Green is the color of today.
Our own Green Hevra, the green of trees and grasses, and the green of Islam in one of its great festivals.
Today, as many of us who are involved in the Green Hevra (there's a description below) are both taking joy in and mulling over the excellent work we did in an intensive two-day retreat this week, we might also pause to take note of today’s beginning of the four-day Muslim Festival of Eid-al-Idha.
The festival remembers and honors a moment that Jews remember as well. Abraham / Ibrahim / Avraham prepared to obey God’s command to offer up his son as a sacrifice – and then at the last moment heard God calling on him to save his son and offer instead a ram caught by its horns in a nearby thicket. And obeyed.
Muslims honor his willingness to obey God, and they translate this honor into feeding the poor and the outcast. Drawing on Ibrahim’s offering of the ram, Muslims will take the meat of a ritually slaughtered lamb to share with their extended families and with the poor.
The Shalom Center says to the Muslim world -- Eid Mubarak! May your festival be blessed!
May it help us all to make real the teaching of these days: “Do not kill your children; Feed the poor!”
May we deeply learn that our present mode of life is lifting the deadly "knife" of overburning fossil fuels -- the knife that will kill our children and grandchildren. May we turn away, to make an offering of life, instead.
I’ve just returned from a two-day intensive retreat of the year-old Green Hevra, a network of about 15 Eco-Jewish organizations, ranging from Jewish organic farms and an eco-focused summer camp to an educational center for kids in Jewish schools for learning Torah of the Earth to groups focused on the hands-on physical greening of Jewish buildings to several organizations (including The Shalom Center) that fuse Jewish wisdom and practice with eco-policy activism.
The gathering was deeply joyful for me, both collectively and personally -- because the Hevra took several important decisions to address the climate crisis, and because the Hevra honored me as a teacher in a circle of blessing.
The GREEN HEVRA decided to adopt “Growing a Sustainable Climate” as a focus for the work of the Hevra as a whole and as an important theme in much (not all) of the work of the member organizations.
We identified two special times for lifting up this work