Council for the Heschel Yohrzeit

This article has been supplied by The Shalom Center as part of its effort to encourage observance of the Yohrzeit of Rabbenu Heschel, and to build a continuing observance in the future. You can take an important part in carrying Rabbi Heschel's lifework forward to the next generation of the Jewish people. Becoming a member of the Council for the Heschel Yohrzeit means joining in a commitment, a covenant.

To do this, we need your help. Please use the write-back form below to tell us your own needs and plans. And please help us with the resources — money and ideas — we will need to help you bring the teachings of Rabbi Heschel into the next generation.

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TO Shalom Center
6711 Lincoln Dr.
Philadelphia PA 19119

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___ Please enroll me as a member of the Council for the Heschel Yohrzeit, joining with Dr. Susannah Heschel in this effort. To help prepare the materials, I enclose a contribution to the Shalom Center of

___ $1,000; ___ $360; ___ $180; ____ (Other).

As a member of the Council for the Heschel Yohrzeit , I will receive a guide to study and to possible social-action projects, and a prospective speakers list . These are my suggestions for other program and materials:




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Address __________________________________________

Email ____________________________________________

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