Days High & Holy, Days of Awe & Beauty: Join Us for Holy-Day Retreats at Elat Chayyim

At Elat Chayyim/ Isabella Freedman retreat center in the Berkshire hills in Falls Village, Connecticut, from Wednesday evening September 8 to Sunday noontime September 12 there will be a retreat for Rosh Hashanah and Shabbat Shuvah. From September 17 to 19, there will be a retreat for Yom Kippur.

Both retreats will be led by Rabbis Phyllis Berman, Arthur Waskow, & Shawn Zevit, and Simcha Zevit.

Rabbi Shawn and Simcha are remarkable singers and cantors, and will bring sweet, deep music into the hearts and souls of the community.

Rabbi Phyllis will lead meditative chanting services for Shabbat and several spiritual exercises for helping us achieve tshuvah ("turning" or repentance) and slichah (forgiveness).

I will lead Torah study in ways that open the heart and mind to the wonders of Creation and the possibilities of reconciliation between humanity and Earth, and among the different families of Abraham.

The Shalom Center is a co-sponsor of this retreat. So any of us who are connected with The Shalom Center will receive a 20% discount on the cost of room and board by entering a special code when registering.

This 20% discount comes on top of a 10% early-bird discount if you register by August 19.

Register by clicking here. or by calling 1800/398-2630, ext 4. On the next-to-last page of registration, type in the "discount code" as follows to receive the 20% Shalom Center discount: SCRH10.

What's more, each Shalom Center registrant beyond the first fifteen will bring to The Shalom Center a $50 donation from Isabella Freedman. A painless -- indeed a joyful! -- way to help support The Shalom Center's work for peace, justice, and healing.

Why "joyful"? Melodies old and new, ancient Torah and our own lives, will be brought together. For example -- drawing on the tradition that Rosh Hashanah is the birthday of the human race from the earth through the breath of life, the first day will address how adam and adamah (human "earthling" and earth) can breathe in joy together.

The retreat grounds include a lake and woods of great beauty, an organic farm, comfortable rooms, and an attentive staff. Joy!

Both retreats will reflect a multi-denominational, egalitarian style, following the traditional structure of the liturgy, but also including meditation, chanting, and musical instruments.

Children are welcome. Yoga classes will be offered daily. Still more joy!

Register by clicking here. or by calling 1800/398-2630, ext 4. On the next-to-last page of registration, type in the "discount code" as follows to receive the 20% Shalom Center discount: SCRH10.

I look forward to seeing you there and together bringing in a true "shanah tovah" -- a year of transformation for the good.

Shalom, Arthur
Rabbi Arthur Waskow

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