Iraq-US War

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09/08/01 [Israeli general says: ] Waging war on Iraq is not justified Iraq-US War
05/24/04 [A Wedding Party after All] Iraq Desert Bombing Video Shows Carnage Iraq-US War
03/16/06 Woven by Each Other's Destiny: Celeste Zappala on being honored as a Prophetic Voice by The Shalom Center Iraq-US War, Interreligious Relations, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community, World Empire
05/24/04 Women Resisting the Destruction of Rafah Iraq-US War
04/14/04 Win Without War Proposes Emergency International Summit & Transfer of Management Authority to UN Iraq-US War
12/16/08 Why should Jews unite to end the war & heal America? Iraq-US War, Globalization and Economic Justice, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community, Earth
02/01/05 Why is that White-Bearded Man Interrupting Ted Koppel's Town Meeting? Iraq-US War
02/11/05 Why is that White-Bearded Man Interrupting Ted Koppel's Town Meeting? Blog, Iraq-US War
05/24/04 Why I Burned My Israeli Military Papers Iraq-US War
02/12/07 When Better Than Passover to Begin Exodus From Iraq? -End the War by 9/11! Iraq-US War, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community
05/24/04 We Did Not (Want to) Know Iraq-US War
05/04/04 War and Peace in a Time of Terrorism and Fear Iraq-US War
11/03/08 Voting Our Values: Nonpartisan Guide to Election Issues Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Global Scorching, Environmental Justice, Iraq-US War, Globalization and Economic Justice, Israeli-Palestinian Collision, Justice & immigration, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community
11/12/03 Veterans Day, Memorial Day: From Memory to Transformation Iraq-US War
05/28/04 US Takes Hostages in Iraq Iraq-US War
04/10/05 US appears to have fought war for oil and lost it Iraq-US War, Earth
12/02/05 Urgent: Interfaith Open Letter on Christian Peace Team Being Held in Iraq Iraq-US War
03/20/05 Toward a Negotiated Settlement in Iraq Iraq-US War
01/27/05 The War in Iraq & the Future of US Politics Iraq-US War
11/21/04 The Tent of Abraham, Hagar, and Sarah: :A Multireligious call for Peacemaking Iraq-US War, Israeli-Palestinian Collision
03/06/07 The Silent Debate: American Jews and the Iraq War Iraq-US War, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community
08/24/05 The Road to Crawford Blog, Iraq-US War
09/08/01 The President's Real Goal in Iraq Iraq-US War
04/07/05 The Pope, the War, Modernity, & Sex Iraq-US War, Sexuality & Spirituality, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Gender
08/30/05 The National Guard: At Home or in Iraq (when Katrina came)? Environmental Justice, Iraq-US War, Globalization and Economic Justice
07/21/04 The Hand-Over that Wasn't: How the Occupation of Iraq Continues Iraq-US War
09/08/01 Silence is Betrayal: Speak Out Against the Iraq War Iraq-US War
11/18/05 Sheehan, Waskow, others convicted in unusual trial for White House protest Iraq-US War
11/18/05 Sheehan, Waskow, & others convicted for White House protest Iraq-US War
03/29/06 Seymour Hersh on Being Honored by Shalom Center, December 2005 Iraq-US War
04/03/03 Sandstorms and the Cloud of Mystery Beshallach, Pesach, Iraq-US War
02/15/03 Ruth Messinger, Jews, The World, & War Iraq-US War
06/28/04 Report back on Philadelphia Interfaith Peace Organizing Philadelphia Area Interfaith Peace Network, Iraq-US War, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community
09/08/01 Replacing Saddam Iraq-US War
09/08/01 Ramadan, High Holidays, Assisi -- Oct 3-4, 2005 Devoting Jewish Holidays to Peace, Peace of Abraham, Hagar, & Sarah: Sacred Seasons, Fall 2006-07, Abrahamic Celebrations, Iraq-US War, Interreligious Relations, Fasting for Peace and Justice, Terrorism, US - Afghan/Pakistan War
09/16/10 Punishing Israel, Giving a Free Pass to the U.S.: What's Wrong with the U.S. Student Movement's Priorities? Iraq-US War, Israeli-Palestinian Collision
04/23/04 President Owes America Answers On Iraq Iraq-US War
10/26/05 Prayers Mourning the Dead of the Iraq War Iraq-US War
06/15/05 Polls & Newspaper Editorials Show Sharp Drop in Support for Iraq War Iraq-US War
10/17/04 Platoon Refuses 'Suicide Orders' in Iraq Iraq-US War
09/08/01 Pentagon Strategists say "War on Terror" Totally Misconceives Muslim World, Adds to US Danger Iraq-US War, Terrorism
09/28/04 Opposition to War Grows Among Jews Iraq-US War, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community
09/29/03 Open Letter To US Soldiers in Iraq Iraq-US War
09/08/01 Open Letter to GI's in Iraq Iraq-US War, World Empire
08/07/08 NOV 23: Jews Uniting to End the War & Heal America: Organizing for Action Global Scorching, Environmental Justice, Iraq-US War, Globalization and Economic Justice, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community, War and Civil Liberties, Earth
01/16/06 Nobel Prize address by Harold Pinter Iraq-US War, Torture, World Empire
05/18/04 National Council of Churches on Recent Developments in Iraq Iraq-US War
08/21/06 Nasrallah "Didn't Mean To" Israel-Lebanon War 2006, Iraq-US War
08/17/04 Najaf: At the Precipice in Iraq Iraq-US War
09/28/06 Most Iraqis Want U.S.Out Now, State Dept Poll Says Iraq-US War
09/08/01 Moshe Dayan, Vietnam, & Iraq Iraq-US War, Israeli-Palestinian Collision, Terrorism
09/20/05 More Blood, Less Oil: The failed US mission to capture Iraqi petroleum Iraq-US War, Earth
09/08/01 MLKing & Eid Al-Adha: Ten Anti-War Days in January Philadelphia Area Interfaith Peace Network, Iraq-US War, Seasons of American Sacred Time, World Empire
09/08/01 MLK and the Passover Vision: Facing Pharaoh Today, Seeking the Promised Land Devoting Jewish Holidays to Peace, Pesach, Iraq-US War, Interreligious Relations, World Empire
05/18/04 Mercenaries Iraq-US War
05/27/07 Memorial Day: So That These Dead Shall Not Have Died In Vain Iraq-US War, Seasons of American Sacred Time
10/22/04 Lessons on War from Father Abraham Lekh-lekha, Iraq-US War
09/08/01 Kyoto vs. Global Scorching: The Bush Mandate or God's? Global Scorching, Iraq-US War, Earth
06/29/05 July 4 Call for Justice and Peace in Iraq Iraq-US War
09/08/01 Jews, Weapons, & War Iraq-US War
01/15/03 Jews and the Anti-War Movement: Personal Observations Iraq-US War
10/12/04 Israeli Think Tank says Iraq War Distracted U.S. from Anti-terror Battle Iraq-US War, Israeli-Palestinian Collision
06/02/04 Israel, Iraq, & US Jews Iraq-US War, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community
06/07/04 Israel as a Factor (?) in the Iraq War; Beyond the Taboo Iraq-US War, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community
01/19/05 Is There a Moment of Opportunity in the Middle East? Iraq-US War, Nonviolence & Violence in Judaism
09/08/01 Iraqi Weapons Capabilities: A Report from the "Janes" and ISIS Iraq-US War
09/08/01 Iraqi Weapons Capabilities: A Report from the "Janes" and ISIS Iraq-US War
09/08/01 Iraqi Overthrow of Hussein Attractive for U.S., but Unrealistic; Jordan Trying To Neutralize Threats Ahead of U.S. War Iraq-US War
09/08/01 Iraq's WMD Arsenal: Deadly But Limited Iraq-US War
03/16/15 Iran, Israel, Torah, & the H-Bomb World-Healing Judaism, Iraq-US War, Nonviolence & Violence in Judaism, War with Iran?, Peace
02/06/08 Interfaith Witness for Peace in Iraq, March 7 in Washington DC Iraq-US War, War with Iran?, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community, World Empire
06/09/07 Interfaith Fast to Make Peace in Iraq Peace of Abraham, Hagar, & Sarah: Sacred Seasons, Fall 2006-07, Iraq-US War, Interreligious Relations, Fasting for Peace and Justice, Seasons of American Sacred Time
09/08/01 In Israel's Interest? Not Necessarily Iraq-US War
02/09/03 If Not War, What? If Not Now, When? Iraq-US War
12/01/04 Heschel's Yohrzeit: What would he do about the Iraq war? AJ Heschel, Iraq-US War
05/21/06 Hawks for Withdrawal Iraq-US War
03/11/08 H.R. 3797, The New Diplomatic Offensive for Iraq Act Iraq-US War
09/08/01 Gonzales Approved Unlimited Presidential War Power: Sept 2001 Iraq-US War, World Empire
09/08/01 God's October Suprise: Ramadan, Yom Kippur, & a National Fast Oct.13 Peace of Abraham, Hagar, & Sarah: Sacred Seasons, Fall 2006-07, Iraq-US War, Interreligious Relations
09/08/01 German and US Firms Supplied Arms to Saddam Iraq-US War
09/08/01 Full Text of Al Gore's Speech on Iraq Iraq-US War
01/25/05 Full Signers List- Tent of Abraham, Hagar, and Sarah Ad Iraq-US War
04/14/07 From Passover into the Next Step: Pharaoh or Freedom in America? Devoting Jewish Holidays to Peace, Pesach, Iraq-US War
08/28/03 Forty Years of Struggle: Remarks @ Lincoln Memorial Iraq-US War
05/25/04 FILM REVIEW: Frank Rich on Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11" Iraq-US War
04/18/07 Feingold-Reid Bill to End Iraq war (SB 1077) Iraq-US War
04/23/04 Falluja and the Forging of the New Iraq Iraq-US War
09/28/06 Dozens Arrested in Antiwar Demonstrations Held Near Capitol Iraq-US War
09/08/01 Does Even the President Take Himself Seriously on Iraq? Iraq-US War
06/07/04 Did US Go to War for Israel's sake? Iraq-US War, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community
09/18/03 Desert Dark Iraq-US War
09/06/06 Declaring Peace: Nonviolent Actions this Fall to End the Iraq War Iraq-US War
09/08/01 Congress Members Urge Working with U.N. on Iraq Question Iraq-US War
08/14/07 Communal Fast in a Time of Calamity: A Multireligious Call Take Action, Abrahamic Celebrations, Iraq-US War, Interreligious Relations, Fasting for Peace and Justice
06/19/11 China Arrests Ex-Pres. Bush! Charges Him with War Crimes & Torture Iraq-US War, Torture, World Empire, Dissociated Press
10/08/01 Casting Stones and Ashes: In Memory of the Dead of 9/11/01 And All Victims of War and Terrorism Iraq-US War
04/23/04 Blame Bush for What Came After 9/11 Iraq-US War
09/08/01 Backward to Unilateralism, or Forward to a New UN? Iraq-US War, Terrorism, World Empire
11/11/18 Ashes, Stones, & Flowers: A Litany For Armistice Day or Memorial Day CiviMail, Featured, Philadelphia Area Interfaith Peace Network, Iraq-US War, Terrorism
07/23/06 Army Officer Rejects US War in Iraq Iraq-US War
05/21/06 April / May Actions against War & Global Scorching Global Scorching, Iraq-US War, Interreligious Relations, Torture
06/11/06 After Iraq: The Incredible Shrinking U.S. Iraq-US War, US - Afghan/Pakistan War, War with Iran?, World Empire
01/14/05 Ad in New York Times! Tent of Abraham, Hagar, and Sarah Abrahamic Celebrations, Iraq-US War, Israeli-Palestinian Collision
09/08/01 A Call for Transformation of the Peace Movement Global Scorching, Iraq-US War, Terrorism, World Empire, Earth
09/08/01 A Breeding Ground For Tyrants: The Present U.S. Army in Iraq Iraq-US War, World Empire
09/08/01 (no title) Iraq-US War, World Empire
10/21/04 "West Wing" + Red Sox = Kerry; New Readers' Contest Community, Iraq-US War, Israeli-Palestinian Collision, Terrorism
05/25/04 "My son Nick Berg was a Soldier of Peace" Iraq-US War
12/01/04 "Falluja is the Birthplace of the Talmud" (Falluja/ Pumbeditha/ CodePink) Iraq-US War
04/19/07 Iraq & Beyond: Unmaking the Idol of Violence Iraq-US War, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community
08/22/06 Exemptions from the Army: Torah & Today Iraq-US War
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