
09/08/01 |
Ten Days for Democracy |
AJ Heschel, Civil Liberties & Human Rights |
11/25/15 |
Thanksgiving, Arlo Guthrie, "Alice," & my first Yarmulke |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Seasons of American Sacred Time, World Empire |
08/17/21 |
The Afghanistan INSIDE Us |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, CiviMail, Featured, Justice |
10/17/06 |
The Torture of Jose Padilla, US citizen |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Torture |
11/19/14 |
Torah of Truth vs. Torture: Sen. Udall's Sacred Task |
B'reshit, Civil Liberties & Human Rights, World-Healing Judaism, Yom Kippur, Spirituality of Justice, World Empire, War and Civil Liberties |
09/28/12 |
Torture? Again?! Romney Advisers say Yes; Religious Communities say NO |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Interreligious Relations |
12/09/15 |
Trump Speaks in NYC to raise $$ for GOP Candiidates |
Anti-Semitism, Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Globalization and Economic Justice, Justice & immigration, Justice and Gender, Justice and Race |
05/24/18 |
Trump Tries to Trump Philip Roth’s Worst Forebodings |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, CiviMail, Vayyishlach, World-Healing Judaism, Eldering, War and Civil Liberties |
05/17/13 |
Uphold Free Press: Fire Attorney-General Holder Now |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Featured, War and Civil Liberties |
06/30/19 |
URGENT! --Take yr Congresspeople SOAP ETC FOR CAGED KIDS! |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Justice & immigration, Jewish Renewal, Spirituality of Justice |
04/25/13 |
VIDEO -- Reb Arthur: 50 years ago, Desegregating Gwynn Oak Amusement Park |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, CiviMail, Rebirthing America, Justice and Race |
11/03/08 |
Voting Our Values: Nonpartisan Guide to Election Issues |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Global Scorching, Environmental Justice, Iraq-US War, Globalization and Economic Justice, Israeli-Palestinian Collision, Justice & immigration, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community |
09/27/10 |
We Have More In Common Than We Think |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Community in Time of Emergency, Interreligious Relations, Tent of Abraham: Addressing Islam, Terrorism, War and Civil Liberties |
09/05/18 |
What does Torah teach about Judge Kavanaugh? |
Shofetim, Civil Liberties & Human Rights, CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Environmental Justice, Globalization and Economic Justice, Justice & immigration, Justice and Gender, Justice and Race, New Poor, Spirituality of Justice |
11/05/12 |
What if we Suspect a Stolen Election? |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Featured, Community in Time of Emergency, Justice and Race |
10/02/12 |
What Would Muhammad Do about the Film Demeaning Him? |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice |
08/08/13 |
When I Sued the FBI -- and Won. |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Heart and Soul |
09/17/03 |
Who Made George W. Bush Our King? |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights |
05/18/22 |
Who Owns Women's Bodies --- in Bible & Today? |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Sexuality & Spirituality, Justice and Gender |
08/19/10 |
Yom Kippur: New Meaning, A New Martyrology |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, CiviMail, Seasons of our Joy: Festivals and Lifecycles, Yom Kippur |