Learn for Doctorate in Jewish Spirituality

Reb Arthur as Mentor on Ecosocial Justice in New Distance-Learning Program Beginning now, Rabbi Arthur Waskow, director of The Shalom Center, will be serving as a professor in a newly creative enterprise leading toward a Doctorate of Ministry  (D. Min.) degree in the area of Jewish Spirituality. The program is sponsored by the Graduate Theological Foundation, and students can study at a distance. Reb Arthur will serve as Mentor in the field of Jewish Social and Ecological Justice.  Among the courses he will be teaching are --

  • Eco-Judaism: The Theology & Practice of Jewish Responses to Ecological Crises, Past & Present
  • Buber and Heschel: Two Neo-Hassidic Philosophers and Their Approaches to Social Justice Activism
  • Sword & Plowshare: Violence & Nonviolence in Jewish Thought & Practice from Early Torah to the Present
  • Prayer as if the Earth Really Matters
  • Eden, Manna, Sabbatical Year, & Song of Songs: Seeing the Hebrew Bible as the Spiritual Search of an Indigenous People in Sacred Earth-relationship
  • The Active Pursuit of Eco-Social Justice Today

  Said Reb Arthur, "I am looking forward with delight to teaching what I love and have learned this half a century." The director of the Jewish Spirituality program is Rabbi Howard Avruhm Addison, Ph.D., a pioneer in the emergence of  Jewish Spiritual Direction. Recently retired after 40 years in the active rabbinate, Avruhm was ordained by JTS and is deeply connected as a rabbi and teacher to the movement for Jewish Renewal. He has just concluded  his 14th year teaching Humanities at Temple University. Others in the faculty include Rabbis Jeff Roth, Sue Levi Elwell, & Mordechai Liebling, and Drs. Herbert Levine, Simcha Raphael, & Julie Leavitt  -– a stellar set of teachers, many of whom we at The Shalom Center can recommend out of long personal experience. For more information about the program, please copy & paste to <gtfeducation.org/academics/jewish-spirituality.cfm>, and if you are specifically interested in the Social & Ecological Justice program, write Reb Arthur at <Awaskow@theshalomcenter.org>.


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