09/08/01 |
The Children of Noah: A Wedding or Covenanting Ceremony |
Covenanting: Marriage and Commitment |
09/08/01 |
Toward a New Jewish Sexual Ethic |
Kedoshim, Sexuality & Spirituality, Covenanting: Marriage and Commitment, Jewish Renewal, Justice and Gender |
09/08/01 |
Bar/ Bat mitzvah and sex |
Adolescence |
09/08/01 |
A Covenant of Same-Sex Nisu'in and Kidushin |
Covenanting: Marriage and Commitment |
09/08/01 |
Enlarging Sacred Space: K'dusha & Same-Sex Marriages |
Covenanting: Marriage and Commitment |
09/08/01 |
Exchanging Wedding Rings |
Covenanting: Marriage and Commitment |
09/08/01 |
Gay Marriage: What's the Fuss? |
Covenanting: Marriage and Commitment |
09/08/01 |
Inequality in Marriage |
Covenanting: Marriage and Commitment |
09/08/01 |
Legal Protections for Same-Sex Couples - More than a Checklist |
Covenanting: Marriage and Commitment |
09/08/01 |
Letter from the Editor: Same-sex Jewish Marriage in Our Generation |
Covenanting: Marriage and Commitment |
09/08/01 |
Pre-marital Counseling for Same-sex Couples: Highlights for Rabbis and Cantors |
Covenanting: Marriage and Commitment |
09/08/01 |
Same-sex Marriage and the Law |
Covenanting: Marriage and Commitment |
09/08/01 |
Same-sex Marriage: Special Issue of New Menorah |
Covenanting: Marriage and Commitment |
08/05/03 |
Responding in Prayer & Practice to Same-Sex Marriages |
Covenanting: Marriage and Commitment |
12/10/03 |
Emerging Torah of Same-Sex Marriage |
Acharai Mot, Sexuality & Spirituality, Covenanting: Marriage and Commitment, Justice and Gender |
02/04/04 |
Blessed Is She Who Comes: A Birth-Covenant Ceremony for Girls |
Birth |
02/12/04 |
Light Old & New on Same-Sex Marriage |
Blog, Sexuality & Spirituality, Covenanting: Marriage and Commitment |
04/14/04 |
Bitzvah Time, Green Ribbons, and Elijah |
Adolescence |
04/14/04 |
Broken Glass |
Covenanting: Marriage and Commitment |
06/24/05 |
"The Light of the Moon and the Sun": A Wedding Poem |
Covenanting: Marriage and Commitment |
06/29/05 |
A New "Covenant of the Heart" (Naming) Ceremony for Jewish Women |
Birth |
06/29/06 |
Reb Zalman's Tennai Kiddushin (Conditions before Marriage) |
Covenanting: Marriage and Commitment |
08/04/06 |
Mourners' Kaddish in Time of War and Violence |
Devoting Jewish Holidays to Peace, Peace of Abraham, Hagar, & Sarah: Sacred Seasons, Fall 2006-07, Death and Mourning, Nonviolence & Violence in Judaism, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community, Prayer, Peace |
10/20/06 |
Elijah's Covenant to Heal the Earth: Between the Generations at Bar/Bat Mitzvah Time |
Global Scorching, Adolescence, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis |
05/22/07 |
The Song of Songs as a Sacred Recipe: Love, Charoset and the Liberation of the World |
Pesach, Covenanting: Marriage and Commitment, Food |
02/20/08 |
Curriculum/Ceremony for Teens on Climate Crisis |
Books, CDs, DVDs, Adolescence, Jewish Renewal, Earth |
05/01/08 |
Yom Hashoah: Mourners' Kaddish in Time of War and Peace |
Darfur, Interreligious Relations, Death and Mourning, Yom Hashoah, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community, Prayer |
06/02/09 |
Murder is Murder and Abortion is Not |
Adolescence, Sexuality & Spirituality |
09/15/09 |
The Crash 4: Thoughts, Rosh Hashanah 5770 |
Heart and Soul, Environmental Justice, Globalization and Economic Justice, Rosh HaShanah, Eldering, Earth |
09/15/09 |
Free Time for Reflection |
Environmental Justice, Globalization and Economic Justice, Rosh HaShanah, Eldering, Other, Earth |
09/30/09 |
Crash #5: Excruciating Pain & Oceans of Love |
Heart and Soul, Eldering |
10/13/09 |
An eco-kosher babynaming/welcoming ceremony: "The Naming of Plonit" |
Birth, Earth |
10/13/09 |
Reconnecting To The Land And Its Produce: A Confirmation Curriculum for Shavuot |
Adolescence, Shavuot, Earth |
10/13/09 |
Life in Rehab: What Dies & What's Reborn |
Heart and Soul, Vezot Haberakha, Eldering, Sh'mini Atzeret, Simchat Torah |
10/30/09 |
Guide to an Eco-Bar/Bat Mitzvah Observance |
Adolescence |
10/30/09 |
Chanukat Habayit (Dedicating a House): Eco-Kosher Ritual of Dedication to Healing the Earth & Home |
Mid-Life Transformations, Earth |
12/07/09 |
Godwrestling: an adult name change |
Heart and Soul, Vayyishlach, Mid-Life Transformations, Jewish Renewal |
04/28/10 |
Texts of Tennaiim for Gett [divorce] and Sheva Brakhot [Seven Blessings] for Same-Sex Wedding Couples |
Sexuality & Spirituality, Covenanting: Marriage and Commitment |
09/27/10 |
The Long Narrow Pharaoh and the Pass-over People |
Shemot, Birth, Pesach, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Seasons of our Joy: Festivals and Lifecycles, Justice and Gender, Justice and Race |
12/28/10 |
"Don't Love, Don't Marry": Coercion & Compassion in America |
Sexuality & Spirituality, Covenanting: Marriage and Commitment, Justice and Gender |
01/09/12 |
My brother is dying |
Community, Heart and Soul, Death and Mourning, Community, Justice |
03/23/12 |
3 Moments of Horror: Killing Jews, Killing Muslims, Killing Blacks |
Anti-Semitism, Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Israeli-Palestinian Collision, Interreligious Relations, Death and Mourning, Justice and Race, US - Afghan/Pakistan War |
05/11/12 |
Bending history's arc: the Spirit breathes new life into marriage |
Featured, Sexuality & Spirituality, Covenanting: Marriage and Commitment |
11/01/12 |
Beyond the Grave: My brother's gift to life |
Anti-Semitism, Featured, Death and Mourning |
11/21/12 |
Prayer for the Children of Abraham/ Ibrahim |
World-Healing Judaism, Gaza / Sderot Crisis, Israeli-Palestinian Collision, Interreligious Relations, Death and Mourning, Prayer |
05/08/13 |
Gloria Steinem & Reb Arthur: What Does 80 Look Like? |
Eldering, Community |
09/11/13 |
My turning 80, after almost dying |
Featured, Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur, Death and Mourning, Community |
11/03/13 |
FULL UP: "This is What 80 Looks Like" |
Featured, News, World-Healing Judaism, Eldering, Community |
11/07/13 |
VIDEO: Reb Arthur Waskow introduced by Rabbi David Saperstein, Nov 3 2013 |
Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Rebirthing America, Eldering, Jewish Renewal, Community |
11/21/13 |
VIDEO: Gloria Steinem & Reb Arthur Waskow, "What 80 Looks Like," Nov 3, 2013 |
Featured, Rebirthing America, Eldering |
04/02/14 |
Joining Elijah's Covenat to Heal the Earth on Shabbat HaGadol |
Global Scorching, Pesach, Adolescence |
02/08/16 |
Reb Arthur's 2d Bar Mitzvah: Save the Date! |
Noah, Featured, Adolescence, Earth |
03/13/16 |
BRIT BAT – Welcoming girl-child into the Covenant |
Va'yeira, Genesis, Birth |
06/08/16 |
Reb Arthur's 2d Bar Mitzvah?! What's that? |
CiviMail, Eldering, Community, Earth |
12/27/16 |
Leonard Cohen sings, “Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.” -- IS IT? |
CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Eldering, Spirituality of Justice |
05/24/18 |
Trump Tries to Trump Philip Roth’s Worst Forebodings |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, CiviMail, Vayyishlach, World-Healing Judaism, Eldering, War and Civil Liberties |
04/23/19 |
Elijah's Covenant Between the Generations |
Birth, CiviMail, Pesach, Special Shabbatot, World-Healing Judaism, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis |
01/12/20 |
Books by Rabbi Arthur Waskow, director of the Shalom Center |
Books, CDs, DVDs, CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, The Nature of Torah, Community, Earth, Lifecycle, Justice, Text-based, Peace |
03/25/20 |
A Prayer for the Health and Healing of Healers |
CiviMail, Community, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Community, Lifecycle |
11/11/20 |
Death: Peace Or a Coup? -- This Week’s Torah |
Chayye Sara, CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Death and Mourning, Community |
12/03/20 |
What does it mean to "Wrestle God"? |
CiviMail, Featured, Vayyishlach, World-Healing Judaism, Spirituality of Justice, Community, Lifecycle, Peace |
12/29/20 |
Torah: The Grandchildren |
CiviMail, Featured, Eldering, Vayhi, Spirituality of Justice |
12/29/20 |
Torah: The Grandchildren |
CiviMail, Featured, Eldering, Vayhi, Spirituality of Justice |
04/12/21 |
Torah of “Tamei”: Laser-Beam Holiness, Not “Impurity” |
Tazria, CiviMail, Sexuality & Spirituality, Covenanting: Marriage and Commitment, Jewish Renewal |
06/14/21 |
CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Death and Mourning, Justice and Race, Seasons of American Sacred Time, Spirituality of Justice |
06/29/21 |
Tzelophad's Daughters & Anti-woman Theology |
CiviMail, Global Scorching, Adolescence, Pinchas, Mid-Life Transformations |
10/19/21 |
Why Hagar Left: This Week’s Torah |
Va'yeira, Birth, CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Justice and Gender |
06/05/22 |
Selling Deadly Weapons: Pediatric Surgeons Speak Today, Ancient Rabbis Speak 2 Millennia Ago |
Kedoshim, CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Death and Mourning, Nonviolence & Violence in Judaism, Terrorism |