Jewish Renewal Institutions

ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal. ALEPH supports and grows the worldwide movement for Jewish renewal by organizing and nurturing communities, developing leadership, creating liturgical and scholarly resources, and working for social and environmental justice. ALEPH's affiliated projects include the ALEPH Kallah, a biennial convocation; OhaLaH: The Association of Rabbis for Jewish Renewal; ALEPH's Rabbinic Studies Program; the Network of Jewish Renewal Communities; ALEPH's Sage-ing Program; C-DEEP (The Center for Devotional, Energy, and Ecstatic Practice); and The Shalom Center.

New Menorah is a quarterly publication of ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal, distributed free to members of ALEPH. Edited by Arthur Waskow.

Elat Chayyim Jewish Renewal retreat center at Camp Isabella Freiedman.

Network of Jewish Renewal Communities
Covers activities of the Network and its 40+ local congregation