
Jewish Leaders call for "Climate Healing Shabbat" at Noah/Rainbow Torah-time, Oct 23-24

Initiated by The Shalom Center; endorsed by Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, Jewish Reconstructionist Federation, ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal, Hazon, Teva, COEJL (a JCPA project) , & Canfei Nesharim (*participating through the Parshat Noach Sustainability Project); Rabbis Steve Gutow (head of JCPA), David Saperstein, Nina Beth Cardin, Peter Knobel, & Michael Lerner; Nancy Ratzan, Nigel Savage, Richard Schwartz, Ellen Bernstein, Jo Ellen Green Kaiser; many others, listed below.)

God Said to Noah: An Old/ New Song to Avert a New Flood


Melody and some words, traditional; remainder by Rabbi Arthur Waskow *

* Copyright (c) 2007 by Rabbi Arthur Waskow. All rights reserved.

God said to Noah, The earth's getting hotter, hotter,
God said to Noah, The earth's getting hotter, hotter,
Yet she is My (clap) beloved daughter, daughter -
Children of the Lord.

CHORUS: Rise and shine and give God the glory glory
Rise and shine and give God the glory glory
Rise and shine and (clap!) give God the glory glory
Children of the Lord!

People are making My air too smoky, smoky

The Very Tall Tale of Babel


By Rabbi Arthur Waskow

After we swim our way through the story of Noah, the Flood, and the Rainbow, the Jewish community reads the Torah's very tall tale of a very tall tower - Babel.

It is a story of two profoundly different kinds of universality, and it is for that very reason a story of universal significance. Not for Jews alone.

The story is a political satire, aimed against the imperial culture that God commanded Abraham and Sarah to leave.

The Flood: From Fairy Tale to Urgent Wisdom

Rabbi Arthur Waskow

The Flood
In my reading of Parashat Noach, I have been very much guided by the context that the practice of "khamas" (whatever it was) led to the Flood and the near-destruction of life on this planet -- a danger we face in our own generations. So I try to hear the traditional midrashim (as well as develop some of my own) as speaking to this danger.


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