
Democracy and Climate: Are they Connected?

Or are they One Truth, One Tree, Root and Branch?

You might think that Planet Earth goes its sad or merry way without regard to the political systems of any of those nations whose boundaries do not even appear on space-based photographs of our vibrant blue-green marble.

And you might think that the political forms in any of those countries have no connection with the flourishing or perishing of life-forms that make up Eco-system Earth.

But in fact our social systems and our eco-systems are deeply intertwined.

The intertwinings have political aspects, biological aspects, and spiritual aspects.

To begin with, we are still trying to cope with the discoveries of how to burn deposits of fossil fuels in such a way as to provide powerful new forms of energy for use by human societies. Those discoveries led to the emergence of corporations that became enormously wealthy and powerful by controlling, extracting, selling, and burning these fossils. 

Scientists and then political decision-makers discovered that these corporate business plans were scorching the Earth, forcing climate turbulence, and endangering our planetary web of life. But by the time these facts had become known,  the Carbon corporate structures and their political supporters had become so powerful and so unwilling to change that healing the Earth against their wishes had become extremely difficult.

On this issue (and often on others as well), nations that label themselves democratic in effect become oligarchical – – ruled by the few, the hyperwealthy. And when their oligarchy is Big Carbon, the less likely are those nations to act swiftly and emphatically to prevent climate chaos. Politics becomes biology.

There is a deeper interconnection – – indeed so deep that it is more like unity than like connection.

In Dr. Martin Luther King’s most profound, most prophetic, and most provocative sermon – – "Beyond Vietnam: a Time to Break Silence" – – he named Racism, Militarism, and Materialism as deadly “triplets” afflicting America.

Why did he use the word "triplets"? He could have said "trio," "triad," "three." The word "triplets" points to the truth that the three deadly life-patterns share a great deal of DNA, as do biological triplets.

What is the DNA that racism, militarism, and materialism share? It is the impulse to dominate, to subjugate.

The impulse to treat every "other" as an "It,” never as a "Thou.” That is the spiritual aspect of the danger that we face.

In the crisis at Standing Rock, North Dakota, the oil companies and their pipeline accomplices rolled the three triplets into a single domineering battering ram.

First, Materialism in charge.The companies, ravenous for even greater profits and utterly uninterested in empathy

“Resistance to Tyrants is Obedience to God"

Dear friends, I am sharing this message with you all, and I hope you will  forward it, sharing it with your friends and colleagues. —  I especially call your attention to the call below for religious and spiritual communities to invite airport workers to obey US law, international law, & Biblical law (rather than a cruel unlawful decree) by admitting refugees.  

 Shalom, salaam! —  Arthur

Injunction Against  Refugee Deportations, Yes!

Airport Protests all across America –-- Also Yes!

The Shalom Center welcomes the temporary injunction issued by a brave Federal judge against Trump’s cruel and unlawful decree forcing refugees and legal immigrants with valid visas to return whence they came.

 But the injunction is both temporary and limited; it does not yet require officials to allow into the US those who have been illegally prohibited and detained.

So we strongly urge and support continuing and growing protests at the airports and against the President’s decree. 

The legal system moves against tyranny and toward justice and freedom only when the People go into the streets.


Signs from a demonstration of thousands at JFK Airport: "We are all Immigrants"; "First They Came for the Muslims, but I am Speaking Out."  Meanwhile, additional thousands have gathered  at O'Hare, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Dulles, and dozens of other airports.

The Shalom Center strongly endorses these actions.

 There are three levels of law as well as human decency that Trump has violated by his cruel and illegal decree against refugees and legal immigrants.

 First, at a secular level in which the law actually upholds human decency and prohibits what Trump has done:

(1)      In 1965, the Immigration and Nationality Act, signed by President Lyndon Johnson at the foot of the Statue of Liberty,  specifically forbade discrimination in the issuance of immigrant visas based on “race, sex, nationality, place of birth, or place of residence.”

(2) By making "minority religions" in the seven countries exceptions to the ban, Trump has clearly singled out Islam as bad -- violating the First Amendment command of religious freedom and prohibition of establishing any religion – that is, favoring one over others.

(3) The Refugee Convention of 1954, as amended by the Protocol of 1971, to which the US adhered (partly in horrified memory of nations' including the US having prevented entry of Jewish refugees in the 1930s) REQUIRES allowing refugees to enter. Such treaties are according to the Constitution the law of the land, i.e. US law. The Convention  provides:


“The contracting states shall not --

·     ·  discriminate against refugees (Article 3)

  • ·  take exceptional measures against a refugee solely on account of his or her nationality (Article 8)
  • ·  impose penalties of refugees who entered illegally in search of asylum if they present themselves (Article 31)
  •    expel refugees (Article 32)"

Trump has violated his oath to preserve, protect & defend the Constitution (which the Framers understood was even more crucial, and more likely to be ignored by a near-monarchical President, than physical defense of the US) and should be impeached now.

Secondly, for those of us who learn from the Bible what God and human decency require: What does the Bible say about refugees from despotic governments or civil wars?

Torah commands (Deut 23: 16-17): "You shall not deliver to their master slaves who have escaped from their master to you; they shall dwell with you, in your midst in whatever place they shall choose within your gates, where they feel best; you shall not oppress them."

This photo shows Rabbi Phyllis Berrman and me at a high-spirited demonstration today (Jan 29) of 300-500 people at Miami International Airport:


CHANTS: “No hate, no fear; Refugees are welcome here!”  “We are what democracy looks like.” “US freedom is for all; No ban, no wall!”  “No Trump, no KKK; no racist USA!"

One of the slogans of the American Revolution was:  “Resistance to Tyrants is Obedience to God!" Never more appropiate than now.

I suggest that churches, synagogues, mosques appeal to airport workers, including TSA officers –-  to let refugees & valid visa-bearers through, in nonviolent civil disobedience of the cruel Trumpist decree.



With blessings of compassion  and commitment, that the plagues the Trumpist government is bringing upon our country and the world be nullified and healed by the strength of our values and our action, rooted in the Interbreathing Spirit Who weaves all life together.

Please forward this letter to your friends and colleagues.

Rabbi Arthur Waskow 

Trump’s 4 Horsemen of Real Apocalypse

The (Christian) Book of Revelations portrays Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse –-  War, Famine, Death, and Pestilence. The Book says they will bring on the apocalyptic End of Days.

President Trump is doing his best to bring on the planetary disaster of climate chaos, the End of Days for the web of life in which the human species has lived its entire history.

Indeed, unprecedented droughts and floods are already bringing on Famine and Death,  planetary heating is spreading tropical diseases into much broader regions endangered by Pestilence, and climate-caused hunger is bringing on civil Wars like the one in Syria.  Worse is on the way.

So to make sure that new attacks on Mother Earth are thwarted, we too must do our best.

This letter to you invites you to an unusual number of explorations of our own and other websites. You may not need to pursue them all. But your own efforts to heal our wounded Mother Earth and defend American democracy from its worst attackers since the Civil War -- will be stronger if you connect your heart-felt passion with knowledge in your head.

There are two avenues open to us in challenging the Trumpist attack on Mother Earth.

One is bring our own energy into direct opposition: our votes, our letters to the editor, our prayers and public vigils, our bodies on the line in civil disobedience.

The other is to  create Islands of Transformation in myriads of our neighborhoods, in many of our cities, and in states like New York, California, and Massachusetts. Transformation groups that pursue real flesh-and-blood alternatives :of reducing CO2 emissions through energy conservation and renewable energy, while making neighborhoods neighborly, ending local epidemics of  asthma and cancer, and building  a political  base for taking back the people’s government for the People.  

In the second half of this essay, we willl explore in more unfolding, these different ways of challenging Apocalypse. First let us face what it is we need to challenge.

To make sure that this real Apocalypse goes forward for the sake of multiplying corporate Super-Profits, Trump has begun by issuing his own decrees:

  • He is trying to reinstate the Dakota [Oil] Access Pipe Line that violates US treaties with the Sioux Nation, violates US law that requires environmental impact statements, and may poison the Missouri River from which millions of Americans drink, while transporting oil to worsen the burning of earth, our common home.  
  • He is trying to reinstate the XL Pipeline  that is intended to bring the most CO2-filthy oil on Earth, Tar Sands oil, to refineries in Texas for burning Earth by multiplying CO2 emissions.

Both were halted by the Obama Administration –- but only, let us remember and take note to guide our future -- in response to enormous public pressure.

Trump also appointed real Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse to his Cabinet: four Cabinet members who are ready to carry out as policy their master’s contempt for climate science and his passion for the Carbon economy that is heating up the Earth.

The new Cabinet is full of Robber Barons --  an enemy of public education in charge of education, an enemy of racial justice to head the Department of Justice. Yet it will have more Carbon Pharaoh Arsonists than any other kind of  anti-democratic mogul.

For Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson from Exxon  -- the Big Oil corporation that has known since the mid-‘70s (from the work of its own in-house scientists)  that burning oil threatened the planet, but chose to lie and purchase lies in public rather than change its business plan.

Their lies prevented effective public action for an entire generation – public action that could have prevented the climate crisis, and could have saved many lives from flood and famine. There is simple truth to the slogan, “Exxon lied and people died. Homicide or genocide?”

In his confirmation hearings, Tillerson expressed reservations on climate change and said that he did not view it as the imminent national security threat that the Pentagon and many other experts do.

So dishonest, destructive, and disastrous have Exxon’s actions been that even the Rockefeller Foundations -- built on the money that came from the Rockefeller ancestors of Exxon  -- have taken on Exxon’s lies.  For a full explanation of Exxon’s perfidy, see two excellent articles in the New York Review of Books:

“The Rockefeller Family Fund vs. Exxon” at --


“The Rockefeller Family Fund Takes on ExxonMobil” at --


And a dozen State Attorneys-General, led by New York’s Eric Schneiderman, are investigating whether Exxon’s lies constituted crimes of racketeering.  Congressmen who feed hungrily at Exxon’s trough have tried to subpoena several of these Attorneys-General and such Earth-protective organizations as and Friends of the Earth, to intimidate them from pursuing the truth about Exxon.  See details at --


Continuing on Trump’s real Four Horsemen of the real Apocalypse:

Tu B'Shvat/ YAH B'Shvat: 4 Teachings, 4 Worlds, ONE Tree



This year the festival of Tu B'Shvat -- the ReBirthDay of earthly trees and of the supernal Tree of Life, falls on Friday evening Febuary 10/ Saturday February 11.  For a unique treasury of history, wisdom, and practtiuice of Tu B'Shvat that will help ylu celbrate Tu B'Shvat, see the book Trees, Earth, and Torah (publ by Indiana Univ Press for the Jewish Publication Society, ed. by Ari Elon, Rabbi Naomi Mara Hyman, and Rabbi Arthur Waskow). Available from Amazon.

These four teachings might be included in the passages read for the four courses of the Tu B’Shvat Seder, marking the Four Worlds of reality through which the Kabbalists of Tzfat 500 years ago shaped the mystical Seder of God’s ReBirthDay on the full Moon of Midwinter.  

1. Asiyah, Physical Actuality: The foods of the Tu B’Shvat Seder (this year, Sunday evening  January 24) are nuts and fruit, the rebirthing aspects of a plant's life-cycle. They are the only foods whose eating requires no death, not even the death of a plant (like the radish or the Bitter Herb in the Pesach Seder).  Our living trees send forth their fruit and seeds in such profusion that they overflow beyond the needs of the next generation. This is the sacred meal of Eden, the Garden of Delight. The sacred meal of Mashiach-zeit, the Messianic Age.  

2. Yetzirah, Relationship: The four cups of wine for the Tu B’Shvat Seder are white; white with a drop of red to become pink; red with a drop of white to become rose;  red. Red and white were in ancient tradition seen as the colors of  generativity. To mix them was to mix the blood and semen that to the ancients connoted procreation. The Seder celebrates rebirth in all its forms throughout the world.  

3. Briyyah, Creative Intellect: In two separate epiphanies, Rabbi Phyllis Berman and Ari Elon pointed out that the conventional name for the festival of the Trees’ ReBirthDay names it in a constricted, fearful way. The festival comes on the 15th day (the Full Moon) of the midwinter lunar “moonth” of Shvat, and “Tu” is  made up of two Hebrew letters, Tet and Vav, that numerically are “9+6,” making 15. But this way of counting is an anomaly. Normally with numbers in the teens we say the letters for “10+x,” not “”9+y.”  That would mean “Yod-Aleph” for 11, “Yod-Bet” for 12, and so “Yod-Hei” for 15.  But “Yod-Hei” is “Yah,” one of the Names of God (as in Hallelu-YAH.).

So out of fear and reluctance to say God’s Name when we name the festival, we use “9+6,” “Tu,” instead.

But – “What might happen if we joyfully proclaim God’s full Presence on that day of God’s Rebirth, YAH B’Shvat, and on every Full Moon of each month?” said both Phyllis and Ari.  

4. Atzilut, Spirit.  At a Tu B’Shvat Seder held in a grove of ancient and majestic redwoods  to protest the logging of such redwoods for corporate profit, then rabbinical student Naomi Mara Hyman (now a rabbi) gestured at the tall-reaching trees around us  — the tallest living beings on the planet —  and said, “These are eytzim [“trees”], yes?  And the wooden poles that hold a Torah scroll, we also call them eytzim, yes? Imagine a Torah Scroll so majestic that these redwoods were its eytzim! In that Torah, each of us would be just large enough to be one letter in that Torah!” And that is what we are: each a letter making up together the words, the wisdom, of that Great Torah that is indeed the Tree of Life.

What an extraordinary week! -- And now what?

 I want to share with you my thoughts about what happened this past week, from two perspectives: 

I: Great public events, and II. My own work.

Then l will look at what the implications are for the work we all need to be doing to preserve and advance democracy and the very livability of our Earth -- when they are most seriously threatened.

I. Publicly, through the week there were protests after protests; a most danger-foreboding Inaugural Address; an outright lie by the new President Trump and his press secretary about the size of his inauguration crowd; and then the astounding turnout for the Women's March on Washington and its sister marches all around the world, all condemning Trump’s policies. Some estimates claim three million people marched in the US alone.

Lying about the Inaugural crowd served two Trumpian purposes: It expressed his own internally driven  hyper-narcissism, his inability to believe that he could ever be second-best; and strategically, since it was couched in an assertion that the mainstream media were lying, it served his political purpose of keeping his supporters contemptuous of those media and dependent on him alone for The Truth.

The personality structure of a bully, a narcissist, and a sociopath is brilliantly translated into a radically top-down, anti-democratic policy system set forth in the Inaugural Address and in the makeup of a Cabinet filled with Billionaires and Bigots.

Much of the media attention has focused on Trump as personality. The relationship between his personality and his policies is important. But now it is time to turn our attention to the anti-democratic policies and how they endanger all Americans but the hyper-wealthy  -- even, and especially, how they endanger those who voted to support him. That path will lead us to a successful expansion of our democracy, a transformative healing for ourselves and all of Earth.

The Inaugural Address was danger-foreboding because its dominant motif was "total allegiance to the United States of America, … our loyalty to our country, … patriotism…” “We will be protected by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement.”  “We all salute the same great American Flag. “

  • What about those of us who seek protection in the Constitution's insistence on equal protection of the laws from racial, sexual, and gender discrimination; its insistence on a free press and freedom of assembly and freedom of religion and freedom from intrusions into our emails and phone calls  -- relying on those protections far more than on our military and our militarized police?
  • What about those of us who salute the 13-starred Flag of a revolution against tyranny? Or the Rainbow Flag of sexual and cultural and religious diversity?
  • What about those millions of us who are not “Americans” – citizens of the USA – and those of us who welcome those millions into our midst?

And THEN! --  there was the Women’s March and all its Sister Marches.  Three elements were astounding:

  • Its sheer size;
  • Its emotional and spiritual warmth, expressing anger focused into love and laughter  – so that among dozens of cities and millions of people, there was not a single act of violence and not a single arrest;
  • Its multiplicity of identities, and of the issues expressed cheerfully and strongly by people from Identity X and Issue-concern X about Identities  and Issues Y, Z, M, Q, B, and many more. Marchers enjoyed, did not disdain, the signs that expressed concerns different from their own.

In this way the world-wide Women’s March absorbed and went beyond identity politics into what might be called “community politics.” Indeed, it embodied the Beloved Community that Martin Luther King yearned for. In the Beloved Community, diversities are crucial -- not each alone, but together like the pieces in a jigsaw puzzle: They fit together to make a larger Whole. We must become a people both diverse and indivisible.

And the Wholeness the March embodied said to all of us: We can defeat Trump’s effort to subjugate America.

II. For me, the week was focused on Martin Luther King  --  — a kind of healing antidote to Trumpery.

It began on Sunday, January 15 – King’s real birthday --with a multireligious activist prayer service to reawaken and reclaim his most profound and prophetic sermon -- “Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence.” He spoke on April 4, 1967, at Riverside Church in New York City, to an activist gathering called "Clergy and Laity Concerned About Vietnam.”

 In that sermon 50 years ago, Dr. King warned against the deadly "triplets" of racism, militarism, and materialism that threatened  American democracy then and still do today. He spoke of “the fierce urgency of Now" – – and today the urgency is even fiercer. He called for a radical revolution in American values from a "thing -oriented society to a person-oriented society."

So to pursue the work of drawing on King’s wisdom to strengthen transformative change today, on Monday morning, the official MLK Birthday, we opened a new Website,  <>.  

Many  inspiring and informative ways to reclaim Dr. Kingare already on-line there, and the whole panoply of our January 15 responses to that sermon will soon be.  My own talk is at


From Monday through Thursday I taught for a retreat  and conference at the Stony Point Center on " BEYOND ‘Beyond Vietnam’:  Reclaiming King’s Courage for Movement Building Today.”

My co-teachers were Imam Al-Hajj Talib Abdur-Rashid, imam of the Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood in Harlem; and Rev. Anthony Grimes,  Director of Campaigns & Strategy for the Fellowship of Reconciliation, who is also intimately involved with Black Lives Matter.

Among our gathering were a wonderful range of spiritually rooted activists --- for example, Rev. Aundreia Alexander, associate general secretary of the National Council of Churches; Bernice McCann of the Berriganian Catholic movement; Rick Ufford-Chase, former Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and now co-director of the Stony Point Ceenter; and Sharon Stout, of the Friends Meeting in Adelphi, Md.

Our goal was both to translate the meaning of Dr. King’s 1967 sermon for our own generation, and to begin planning how to turn his wisdom into action for the year ahead: MLK + 50 — A Jubilee Year of Truth and Transformation.

Three most important activist tactics to emerge from our work during this past week were these:

1. On Tuesday, April 4, exactly the 50th anniversary of Dr. King's "Beyond Vietnam" sermon, there will be a major all-day gathering at  New York Avenue Presbyterian Church, three blocks from the White House.  We are tentatively calling  that gathering “Clergy and Laity Concerned About America," or perhaps "People of the Spirit Concerned About America” -- echoing the gathering to which Dr. King spoke 50 years ago: "Clergy and Laity Concerned About Vietnam.”

We look toward filling the church with 1,000 people from all across the country, responding to the sermon of 50 years ago with workshops through the day on how to address in our home towns everywhere the deadly triplets of  racism, militarism, and materialism  as they take new forms in our own generation.

 The gathering will then walk to the White House to carry out an activist vigil, demanding forward-moving  action to move past these deadly triplets into specific policies toward a more democratic and more compassionate America.

 There is already in existence the beginning of a planning committee to organize this event on April 4 in Washington. It includes leaders of the National Council of Churches, PICO -- the national umbrella group for religiously rooted community organizing all around the country – – The Shalom Center,  and New York Avenue Presbyterian Church itself. The planning committee will swiftly be expanded,

2. We will reach out to houses of worship, prayer, and meditation and to such community groups as labor unions, PTAs,  neighborhood associations, and public libraries throughout America  to gather on one of the days during the weekend before April 4  (Friday, March 31 to Sunday April 2), to read and/or watch and listen to Dr. King's prophetic sermon and to work out activist responses  to its teachings.

3. Once a month from April 2017 to April 2018, we will send out a single sentence or very brief passage from the “Beyond Vietnam" sermon, and with it a suggestion for a specific vigorous action to embody and carry out the teaching in that passage.

There is more to learn from this past week at every level. We will of course keep unfolding it. We welcome your comments and responses – and your help!

Comment on this article through the Comment sites below. Please share this article with others (tgrough the FaceBook, etc. icons above.. Please remember to check out <>.

And please help The Shalom Center continue to work for a fuller democracy and heal the deep wounds of our society, by making a contribution through the maroon "Contribute" bannner on the left-hand margin of this page.

May there be Blessings for all of us and for our common home, this Earth! -- of the fusion of truth, freedom, compassion,  and justice into wholeness -- shalom, salaam, true peace -- Arthur

Two Flags: Noon, January 20, 2017


At noon tomorrow,

in our hearts

the Flag descends

in mourning to half-staff,

and our symbols weep.

But the American story is not over:

We Pledge a New Allegiance to Our Oldest Flag




O  beautiful for patriots’ dream

That sees beyond the years

Thine alabaster cities gleam

Undimmed by human tears!

America, America,

God shed Her grace on  thee:

Erase the stain of selfish gain

From the banner of the free;

And end the pain of race disdain

To make full justice be!


We pledge allegiance to THIS flag,
Sewn in freedom’s fabric
At our birthing-time of transformation --
And to the future Republic
For which it seeks to stand:
One nation, diverse and indivisible --

[Choose to say one or more of the following or another phrase that accords with your own personal beliefs, or if you prefer, to pause and remain silent for a space while others say what they choose:] Under God, Wrestling God, Embodying God, Surrendering to God, Doubting God, Yearning for God, Living without God]

Giving to Bigotry No Sanction,
To Persecution No Assistance --
Seeking Liberty and Justice and Community,
Health and a Decent Livelihood,
Honorable Work and Joyful Rest for all;
Peace with all Peoples,
And Healing for the Earth.

Wanted for Arson --

 Wanted for Arson  --

NOT for Secretary of State



Rex W. Tillerson

President and chief executive of Exxon Mobil.

Nominated by Donald Trump  for Secretary of State

Burn one home, you’ve prison years to count.

Burn our common home, the Planet Round –-

With billions in your bank account,

It’s to High Office that you’re bound.

If you believe that world-wide arson is a crime:

1) Turn the upper part of this message into a poster and the whole thing into a flyer (adding a local contact); gather others; and picket a high-visibility Exxon station in your community.
 2) Call 202-224-3121, ask for each of your Senators, and urge them to refuse confirmation of Tillerson to be Secretary of State. Ask the offices for their fax numbers and send a letter of your own to each Senator.
3) Invite your friends and neighbors for a conversation about forming a neighborhood solar-energy co-op. Click to  <> and

    <> for more information

4) Please drop us a note at about what you are doing, and please contribute to support our work.       Click on the maroon "Contribute" banner on the left margin of this page.

5)  Forward this message to your friends and community leaders.


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