10/06/15 |
"We each have two lives. The second begins when --- |
Heart and Soul, Yom Kippur, Community |
08/16/18 |
5 Offerings for a Deep & Powerful Yom Kippur |
B'reshit, CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Fasting for Peace and Justice, Yom Kippur, Spirituality of Justice, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community |
08/26/10 |
9/11 and Rosh Hashanah: Reconciling Abraham's Families, Celebrating American Diversity |
B'reshit, Va'yeira, Chayye Sara, Devoting Jewish Holidays to Peace, Israeli-Palestinian Collision, Interreligious Relations, Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur |
09/02/03 |
A new kind of Jewish martyr, dying for Kiddush Hashem |
Yom Kippur |
09/07/03 |
Adding to the Tales of Rosh Hashanah a Reading for Yom Kippur |
Devoting Jewish Holidays to Peace, Yom Kippur |
09/08/01 |
Al Cheyt: for the misdeeds we have done before You |
Yom Kippur |
09/06/12 |
Biblical Wellsprings, Water in our World |
Va'yeira, Climate policy, Featured, Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Interreligious Relations, Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur |
09/26/17 |
Carrying Isaiah into the Streets for Yom Kippur |
CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Yom Kippur, Spirituality of Justice |
03/20/16 |
Challenging hatred of Islam |
Devoting Jewish Holidays to Peace, Interreligious Relations, Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur |
09/18/08 |
Clouds, Yom Kippur, & Climate Crisis in the Balance |
Global Scorching, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Yom Kippur |
07/26/10 |
Days High & Holy, Days of Awe & Beauty: Join Us for Holy-Day Retreats at Elat Chayyim |
Rosh HaShanah, Jewish Renewal, Yom Kippur |
09/18/16 |
Five Steps into a Deeper Yom Kippur: |
CiviMail, Devoting Jewish Holidays to Peace, World-Healing Judaism, Yom Kippur |
09/02/03 |
For Our Sins -- a Gentle Heart |
Yom Kippur |
09/14/12 |
From Ben-Ghazi to Yom Kippur |
Va'yeira, Devoting Jewish Holidays to Peace, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur, Terrorism, Peace |
08/12/10 |
High Holy Days: Does the Earth really matter? |
B'reshit, Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur, Earth |
07/13/15 |
Invite Speaker/ Teacher on Eco-Judaism |
Climate policy, Global Scorching, Environmental Justice, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot |
10/05/11 |
Isaiah breaks into the official liturgy of Yom Kippur |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Globalization and Economic Justice, New Biblical Translations, Interreligious Relations, Jewish Renewal, Prophets, Yom Kippur, Spirituality of Justice, Torture |
09/25/17 |
Isaiah Lives! -- The Challenge of Yom Kippur |
CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Yom Kippur, Justice and Race, Spirituality of Justice |
10/12/14 |
Israel & Palestine: Is Forgiveness Possible? |
Israeli-Palestinian Collision, Yom Kippur |
09/02/03 |
Jonah, God, & the Castor Bean Tree |
Yom Kippur |
08/06/15 |
Kol Nidre, Yom Kippur at the Lincoln Memorial, Sept 22-23 |
World-Healing Judaism, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Yom Kippur, Earth |
09/08/01 |
Mouth to Mouth with God |
Yom Kippur |
09/18/17 |
My Qualms and Self-Correction |
CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community |
09/11/13 |
My turning 80, after almost dying |
Featured, Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur, Death and Mourning, Community |
09/24/12 |
Praying with Our Legs -- Against Big & Oppressive Banks |
Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Globalization and Economic Justice, Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur |
08/31/10 |
Reading from the books that some would burn |
Devoting Jewish Holidays to Peace, Interreligious Relations, Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur |
07/18/21 |
Reconciling Ishmael and Isaac for Yom Kippur |
Chayye Sara, CiviMail, Fasting for Peace and Justice, Yom Kippur, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community |
09/12/14 |
ReNewing a Book for Rosh Hashanah: "The Tent of Abraham: Stories of Hope & Peace for Jews, Christians, and Muslims" |
Va'yeira, Peace of Abraham, Hagar, & Sarah: Sacred Seasons, Fall 2006-07, Abrahamic Celebrations, Israeli-Palestinian Collision, Interreligious Relations, Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur, The Book of Genesis, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community |
12/07/07 |
Shalom Ctr as Amicus in Torture case |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Yom Kippur, Torture, War and Civil Liberties |
08/26/15 |
Sharing Texts on Climate: "Laudato Si" & Jewish Sages |
Climate policy, World-Healing Judaism, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Interreligious Relations, Yom Kippur |
06/29/05 |
T'shuvah as Error Recognition and Repair in the Basic Design of Living Systems |
Yom Kippur |
09/16/18 |
The Day after Yom Kippur: Facing Mr. Kavanaugh |
CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Yom Kippur |
08/23/04 |
The Haftarah for the Fast of Yom Kippur |
Yom Kippur, Spirituality of Justice |
09/02/03 |
The Leopard in Isaiah |
Yom Kippur |
06/29/05 |
The Path Is Always Present: Tshuvah, Habit and the Idea of Direction |
Yom Kippur |
05/11/06 |
The Peace of Abraham, Hagar, and Sarah: Sharing Sacred Seasons, Fall 2007 |
Peace of Abraham, Hagar, & Sarah: Sacred Seasons, Fall 2006-07, Abrahamic Celebrations, Interreligious Relations, Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot |
09/27/15 |
The Pope, the Earth, & At-ONE-ment: Kol Nidre at the Lincoln Memorial |
Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Yom Kippur |
09/22/09 |
Thinking about the Goldstone Report: Our Misdeeds and Theirs |
Yom Kippur, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community |
11/19/14 |
Torah of Truth vs. Torture: Sen. Udall's Sacred Task |
B'reshit, Civil Liberties & Human Rights, World-Healing Judaism, Yom Kippur, Spirituality of Justice, World Empire, War and Civil Liberties |
04/28/09 |
Torturing the Image of God |
B'reshit, Yom Kippur, Torture, World Empire, War and Civil Liberties |
12/24/14 |
Two intertwined drushas: Eden & Shmita |
B'reshit, Behar, Global Scorching, Jewish Renewal, Yom Kippur, Text-based |
09/25/15 |
Unique Haftarah for Yom Kippur at Lincoln Memorial, 2015 |
Global Scorching, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Interreligious Relations, Yom Kippur |
09/09/13 |
VIDEO: Yom Kippur & Beyond: The Prophet Isaiah Lives Today |
Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Seasons of our Joy: Festivals and Lifecycles, Yom Kippur |
07/31/13 |
VIDEO: Yom Kippur Haftarah -- Isaiah 57:14-58:14 -- midrashically translated by Rabbi Arthur Waskow |
Seasons of our Joy: Festivals and Lifecycles, Fasting for Peace and Justice, Yom Kippur |
09/24/12 |
Yom Kippur as Transformation-time: 3 Keys to Unlock our Hearts |
Va'yeira, World-Healing Judaism, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Yom Kippur, Nonviolence & Violence in Judaism, Peace |
10/21/16 |
Yom Kippur at Standing Rock, Dakota -- and Sukkot Everywhere |
CiviMail, Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Yom Kippur, Sukkot |
09/21/15 |
Yom Kippur Meets Eid al-Idha: Isaiah & Ishmael |
Va'yeira, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Yom Kippur, Spirituality of Justice |
10/02/14 |
Yom Kippur/ St. Francis/ Eid al-Idha: Invoking Universal Unity |
Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Yom Kippur, Community |
08/19/10 |
Yom Kippur: New Meaning, A New Martyrology |
Civil Liberties & Human Rights, CiviMail, Seasons of our Joy: Festivals and Lifecycles, Yom Kippur |
09/06/18 |
Yom Kippur: Take Isaiah into the Streets for 18 Minutes! |
CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Yom Kippur, Justice |