Justice and Gender

Post datesort descending Article Title Categories
09/08/01 Toward a New Jewish Sexual Ethic Kedoshim, Sexuality & Spirituality, Covenanting: Marriage and Commitment, Jewish Renewal, Justice and Gender
12/10/03 Emerging Torah of Same-Sex Marriage Acharai Mot, Sexuality & Spirituality, Covenanting: Marriage and Commitment, Justice and Gender
02/11/05 The Conservative Movement's Double Standard Justice and Gender
02/11/05 The Conservative Movement's Double Standard Justice and Gender
03/24/05 Needed: Clergy support, legal brief on same-sex marriage Sexuality & Spirituality, Justice and Gender
04/07/05 The Pope, the War, Modernity, & Sex Iraq-US War, Sexuality & Spirituality, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Gender
12/13/07 Hajj, Saudi Arabia, Rape, & Prayer: A Muslim Feminist Outcry Abrahamic Celebrations, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Gender
02/22/08 Trafficking in Women & Sexual Enslavement: A Letter to the U.S. Senate Justice and Gender
03/03/08 The Oven that Coiled Like a Snake Justice and Gender, Spirituality of Justice
11/26/08 Order of Service & Teach-in, MLK Day, Jan 19, 2008 Global Scorching, Justice and Gender, Justice and Race, Seasons of American Sacred Time, Spirituality of Justice, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community, World Empire, Earth, Peace
12/22/08 "Newsweek," Torah, and Same-Sex Marriage World-Healing Judaism, Sexuality & Spirituality, Jewish Renewal, Justice and Gender
12/22/08 Prop 8, the White House, & Same-Sex Marriage Sexuality & Spirituality, Justice and Gender
02/03/09 New Interfaith Freedom Seder for the Earth: Text of an Earth-Haggadah Global Scorching, Pesach, Environmental Justice, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations, Justice & immigration, Justice and Gender
07/16/09 Step 2 in Muslim-initiated Interfaith Dialogue => Action Interreligious Relations, Justice and Gender, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community, Earth
11/18/09 Woman wearing tallit arrested at Western Wall Jewish Renewal, Justice and Gender, Rosh Chodesh
11/20/09 God, the State, Women, & Other Genies Interreligious Relations, Justice and Gender
01/08/10 The Long Narrow Pharaoh & the Midwives Who Gave Birth to Freedom Shemot, Pesach, Justice and Gender, Spirituality of Justice, World Empire
01/17/10 The 21st Century: In God's earthquake, Domination—or Community? B'reshit, Freeing Our Time, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations, Jewish Renewal, Justice and Gender, World Empire, Earth, Peace
07/06/10 Right-wing Chrtostianity meets Feminism in the Tea Party Movement Justice and Gender
07/06/10 Right-wing Christianity meets Feminism in the Tea Party Movement Justice and Gender
09/26/10 Marge Piercy: Science Fiction as Prophetic Vision Global Scorching, Sexuality & Spirituality, Globalization and Economic Justice, Jewish Renewal, Justice and Gender, Spirituality of Justice, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community, Community
09/27/10 The Long Narrow Pharaoh and the Pass-over People Shemot, Birth, Pesach, Festivals, Life-cycle, & Climate crisis, Seasons of our Joy: Festivals and Lifecycles, Justice and Gender, Justice and Race
10/03/10 "Justice Denied": My Mini-Sermon at the Lincoln Memorial, 10-2-10 Global Scorching, Environmental Justice, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations, Justice & immigration, Justice and Gender, Prophets, Spirituality of Justice, US - Afghan/Pakistan War
12/28/10 "Don't Love, Don't Marry": Coercion & Compassion in America Sexuality & Spirituality, Covenanting: Marriage and Commitment, Justice and Gender
11/23/11 Struggling with God, and with Obscurity Vayyetze, Jewish Renewal, Justice and Gender
06/21/12 News Release: "CATHOLIC LEAGUE" HEAD MAKES ANTI-SEMITIC THREAT TO RABBI WASKOW News, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Gender
06/22/12 ACTION to rebuke anti-Jewish threats in Catholic circles, and support Catholic nuns Featured, News, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Gender
06/23/12 No Religion is an Island: Challenging Injustice in a Community not "Our Own" Interreligious Relations, Justice and Gender, Spirituality of Justice
07/17/12 Sacred Solidarity, Radical Hospitality: Women Priests & a Woman Rabbi Pinchas, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Gender
10/22/12 From the Western Wall to the Western Well: Where Women Cannot Pray Featured, Sexuality & Spirituality, Justice and Gender, Prayer
02/11/13 Will the Next Pope Make a Difference? Featured, Sexuality & Spirituality, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Gender
02/22/13 From Vashti & Esther to Women of the Wall & US Nuns: Ridiculing the Powerful, Resisting their Power Anti-Semitism, World-Healing Judaism, Justice and Gender, Purim
06/27/13 5 New Tremors in God's Earthquake Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Climate policy, Justice and Gender, Justice and Race
10/07/13 The Pope, the Bishops, and the US Federal Shut-down: Climate policy, World-Healing Judaism, Environmental Justice, Sexuality & Spirituality, Globalization and Economic Justice, Justice and Gender
07/07/14 Fox News Cites Bible, Segregates Black Employees (read to end; satire tag)) Noah, Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Justice and Gender, Justice and Race, Dissociated Press
12/04/14 "We Can't Breathe" -- An American Travesty Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Global Scorching, Environmental Justice, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Gender, Justice and Race
10/20/15 The Pope, the Church, Rabbis, & Women B'reshit, Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Sexuality & Spirituality, Justice and Gender, Spirituality of Justice
10/23/15 Gloria Steinem, Reb Susan Talve, & Catholic Climate Activist on "The Church & Women" Climate policy, Sexuality & Spirituality, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Gender
12/09/15 Trump Speaks in NYC to raise $$ for GOP Candiidates Anti-Semitism, Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Globalization and Economic Justice, Justice & immigration, Justice and Gender, Justice and Race
02/14/16 Scalia, the Constitution, and Me Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Climate policy, Featured, Globalization and Economic Justice, Justice and Gender, Justice and Race
03/14/16 Before the Holocaust & Beyond Trumpery Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Globalization and Economic Justice, Justice & immigration, Justice and Gender, Justice and Race
06/24/16 Are we facing an American "Brexit"? CiviMail, Community, Environmental Justice, Globalization and Economic Justice, Interreligious Relations, Justice & immigration, Justice and Gender, Justice and Race, Spirituality of Justice, Community
09/14/16 Beyond the Election CiviMail, Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Justice and Gender, Justice and Race, Spirituality of Justice, War and Civil Liberties
11/09/16 Heartbreak and beyond CiviMail, Climate policy, Community, Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Environmental Justice, Globalization and Economic Justice, Justice & immigration, Justice and Gender, Torture, Community, Justice
02/15/17 The Loooong Narrow Pharaoh and the Midwives Who Gave Birth to Freedom Shemot, Exodus, CiviMail, Pesach, World-Healing Judaism, Justice and Gender, Spirituality of Justice
08/21/17 Speaking Prophetic Truth to Racist & Anti-Semitic Power Anti-Semitism, Civil Liberties & Human Rights, CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Community in Time of Emergency, Justice and Gender, Justice and Race, Spirituality of Justice, Earth, Justice
12/06/17 Report on Our Arrests in Washington Protesting Tax Deform Bill CiviMail, Featured, Environmental Justice, Justice and Gender, Justice and Race, Spirituality of Justice
01/01/18 Susannah Heschel on Abraham Joshua Heschel Today AJ Heschel, CiviMail, Featured, Justice and Gender, Justice and Race, Spirituality of Justice, War, Peace, & the Jewish Community
03/07/18 Freedom Seders, Old & New: Crisis 1968 & Crisis 2018 CiviMail, Featured, Pesach, World-Healing Judaism, Interreligious Relations, Justice and Gender, Justice and Race, Spirituality of Justice, World Empire
09/05/18 What does Torah teach about Judge Kavanaugh? Shofetim, Civil Liberties & Human Rights, CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Environmental Justice, Globalization and Economic Justice, Justice & immigration, Justice and Gender, Justice and Race, New Poor, Spirituality of Justice
09/26/18 Arrested! -- Berman, Waskow, Lulav, Etrog CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Environmental Justice, Justice & immigration, Justice and Gender, Sukkot, Spirituality of Justice
09/27/18 A Prayer for This Morning as Our Country Faces Sexual Assault by Men in Power CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Justice and Gender, Spirituality of Justice
01/25/19 Colors of Resistance at the Women’s March Anti-Semitism, CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Justice and Gender, Justice and Race, Spirituality of Justice
03/17/19 Murderous White Nationalists, Modern Pharaohs, and the Sea of Reeds Shemot, Beshallach, Anti-Semitism, CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Globalization and Economic Justice, Community in Time of Emergency, Interreligious Relations, Justice & immigration, Justice and Gender, Justice and Race, Spirituality of Justice
04/09/19 "Faith in Action": 2d front-page PHL Inqy article Interfaith Freedom Seder + 50 CiviMail, Featured, Pesach, World-Healing Judaism, Environmental Justice, Globalization and Economic Justice, Justice & immigration, Justice and Gender, Justice and Race, Spirituality of Justice
07/09/20 "Supremes" rob women of Religous Freedom CiviMail, Justice and Gender, Spirituality of Justice
09/23/21 After Texas, We Must Confront Misogynist, Anti-Sex Theology Civil Liberties & Human Rights, CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Justice and Gender
10/19/21 Why Hagar Left: This Week’s Torah Va'yeira, Birth, CiviMail, World-Healing Judaism, Justice and Gender
05/18/22 Who Owns Women's Bodies --- in Bible & Today? Civil Liberties & Human Rights, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Sexuality & Spirituality, Justice and Gender
06/02/22 Hosea's Haftarah: From Humiliation to Transformation Global Scorching, World-Healing Judaism, Sexuality & Spirituality, Justice and Gender
06/05/22 Betrayal & Beyond: Hosea's Haftarah Journey into Love & Justice Bemidbar, Noah, CiviMail, Featured, World-Healing Judaism, Sexuality & Spirituality, Justice and Gender, Spirituality of Justice
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