5 Offerings for a Deep & Powerful Yom Kippur
Post date: Thu, 2018/08/16 - 4:30pm
From Hyper-Hurricanes to Life-Giving Action
Post date: Mon, 2017/09/11 - 10:18pm
Rosh Hashanah as We Turn to Heal the Earth
Post date: Tue, 2017/09/05 - 5:54pm
Turning Time--From Eid Mubarak to Shanah Tovah
Post date: Thu, 2017/08/31 - 12:05pm
Toward Eden: The Earth gives birth to the Human Race
Post date: Thu, 2016/10/27 - 8:28am
The Pope, the Church, Rabbis, & Women
Post date: Tue, 2015/10/20 - 8:48am
Pope Francis & St Francis: "Laudato Si [Praised be the ONE]"
Post date: Mon, 2015/07/13 - 8:50am
Two intertwined drushas: Eden & Shmita
Post date: Wed, 2014/12/24 - 9:29am
Torah of Truth vs. Torture: Sen. Udall's Sacred Task
Post date: Wed, 2014/11/19 - 4:15pm
God's Image, Caesar's Image, & the Jigsaw Puzzle of Humanity
Post date: Fri, 2012/10/12 - 6:05pm
Whose Image is on Our Money?
Post date: Wed, 2012/09/05 - 12:56pm
Why is Colorado Burning?
Post date: Wed, 2012/07/11 - 5:17am
Turn the barren place to Eden: The Earth gives birth to the Human Race
Post date: Sun, 2010/09/05 - 6:53am
9/11 and Rosh Hashanah: Reconciling Abraham's Families, Celebrating American Diversity
Post date: Thu, 2010/08/26 - 7:02am
High Holy Days: Does the Earth really matter?
Post date: Thu, 2010/08/12 - 5:04am
The 21st Century: In God's earthquake, Domination—or Community?
Post date: Sun, 2010/01/17 - 5:55am
What is "the Image of God"?
Post date: Sat, 2009/10/17 - 5:34am
Jesus, the Rabbis, and the Image on a Coin
Post date: Thu, 2009/10/15 - 12:40pm
Preserving the Eyes of the Universe
Post date: Tue, 2009/09/08 - 10:58am
Ma'asei V'raisheet — The Works of Creation
Post date: Wed, 2009/07/22 - 3:29am
Torturing the Image of God
Post date: Tue, 2009/04/28 - 11:49am
A Jewish Perspective on Abrahamic Wisdoms: Jacob, Joshua, Jesus, the Talmud, & Mohammed
Post date: Tue, 2009/03/24 - 5:55pm
The Eclipse of Wonder: Abraham Joshua Heschel and Our Ecological Crisis
Post date: Sat, 2007/10/06 - 7:07am
Before there was a Before
Post date: Thu, 2006/12/28 - 4:50pm
Learning from Eden: "Do not gobble the Earth!"
Post date: Sat, 2001/09/08 - 9:46pm
B'reshit - deciding whether to...
Post date: Sat, 2001/09/08 - 9:46pm
Cain and Abel: Brother's war/Brother's peace
Post date: Sat, 2001/09/08 - 9:46pm
Noah or Abraham?
Post date: Tue, 2021/10/05 - 12:53pm
Flood, Ark, Rainbow
Post date: Thu, 2020/10/22 - 5:06pm
Rainbow Haftarah with Trop by Hazzan Jack Kessler
Post date: Mon, 2018/12/17 - 11:24am
This Thanksgiving: FLOOD THE E.P.A. with Thanks to the Holy One for Mother Earth and Sacred Calls to Heal Her
Post date: Tue, 2017/11/14 - 11:30pm
Post date: Mon, 2017/10/16 - 6:06am
Reb Arthur's 2d Bar Mitzvah: Save the Date!
Post date: Mon, 2016/02/08 - 5:02am
New Haftarah for the Rainbow Covenant: Hebrew & English text
Post date: Tue, 2014/10/14 - 1:00am
Fox News Cites Bible, Segregates Black Employees (read to end; satire tag))
Post date: Mon, 2014/07/07 - 10:38am
The tower of "Babble"
Post date: Thu, 2011/10/27 - 11:01am
The Flood, the Ark, and the Rainbow: Celebrating Rainbow Day & Shabbat Noach
Post date: Mon, 2011/05/09 - 4:09pm
Rainbow Sign - Shabbat Noah
Post date: Fri, 2010/09/24 - 10:59am
Shabbat Noach: Rainbow, Oil Slicks, & Sabbatical Year: A tale of two covenants -- broken
Post date: Wed, 2010/05/05 - 9:40am
Climate Policy: 7 Principles & a Yardstick rooted in Biblical & Jewish Wisdom
Post date: Fri, 2009/10/30 - 11:46am
From Rainbow Sign to Climate Policy
Post date: Tue, 2009/10/27 - 2:30pm
Praying for the Earth with our Voices and our Legs: Philadelphia
Post date: Fri, 2009/10/23 - 1:16am
Climate Healing Shabbat in Washington DC
Post date: Fri, 2009/10/23 - 12:55am
Philadelphia Jewish Exponent: Preventing a New World Flood, Sustaining the Web of Life
Post date: Fri, 2009/10/23 - 12:09am
**The Jewish Climate Change Campaign: Small Actions for Big Change
Post date: Thu, 2009/10/22 - 11:54pm
Noah & "Dominion" over the Earth
Post date: Thu, 2009/10/22 - 11:30pm
Seven reasons for optimism about the Senate climate bill
Post date: Sun, 2009/10/18 - 12:48pm
Brit Keshet v’ Tzit-tzit – A Covenantal Ceremony of the Rainbow & the Sacred Fringes
Post date: Fri, 2009/10/16 - 12:52pm
For Shabbat Noach: A Prayer for Creation
Post date: Thu, 2009/10/15 - 10:52am
Midrash on Noah and the Flood: Texts on the Preservation of Species and Human Responsibility
Post date: Wed, 2009/10/14 - 11:03am
Actions on Shabbat Noah
Post date: Thu, 2009/10/01 - 2:44pm
Evanston IL Celebration of Creation & a Call for Climate Healing
Post date: Thu, 2009/08/13 - 1:56pm
The Return of Captain Noah
Post date: Fri, 2009/07/31 - 2:25pm
Rainbow Sign: From the Story of the Flood, Learning to Heal Our Planet
Post date: Fri, 2009/07/31 - 1:29pm
Jewish Leaders call for "Climate Healing Shabbat" at Noah/Rainbow Torah-time, Oct 23-24
Post date: Tue, 2009/06/23 - 9:18pm
God Said to Noah: An Old/ New Song to Avert a New Flood
Post date: Thu, 2007/11/08 - 8:12am
The Very Tall Tale of Babel
Post date: Sat, 2001/09/08 - 9:46pm
Teva: The Ark and the Word that heal us from the flood
Post date: Sat, 2001/09/08 - 9:46pm
Haftarah Noah: Rainbow Covenant
Post date: Sat, 2001/09/08 - 9:46pm
The Flood: From Fairy Tale to Urgent Wisdom
Post date: Sat, 2001/09/08 - 9:46pm
When Abraham Sees God in Oak Trees
Post date: Fri, 2021/10/22 - 7:07am
Why Hagar Left: This Week’s Torah
Post date: Tue, 2021/10/19 - 8:03am
Why Hagar Left: Womantorah across the Generations
Post date: Mon, 2021/10/18 - 9:46pm
Dancing in God's Earthquake: Sodom, Lot, & America Today
Post date: Mon, 2020/11/09 - 10:05pm
Torah This Week: Seeing God in the Trees
Post date: Thu, 2020/11/05 - 8:13am
BRIT BAT – Welcoming girl-child into the Covenant
Post date: Sun, 2016/03/13 - 3:53pm
The Binding of Isaac & Black Lives Matter: Bodies in Fear
Post date: Thu, 2015/10/08 - 2:55pm
Yom Kippur Meets Eid al-Idha: Isaiah & Ishmael
Post date: Mon, 2015/09/21 - 7:49am
Wellsprings of Life: Hagar & Rosh Hashanah
Post date: Sun, 2015/09/13 - 2:35pm
ReNewing a Book for Rosh Hashanah: "The Tent of Abraham: Stories of Hope & Peace for Jews, Christians, and Muslims"
Post date: Fri, 2014/09/12 - 12:13pm
Yom Kippur as Transformation-time: 3 Keys to Unlock our Hearts
Post date: Mon, 2012/09/24 - 10:32am
From Ben-Ghazi to Yom Kippur
Post date: Fri, 2012/09/14 - 11:47am
Biblical Wellsprings, Water in our World
Post date: Thu, 2012/09/06 - 2:01pm
9/11 and Rosh Hashanah: Reconciling Abraham's Families, Celebrating American Diversity
Post date: Thu, 2010/08/26 - 7:02am
Drush on the Akedah, by Esther Ticktin
Post date: Sat, 2001/09/08 - 9:46pm
The Tale of Isaac's Binding as a Warning -- to Us
Post date: Sat, 2001/09/08 - 9:46pm
Three Knots in the Binding of Isaac
Post date: Sat, 2001/09/08 - 9:46pm
Seeing God through the eyes of Va'yeira
Post date: Sat, 2001/09/08 - 9:46pm
Chayye Sara
Reconciling Ishmael and Isaac for Yom Kippur
Post date: Sun, 2021/07/18 - 8:28am
Death: Peace Or a Coup? -- This Week’s Torah
Post date: Wed, 2020/11/11 - 9:07pm
Franz Kafka, the Leopard, & Yom Kippur
Post date: Tue, 2016/10/04 - 11:12pm
A Tomb and a Wellspring
Post date: Wed, 2011/11/23 - 7:55am
9/11 and Rosh Hashanah: Reconciling Abraham's Families, Celebrating American Diversity
Post date: Thu, 2010/08/26 - 7:02am
The Tomb and the Well: Owning & Sitting
Post date: Mon, 2005/11/21 - 11:06am
The Tale of Isaac's Binding as a Warning -- to Us
Post date: Sat, 2001/09/08 - 9:46pm
Death and Reconciliation
Post date: Sat, 2001/09/08 - 9:46pm
When the Sisters Struggle God, Why is This Torah Little Noticed?
Post date: Wed, 2020/11/25 - 6:16am
Our “Sodomite-in-Chief’” lives in the White House
Post date: Thu, 2017/11/09 - 11:08am
The Torah of Esau and Jacob, Gaza and Israel
Post date: Mon, 2012/11/26 - 8:00am
Long-term Truce or Another Gaza War?
Post date: Sun, 2012/11/18 - 1:27pm
Struggling with God, and with Obscurity
Post date: Wed, 2011/11/23 - 2:49am
Jealous sister, jealous God
Post date: Sun, 2004/11/21 - 1:00am
Rachel, Leah, & the First Godwrestle
Post date: Thu, 2004/11/18 - 1:00am
What does it mean to "Wrestle God"?
Post date: Thu, 2020/12/03 - 9:22am
Trump Tries to Trump Philip Roth’s Worst Forebodings
Post date: Thu, 2018/05/24 - 10:22pm
"Israel" is the Name of a People Also
Post date: Wed, 2016/05/11 - 8:43am
The Torah of Esau and Jacob, Gaza and Israel
Post date: Mon, 2012/11/26 - 8:00am
Long-term Truce or Another Gaza War?
Post date: Sun, 2012/11/18 - 1:27pm
Godwrestling: an adult name change
Post date: Mon, 2009/12/07 - 8:14am
Shalom Ctr Honors Cindy Sheehan & 3 Others as 'Prophetic Voices'
Post date: Tue, 2006/02/07 - 12:14pm
From Raging Wrestle to Godwrestle: Jacob & Esau
Post date: Thu, 2004/11/11 - 1:00am
Wordless Dina, Dark & Light
Post date: Wed, 2003/12/10 - 1:00am
Torah: The Grandchildren
Post date: Tue, 2020/12/29 - 10:08pm
Torah: The Grandchildren
Post date: Tue, 2020/12/29 - 10:08pm
Arrogance or Love? – the Biblical Story of Joseph
Post date: Thu, 2013/11/21 - 10:51am
A Jewish Perspective on Abrahamic Wisdoms: Jacob, Joshua, Jesus, the Talmud, & Mohammed
Post date: Tue, 2009/03/24 - 5:55pm
In the Dark: Joseph & His Brothers
Post date: Fri, 2004/12/10 - 1:00am
The Missing Daughters of Jacob
Post date: Sat, 2001/09/08 - 9:46pm
The Breasted God
Post date: Sat, 2001/09/08 - 9:46pm