Submitted by Rabbi Arthur Waskow on

Dozens of communities in America and Israel have already committed to participating in Global Climate-Healing Shabbat (initiated by The Shalom Center) on Shabbat Noach, October 23-24, 2009. Congregations and communities from as far as Uruguay and Israel have told us that they plan to be part of this consciousness and activism-raising weekend.
Below is an alphabetical list of the communities who've contacted us to tell us that they're participating. Some have included details of their plan. We've included them here to spur your creativity and enthusiasm! Please sign up your own efforts by going to --
From Canfei Nesharim: Join Our Parshat Noach Sustainability Project: "As we come to the end of the chagim, we start thinking of the year we'd like to begin. This year, Canfei Nesharim is encouraging communities to learn about sustainability, species protection, and climate change during the week of Parshat Noach (Shabbos of October 24, 2009). This project is being organized in cooperation with a broader project in the Jewish community to raise awareness about the environment and climate change during Parshat Noach.
We have great new resources to help your community learn about sustainability during the week of Parshat Noach:
- The Rainbow Covenant: Establishing a Relationship with the Earth: a Torah teaching and study guide for learning about sustainability and protecting the environment in the context of the Noach story.
- Science-based information on tropical forests and a new Statement on Cimate Change from our Science & Technology Advisory Board, for educating your community .
- Lesson plans with trigger ideas, text study materials, discussion questions, and a student course book for learning the relationship between Torah and the environment on Parshat Bereishit and Parshat Noach.
- And join Canfei Nesharim in a new Jewish community-wide, seven-year effort for education, action and advocacy about sustainability in the Jewish community."
North America
- Dr. Randall Miller, Congregation Or HaTzafon, Fairbanks Alaska: "Congregation Or HaTzafon, the Jewish Congregation of Fairbanks, Alaska is sponsoring a Climate Awareness Shabbat on October 23,24. It is our intent to raise awareness throughout 5770 by adapting materials and programming to each holiday of the annual holiday cycle. In Alaska, we witness, first hand the effects of global change, as the farthest North Jewish Congregation in America. We are on board."
- Ahavat Torah Synagogue, Los Angeles CA
- Steve Fox, Temple Isaiah, Los Angeles, CA: "We will have a special service on Friday night, October 23, to celebrate Shabbat Noach and earth stewardship."
- Rabbi Charles Feinberg, Adas Israel Conregation, Washington DC: "Both Rabbi Gil Steinlauf and I will be preaching/teaching on Torah and the environment on October 24 in both services. I also teach a Parashat Hashavua class in which I will prepare material on this issue."
- Temple Emanuel, Pocatello, ID
- Rabbi Bruce Bromberg Seltzer, Smith and Amherst Hillel, Northampton MA: "We will hold a Shabbaton and/or learning service at Hillel.
- Chavurat Ha-Ruach, Northampton, MA
- Rabbi Fred Scherlinder Dobb, Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation, Bethesda MD: "Our shabbat observance will have a climate/350 focus, consonant with the eco-themed Sukkot we'll have celebrated just weeks earlier as the kickoff of our H2C2 -- "Honoring our Holidays, Caring for Creation" -- multi-year initiative."
- Congregation Shir Tikvah, Berkley MI
- Shepherd of the Hill Presbyterian Church in Chaska, Shoreview, MN
- Gail Wechsler, Jewish Community Relations Council/Jewish Environmental Initiative, St. Louis MO: "Our JEI Committee will be doing 'Project Noah: A Week for the Environment' for the fourth consecutive year. We are encouraging and supporting area congregations and day schools to do environmental programming and environmental sermons in and around the week of October 18-24. We also are sponsoring several community wide events, including a trip to a local organic farm, a young children's Noah's Ark event and a book festival event with the co-author of "The Down to Earth Family Guide to Global Warming."
- Congregation Beth Shalom, Bozeman MT
- Rabbi Howard A. Cohen, Board Member of OHALAH and of the Green Zionist Alliance, Burning Bush Adventures, Greensboro NC
- Valley Outreach Synagogue/P'nei Tikvah, Las Vegas NV
- Madeleine Stolow, Binghamton University Hillel, Binghamton NY: "A Friday night Shabbat service."
- Linda Tobin, Beth El - The Heights Synagogue, Cleveland Heights OH: "Beth El will have a special Lunch and Learn program on Shabbat Noach. The presenter for this program will be Laura Gooch, an active member of our shul, who is also very active in environmental issues."
- Rabbi Yitzhak Husbands-Hankin, Temple Beth Israel, Eugene OR: "We will organize a special Shabbat service and perhaps some additional programming before or after."
- Jenny Holmes, Oregon Interfaith Power and Light, Ecumencical Ministries of Oregon, Portland OR: "We have started to plan an interfaith event for October 24th or 25th."
- Rabbi Ariel Kleiner, Congregation NCI, Montevideo, Uruguay: "We are from Uruguay in south America, we are planning to participate."
- UJF Environmental Committee and Rodef Shalom Green Task Force, Pittsburgh, PA
- Cantor Marie Betcher, Congregation Shir Ami, Austin TX: "Special prayers or sermons, Torah commentary/midrash songs, resolutions vigils nature-walks, stories for children invitations to public officials and environmental activists."
Leiba Chaya David, Teva Ivri - Jewish Nature, Moshav Aderet, Israel: "Shabbat Noach Highlights The following is a list of events scheduled for Shabbat Noach in Israel. All events are in Hebrew unless otherwise indicated. To register an Israel event with Teva Ivri, please contact This list will be updated after Sukkot.
- Shabbat Noach Central Event ___ ___The Flood is Before Us___ Friday, October 23, 9:00-14:00 at the Nature Museum in Jerusalem (German Colony) The event will include Tours, Chevruta Study Groups, Lectures, Practical Workshops, Music, Information Booths, and Children's Activities. Presented by Teva Ivri, SPNI, International Cultural and Community Council, the Jerusalem Municipality, and the Sustainable Jerusalem Coalition. For details:
- Returning the World to a State of Repair -- Beit Midrash on Judaism and the Environment -- Monday, October 19 at Midreshet Moriah, Haifa. The public is invited to an evening launching the yearly Beit Midrash program. Facilitated by Dr. Jeremy Benstein. For details: or 04-825-1495
- Shabbaton Brit Olam October 22-24 Yerucham Tours and experiential learning about Judaism, the environment, and the connections between them. Sponsored by Atid B'Midbar, Midreshet B'yachad, Yerucham Community Center, and the Noam Eliyahu School (Netivot) For details: or 08-658-5484
- Connections -- Judaism, Environment, Society, and Community, Amit Schools. In honor of Shabbat Noach, Amit is launching a young leadership program (in memory of Roi Klein z___l) in which students will engage in environmental action with connections to Jewish sources. Evening on the Topic of Judaism and the Environment Thursday, October 22, 22:00 p.m. Kehilat Yachad, Modi'in Opening event for Shabbat Noach activities in the community. For details:
- Tzameret Youth Group of the Zionist Council will dedicate Shabbat Parshat Noach to activities relating to Sustainability and Judaism. For details: 0525821444
- To Be a Jew Is To Be Green -- Midreshet HaGolan, Hispin Shabbat Parshat Noach will be dedicated to Jewish environmental topics. For details: or 04-667-8888 Beit Midrash
- Derech Eretz -- Community Leadership for Environmental Change October 18, Beit Midrash Elul, Jerusalem The yearly course for community leaders, sponsored by Beit Midrash Elul, Teva Ivri, and the SPNI, will open with an event that is open to the public. For details: 02563-6236 Climate Change Petition
- Jewish Climate Initiative JCI will be collecting signatures (a target of 600,000) for a written declaration of our responsibility as Jews to act in response to global climate change. Shabbat Kehilla, Kehilat Hod V'Hadar (Kfar Saba) October 23-24, Center for Jewish Education, Chanaton The community Shabbaton will explore Judaism and the environment through a learning program, local tours, and activities for the family. Environmental Kabbalat Shabbat October 23, Beit Avichai, Jerusalem With participation by Jackie Levy and Amir Balaban"
Photo credit:Flood in the Desert by Einat Creative Commons license: CC BY-NC-ND 2.0