Seasons of our Joy: Festivals and Lifecycles

Healing the Earth: Tisha B'Av 2010, Part II

Rabbi Arthur Waskow continues his discussion of the Earth's environmental crisis, the need for activism to challenge the power of our age's new Pharaohs of Big Oil and Big Coal, and the observance of Tisha B'Av in July 2010.

A New "Yankee Doodle": Declaring Independence From Big Oil

Rabbi Arthur Waskow sings a new version of the first American national anthem, Yankee Doodle -- updated to confront the corporate power that abuses people and planet in pursuit of power.

Lyrics to the new Yankee Doodle:

Yankee Doodles face Big Oil,
Riding on a 'cycle -
We don't fear your power now--
Your oil ain't worth a nickel!"

"We stand upon the Blue Ridge hills
Where Coal is killing mountains,
Where miners choked in deadly gas,
So Massey could rule counties."

CHORUS: Yankee Doodle keep it up,
Yankee Doodle Dandy -
Mind the music and the step

Pro-Earth Rally - Tisha B'Av 2010

On July 20, 2010, activists gathered near the US Capitol to call on Congress to end our society's addiction to fossil fuels. The date marked the 3 month anniversary of the BP Clearwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, and also fell on the day of Tisha B'Av, the Jewish holiday that commemorates the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem by the Babylonian empire. These excerpts from the rally feature Rabbi Arthur Waskow, Director of the Shalom Center, and Tamara Cohen, The Shalom Center's Barbara Bick Memorial Fellow.

The Eight Faces of Hanukkah

On Dec 10, 2009, I "wove" a 90-minute phone seminar on many faces of the festival. Just as in my book Seasons of our Joy, we lookat at many faces of the festival -- including the social-action aspects, but actually with more time on the mystical and historical faces. (Speaking of faces -- compare my beard on this video with the one on the video at the bottom of this page -- and by watching, find out why!)

To learn more, please click here.

Hanukkah for Humanity

A 7-minute face-to-face talk with Rabbi Arthur Waskow about the Green Menorah and celebrating Hanukkah in a way that will bring light to the earth and the human race.

From Rainbow Sign to Climate Policy

Rabbi Arthur Waskow discusses the story of Noah, the promise of the rainbow, and the need for individual and collective action to address Global Scorching. See also the video of Rabbi Waskow's address on "Facing the Pharaohs of Global Scorching" at the Interfaith Summit on the Climate Crisis in Sweden.


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