Submitted by Rabbi Arthur Waskow on

For a brief moment of sacred opportunity RIGHT NOW, the American people has a chance to learn the truth about our government's deliberate use of torture as an act of policy. Senator Mark Udall holds that moment in his hands. We can all encourage him by calling his Congressional office at 202-224-5941.
What is at stake? Memory itself. Truth itself.
This iconic photo of a US prisoner being tortured by US troops in Abu Ghraib prison broke open the story of our government’s deliberate use of torture as an act of policy.
(Also attached to this essay are a few additional photos, even more graphic and heart-breaking. If you believe that a broken heart becomes a heart more open to the Spirit and to each other and all life, you may want to take the risk of looking at these photos. To do so, click on the title of this article and then on the two attachments.)
The policy-makers who ordered this done are still being shielded from the legal consequences of their criminal acts –- and even from full public knowledge of the American people, in whose name and by whose authority they acted.
But for a brief moment of sacred opportunity RIGHT NOW, the American people has a chance to learn the truth about our government's deliberate use of torture as an act of policy. Senator Mark Udall holds that moment in his hands.
What should happen?
Jewish tradition teaches that torture is utterly forbidden -- for it destroys the Image of God in human beings, installing instead Caesar's image of subjugation and despair.
Every Yom Kippur we read in tears the story of ten great Rabbis tortured to death by the Roman Empire. Our tradition decided to keep our memories clear, so that we would forever remember to prevent such crimes.
For the same reasons, the American people must learn the full truth of torture committed in our name, by an Administration that wanted the USA to be an Empire, not a democracy.
Senator Mark Udall has a sacred opportunity & task to let us know the truth -- for the truth alone can set us free. The Senator has an absolute right under the Constitution to read into the Congressional Record the full Senate Intelligence Committee's report on CIA use of torture, but must do it NOW in this "lame duck" session of the Senate. (He will not serve in the next Senate, which convenes in January.)
I urge Senator Udall to turn this session from a "lame duck" to a free-flying bold Bald Eagle! We can all encourage him by calling his Congressional office at 202-224-5941.
May we receive blessings of truth, of memory, of celebrating God’s Image in ourselves and in all life.