Submitted by Rabbi Arthur Waskow on
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36,000 of us saying: “There is no Plan-et B”
That was one of the signs at the “Forward on Climate” rally yesterday; yet it was what all of us were saying.
Crowd estimates run up to 50,000. I’m perfectly happy to settle for 36,000, the mystical Jewish number based on the numerology that makes 18, chai, the number-symbol for “life.”
Life x 2,000= 36,000, = a strong, self-confident, creative, joyful movement to save our earth from the Carbon Pharaohs that are prepared to destroy it for their super-profits.
Said the last of the ancient prophets, Malachi, in the very last passage of his prophecies, speaking for God: “I, YHWH, the Holy Interbreathing Spirit of all life, will send you Elijah the Prophet to turn the hearts of the parents to the children and the hearts of the children to the parents, lest I come and smite the earth with utter destructions.”
I saw that prophecy carried out yesterday. Parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, their hearts united to save the earth from destruction. Across the generations! One man came up to me and asked, “How old are? I answered, “79.” He laughed and said, “I’m 86!” We honor and the Sierra Club for making this possible; yet still it's true, we were all Elijah for each other.
For me, exactly in the metaphor of the generations turned toward each other, there were three especially poignant moments in the day:
One was when Rabbi David Seidenberg, of, carrying the banner of The Shalom Center, stood with my bashert and life-partner, Rabbi Phyllis Berman; me; my son David Waskow, the climate point person on staff for OxfamAmerica; and in the center, my ten-year-old granddaughter Shifra Waskow. David Krantz of Green Zionist Alliance took the photo. Elsewhere in the crowd were delegates from the Teva Jewish experiential environmental education center, the Beyt Midrash and Kayyam Farm at Pearlstone Center.
We were CLOSE bundled up;: it was a bitterly cold and windy day in Washington. But the energy of 36,000 committed people raised the political temperature, our spirits, and the Spirit.
The second was meeting Rabbi Ed Harris and teacher Jennifer Bersdale, who were in Washington with 19 ninth-graders of Central Reform Synagogue of St. Louis. They who saw The Shalom Center’s email Call to this rally, and came. Rabbi Harris invited me to give a brief word of Torah to the ninth-graders, and I did. (Photo of the class heads this essay; here's another, with me teaching:)