03/10/10 |
"Avatar," Exodus, & Kabbalah |
Shemot, Va'era, Bo, Beshallach, Pesach, Tu B'Shvat, World Empire, Earth |
04/18/06 |
'A Call to Resist Illegitimate Authority' |
World Empire, War and Civil Liberties |
09/08/01 |
(no title) |
Iraq-US War, World Empire |
09/08/01 |
A Blessing to the families of the earth?/ Sharon: Bush; Hamas: Al Qaeda |
Israeli-Palestinian Collision, Terrorism, World Empire |
09/08/01 |
A Breeding Ground For Tyrants: The Present U.S. Army in Iraq |
Iraq-US War, World Empire |
09/08/01 |
A Call for Transformation of the Peace Movement |
Global Scorching, Iraq-US War, Terrorism, World Empire, Earth |
11/20/06 |
A Jewish Call to Heal God's World by Weaving World Community |
Terrorism, World Empire, Peace |
06/11/06 |
After Iraq: The Incredible Shrinking U.S. |
Iraq-US War, US - Afghan/Pakistan War, War with Iran?, World Empire |
09/08/01 |
Ashes, Stones, & Flowers: A Memorial Litany |
Terrorism, World Empire |
09/08/01 |
Backward to Unilateralism, or Forward to a New UN? |
Iraq-US War, Terrorism, World Empire |
09/08/01 |
Between the Fires: A Litany of Grief & Hope |
Lekh-lekha, Devoting Jewish Holidays to Peace, Tisha B'Av, Terrorism, World Empire |
08/01/08 |
Burning & Yearning: Hiroshima and the Ancient Holy Temples |
Devoting Jewish Holidays to Peace, Global Scorching, Tisha B'Av, World Empire |
01/02/08 |
Charlie Wilson's War, the Culture of Imperialism, and the Distortion of History |
Terrorism, World Empire |
06/19/11 |
China Arrests Ex-Pres. Bush! Charges Him with War Crimes & Torture |
Iraq-US War, Torture, World Empire, Dissociated Press |
08/03/08 |
Conjoining MLK & Inauguration Day: Relearning Heschel, Rebirthing King, Re-Inaugurating America, Jan. 14, 19, 20, 2009 |
Environmental Justice, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Race, Seasons of American Sacred Time, World Empire |
01/30/11 |
Egypt's Pharaohs – Ancient & Today: Mubarak's Military Mindset & His Allies Here & Elsewhere |
Global Scorching, Pesach, Israeli-Palestinian Collision, Spirituality of Justice, Egyptian Revolution, US - Afghan/Pakistan War, World Empire |
09/04/08 |
Elections, Kings, Wars, & Justice |
Shofetim, Spirituality of Justice, World Empire |
10/03/09 |
End the Afghan-Pakistan War: |
US - Afghan/Pakistan War, World Empire |
08/28/03 |
Forty Years of Struggle: Remarks @ Lincoln Memorial |
World Empire |
03/07/18 |
Freedom Seders, Old & New: Crisis 1968 & Crisis 2018 |
CiviMail, Featured, Pesach, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Gender, Justice and Race, Spirituality of Justice, World Empire |
09/20/17 |
From 1946 to Rosh Hashanah Tonight: A Blessing |
CiviMail, Featured, Heart and Soul, World-Healing Judaism, Tisha B'Av, Rosh HaShanah, World Empire, Earth |
10/30/05 |
George Bush, the Burning Bush, Pharaoh, & Seeds of Change |
Va'era, Bo, World Empire |
09/08/01 |
Global Arrogance or Planetary Community? - A Call to Communities of Faith |
World Empire |
09/08/01 |
Gonzales Approved Unlimited Presidential War Power: Sept 2001 |
Iraq-US War, World Empire |
01/28/10 |
Howard Zinn's last advice to America – and to me |
Global Scorching, World Empire, Justice, Peace |
02/06/08 |
Interfaith Witness for Peace in Iraq, March 7 in Washington DC |
Iraq-US War, War with Iran?, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community, World Empire |
09/09/08 |
Israeli Strategy After the Russi-Georgian War |
Israeli-Palestinian Collision, World Empire |
10/15/09 |
Jesus, the Rabbis, and the Image on a Coin |
B'reshit, Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Interreligious Relations, World Empire |
06/01/06 |
Korean War secret surfaces: Mass killings of civilians was US policy |
World Empire |
02/18/10 |
Making Passover, July 4, & Labor Day into ACTION-Festivals of Freedom & Justice |
Pesach, Globalization and Economic Justice, Fourth of July, Interreligious Relations, Seasons of American Sacred Time, World Empire |
09/08/01 |
Martin Luther King: "Beyond Vietnam," April 4, 1967 |
Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Race, Seasons of American Sacred Time, Spirituality of Justice, World Empire, Peace |
06/28/16 |
MLK + 50: A Year of Truth & Transformation |
CiviMail, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice, World Empire, Justice, Peace |
09/08/01 |
MLK and the Passover Vision: Facing Pharaoh Today, Seeking the Promised Land |
Devoting Jewish Holidays to Peace, Pesach, Iraq-US War, Interreligious Relations, World Empire |
11/26/08 |
MLK Day Litany of Ashes, Stones, & Flowers: Militarism, Racism, & Materialism |
Global Scorching, Environmental Justice, Globalization and Economic Justice, Fasting for Peace and Justice, Justice and Race, Seasons of American Sacred Time, Terrorism, Spirituality of Justice, Torture, World Empire, Earth, Justice, Peace |
09/08/01 |
MLKing & Eid Al-Adha: Ten Anti-War Days in January |
Philadelphia Area Interfaith Peace Network, Iraq-US War, Seasons of American Sacred Time, World Empire |
05/31/11 |
Netanyahu Runs for US President! |
War, Peace, & the Jewish Community, World Empire, Dissociated Press |
02/18/03 |
Next steps for the antiwar coalition |
World Empire |
01/16/06 |
Nobel Prize address by Harold Pinter |
Iraq-US War, Torture, World Empire |
06/20/08 |
Oil, War & the Military |
Global Scorching, World Empire |
09/08/01 |
Open Letter to GI's in Iraq |
Iraq-US War, World Empire |
11/26/08 |
Order of Service & Teach-in, MLK Day, Jan 19, 2008 |
Global Scorching, Justice and Gender, Justice and Race, Seasons of American Sacred Time, Spirituality of Justice, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community, World Empire, Earth, Peace |
09/08/01 |
Oseh Shalom in Yugoslavia -- And Now What?? |
World Empire |
01/02/08 |
Pakistan's Power Puzzle |
World Empire |
04/26/06 |
Prophetic minister, Prophetic rabbi: Wm. Sloane Coffin & Abraham J. Heschel |
AJ Heschel, World Empire |
04/24/06 |
Rev. Bill Coffin: Prophetic Resistance |
Justice & immigration, World Empire |
02/07/06 |
Shalom Ctr Honors Cindy Sheehan & 3 Others as 'Prophetic Voices' |
Vayyishlach, Globalization and Economic Justice, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community, World Empire |
12/31/07 |
Ten Goals for US Middle East Policy in 2008 |
World Empire, Peace |
11/25/15 |
Thanksgiving, Arlo Guthrie, "Alice," & my first Yarmulke |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Seasons of American Sacred Time, World Empire |
12/09/06 |
The 2006 Vote & Beyond: Celebrate -- & Build anew; Mourn -- & Build Anew; Celebrate -- & |
Terrorism, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community, World Empire |
01/17/10 |
The 21st Century: In God's earthquake, Domination—or Community? |
B'reshit, Freeing Our Time, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations, Jewish Renewal, Justice and Gender, World Empire, Earth, Peace |
01/11/10 |
The AVATAR film & Tu B'Shvat: the ReBirthDay of trees & The Tree |
Shemot, Bo, Global Scorching, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Tu B'Shvat, World Empire |
01/08/10 |
The Long Narrow Pharaoh & the Midwives Who Gave Birth to Freedom |
Shemot, Pesach, Justice and Gender, Spirituality of Justice, World Empire |
12/22/04 |
The Politics of the Christmas Story |
Seasons of American Sacred Time, World Empire |
09/08/01 |
The Push for War (and the ascendency of Radical US Nationalism) |
World Empire |
05/09/08 |
The Spirituality of the Future by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi |
Jewish Renewal, The Nature of Torah, World Empire, Earth |
10/27/11 |
The tower of "Babble" |
Noah, World Empire |
09/08/01 |
The Very Tall Tale of Babel |
Noah, World Empire |
11/19/14 |
Torah of Truth vs. Torture: Sen. Udall's Sacred Task |
B'reshit, Civil Liberties & Human Rights, World-Healing Judaism, Yom Kippur, Spirituality of Justice, World Empire, War and Civil Liberties |
04/28/09 |
Torturing the Image of God |
B'reshit, Yom Kippur, Torture, World Empire, War and Civil Liberties |
05/11/09 |
Understanding "the Long War" |
Terrorism, US - Afghan/Pakistan War, World Empire |
09/08/01 |
US Officials in CIA Use Torture Against US Prisoners |
World Empire |
09/08/01 |
War is Too High a Price for Oil |
World Empire |
03/23/09 |
Watch YouTube Film of Original Freedom Seder, 1969! |
Pesach, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Race, Seasons of American Sacred Time, Spirituality of Justice, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community, World Empire, Earth, Peace |
10/17/09 |
What is "the Image of God"? |
B'reshit, Community, Interreligious Relations, Spirituality of Justice, World Empire |
02/15/07 |
Why Do We Need a Tent of Abraham? |
Peace of Abraham, Hagar, & Sarah: Sacred Seasons, Fall 2006-07, Abrahamic Celebrations, Terrorism, US - Afghan/Pakistan War, World Empire |
09/22/03 |
Why a NY Times columnist gets Death Threats |
Globalization and Economic Justice, World Empire |
03/16/06 |
Woven by Each Other's Destiny: Celeste Zappala on being honored as a Prophetic Voice by The Shalom Center |
Iraq-US War, Interreligious Relations, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community, World Empire |
08/16/08 |
“A Prophet for Such a Time as This”: A Sermon on Habakkuk |
Prophets, World Empire |