Reader Contest: Karl Rove & the Next Debate

Rabbi Arthur Waskow 10/6/2004

Dear Friends,

After the first Presidential debate I sent out the below message to our Email lists. I invite you to read it and then enjoy some of the creative responses we've received by checking out the Comments section of this Blog entry. We'd love to hear from you with your own ideas. We'll be picking a winner on Friday, October 15th so get those ideas in to us by adding a comment on this Blog or emailing

What will Karl Rove, President Bush's political adviser, do before the next Presidential debate?

We offer three possibilities and invite you to send your own. Most ingenious, in my sole sardonic & whimsical judgment, wins a copy of Philip Roth's new novel about America if Charles Lindbergh had been elected President in 1940. (Include your earth-mail USPS address in your Email response, to be sent the novel.)

    1. Put a radio-receiver button in Mr. Bush's ear, to get sharp comments for answering questions.

    2. Give Mr. Bush a Botox treatment so as to remove all smirks, sneers, and scowls from his face.

    3. Announce that "Osama bin Laden" has been found and Mr. Bush must take personal part in interrogating him, so the next three debates must be canceled for the sake of national security.

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