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Rabbi Arthur Waskow, Ph. D., founded (in 1983) and directs The Shalom Center, a prophetic voice in Jewish, multireligious, and American life that brings Jewish and other spiritual thought and practice to bear on seeking peace, pursuing justice, healing the earth, and celebrating community. He edits and writes for its weekly on-line Shalom Report.
In 2014 he was honored by T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights with their first Lifetime Achievement Award as a “Human Rights Hero.” In 2015 he was named by The Forward one of the “most inspiring” American rabbis. In June 2017, the Rconstructionist Rabbinical College will confer on him the honorary degree of Doctor of Humane Letters, giveen once a year for distinguishd service to the Jewsh people and the world.
In 1996, Waskow was named by the United Nations a “Wisdom Keeper” among forty religious and intellectual leaders who met in connection with the Habitat II conference in Istanbul. In 2001, he was presented with the Abraham Joshua Heschel Award by the Jewish Peace Fellowship. In 2005, he was named by the Forward, the leading Jewish weekly in America, one of the "Forward Fifty" as a leader of the Jewish community. In 2007, he was named by Newsweek one of the fifty moist influential American rabbis, and was presented with awards and honors by groups as diverse as the Neighborhood Interfaith Movement of Philadelphia and the Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation.
Since 1969, Waskow has been one of the leading creators of theory, practice, and institutions for the movement for Jewish renewal. Among his seminal works in this area have been --
• The Freedom Seder (l969), the first Haggadah for Passover to intertwine the archetypal liberation of the Jewish people from slavery to Pharaoh with the modern liberation struggles not only of the Jewish people, but also the Black community in America and other peoples. The Freedom Seder has become a model for many Jews during the past generation to shape Passover Seders to celebrate their own commitments to emerging aspects of liberation -- such as environmental concerns, feminism, and the freedom of Tibet.
• Godwrestling (Schocken, l978), an examination of new ways of interpreting Torah and applying it to contemporary issues, as they emerged in the early havurot.
• These Holy Sparks: The Rebirth of the Jewish People (Harper and Row, l983), a study of the history and meaning of the Jewish renewal movement in North America, 1967 to 1982.
• Seasons of Our Joy (Bantam, l982; Summit, 1985; Beacon, 1990 and 1991; Jewish Publ Soc, 2013), a history of the development of the Jewish festivals; a pioneering reinterpretation of their meaning in the cycles of earth, sun, and moon; a guide to the festivals as steps in a spiritual journey; and a practical handbook for observing them today.
• Down-to-Earth Judaism: Food, Money, Sex, and the Rest of Life (Morrow, 1995), an examination of how the everyday ethics and practices of the Jewish people have evolved over the centuries and are still evolving, in response to the changing cultures and societies in which Jews lived, and in constant effort to shape a holistic and holy lifepath that cares for the earth.
• Godwrestling — Round 2 : Ancient Wisdom, Future Paths (Jewish Lights, 1996), a midrashic reexamination of the meanings of God, Torah, Israel, humanity, and earth in the light of 25 years of the movement for Jewish renewal. (This book won the Benjamin Franklin Award.)
He co-authored three books with Phyllis Berman: Tales of Tikkun: New Jewish Stories to Heal a Wounded World (Jason Aronson, 1996); A Time for Every Purpose Under Heaven: The Jewish Life-Spiral as a Spiritual Path (Farrar Straus & Giroux, 2002); and Freedom Journeys: The Tale of Exodus and Wilderness Across Millennia (Jewish Lights, 2011).
In 2006, he co-authored The Tent of Abraham: Stories of Hope and Peace for Jews, Christians, and Muslims (Beacon Press) with Sr. Joan Chittister, OSB, and Murshid Saadi Shakur Chisti (Neil Douglas-Klotz).
He had primary editorial responsibility for two pioneering anthologies on eco-Judaism: With Ari Elon and Naomi Mara Hyman, he co-edited Trees, the Earth, and Torah: A Tu B'Shvat Anthology, a new addition to the classic "Festival Anthology" series of the Jewish Publication Society (1999). And he edited another anthology of texts and articles on eco-Judaism: Torah of the Earth: Exploring 4,000 Years of Ecology in Jewish Thought (2 vols., Jewish Lights, 2000).
Waskow has taught as a Visiting Professor in the religion departments of Swarthmore College (1982-83, on the thought of Martin Buber and on the Book of Genesis and its rabbinic and modern interpretations); Temple University (1975-76 on contemporary Jewish theology and 1985-86, on liberation theologies in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam); Drew University (1997) on Judaism and the environment and on emerging feminist and neo-Hassidic theologies of Judaism in America; and Vassar College (1998) on the theology and practice of Jewish renewal and feminist Judaism; and from 1982 to 1989 on the faculty of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College (contemporary theology and practical rabbinics).
In 1978, Waskow founded Menorah: Sparks of Jewosh Renewal, a journal of Jewish renewal; from 1984 to 2004 he was its editor as the ALEPH quarterly journal New Menorah.
In 1993, he cofounded ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal, From then till 2005, Waskow was first a Pathfinder and then the Tikkun Olam Fellow of ALEPH, through which he did research, wrote, and spoke to explore and deepen the renaissance of North American Jewish culture and community.
Waskow has taken a vigorously active role in a number of Jewish, multi-religious, and socially responsible Email list-serves to discuss various issues in such a way as to unite spiritual and political concerns. He has created a treasury of midrash, prayer, and essays on contemporary issues in the same vein on the Shalom Center Website
Waskow pioneered in the development of Eco-Judaism in theology, liturgy, daily practice, and activism --
- through his books Seasons of Our Joy; Godwrestling – Round 2; Down-to-Earth Judaism; Trees, Earth, & Torah: A Tu B’Shvat Anthology; and Torah of the Earth: 4,000 Years of Ecology in Jewish Thought;
- as author of a pioneering essay on “Jewish Environmental Ethics: Adam and Adamah,” in Oxford Handbook of Jewish Ethics and Morality (Elliot N. Dorff and Jonathan K. Crane, eds.; Oxford University Press, 2013);
- through the Green Menorah organizing project of The Shalom Center;
- through the Interfaith Freedom Seder for the Earth and a number of climate-focused public actions drawing on and transforming traditional liturgies for Tu B’Shvat, Passover/ Palm Sunday, Tisha B’Av, Sukkot, and Hanukkah;
- as a candidate for the World Zionist Congress on the Green Zionist Alliance slate;
- as a participant and speaker in the World Interfaith Summit on the Climate Crisis called by the Archbishop of Sweden in Uppsala in 2008;
- as a founding member (2010-2013) of the stewardship committee of the Green Hevra (a network of Jewish environmental organizations);
- as a member of the coordinating committee of Interfaith Moral Action on Climate;
- and as a practitioner of nonviolent civil disobedience who has been arrested in climate protests in the US Capitol, at the White House, and has undertaken civil disobedience at Philadelphia conclaves of fracking corporate leaders.
In 1996, Jason Aronson published a collection of new midrashic stories that Waskow co-authored with Rabbi Phyllis Berman, entitled Tales of Tikkun: New Jewish Stories to Heal the Wounded World. With his children David and Shoshana, he wrote a book of midrashic tales of the Creation for children and adults, Before There Was a Before. With Rabbi Phyllis Beman, he wrote two illustrated books: The Loooong Narrow Pharaoh and the Midwives Who Gave Birth to Freedom and The Rest of Creation.
Together with his brother Howard, he wrote Becoming Brothers (Free Press, 1993). It is a "wrestle in two voices," a joint autobiography focused on the conflicts and relationships between the two brothers.
Waskow has spoken widely and led retreats and study groups at synagogues, universities, inter-religious convocations, and churches, on Jewish renewal, the meaning of recent religious upheavals throughout the world, the practice and meaning of the spiral of Jewish festivals, religious perspectives on environmental issues, and the spiritual roots of tikkun olam (action to heal the world).
He was born in Baltimore in l933. He took a bachelor's degree from the Johns Hopkins University (1954) and a doctorate in United States history from the University of Wisconsin (1963). His dissertation was on “The Race Riots of 1919.” It was incorporated into a book, From Race Riot to Sit-in, 1919 and the 1960s: A Study in the Connections between Conflict and Violence (Doubleday, l966).
He worked from 1959 to 1961 as legislative assistant for a Member of the United States House of Representatives, and from 1961 to 1963 as Senior Fellow of the Peace Research Institute. In 1961, he was a Fellow of the Colloquium on Conflict Resolution and Disarmament held by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences,
He was among the founders and for fourteen years (1963-1977) was a Resident Fellow of the Institute for Policy Studies, a pioneering center for independent analysis of governmental policy and social change. During this period, Waskow wrote The Limits of Defense (with Marcus Raskin; Doubleday, l962) and three other books, several monographs, and numerous articles on nuclear strategy, deterrence, disarmament, and conflict theory. He also wrote Running Riot (Herder and Herder, l970), on the roles of violence and non-violence in the process of American social change. He joined in founding and for three years was secretary-treasurer of the Conference on Peace Research in History.
Through the l960s, Waskow was active in writing, speaking, electoral politics, and nonviolent action against the Vietnam War. In 1964 he worked closely with the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party at the Democratic National Convention in Atlantic City. In 1965 he spoke at the first anti-war Teach-in (at the University of Michigan), and at many thereafter; in 1967 he was co-author of "A Call to Resist Illegitimate Authority" (urging support for those who were resisting the draft and the war); and in 1968 he was elected an anti-war delegate from the District of Columbia to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.
In 1981 and 1986, in concert with other anti-war activists he won a lawsuit against the FBI for illegal harassment of his anti-war work, under its COINTELPRO program. (See a chapter of In Our Defense, a book on the Bill of Rights by Caroline Kennedy and Ellen Alderman, for a discussion of this case.)
From 1977 to 1982, Waskow was a Fellow of the Public Resource Center in Washington, D.C., where he led a long-term research project, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, on economic, environmental, technological, and public-policy aspects of community-based generation and use of renewable energy and energy conservation. After Waskow became a writer and teacher of Jewish history and theology, he helped found the National Havurah Committee, was a member of its board from l978 to l980 and from l983 to l987, and from 1984 to 1996 was a member of the Board of the P'nai Or Religious Fellowship.
During the 1980s and 1990s he was at various times a member of the editorial boards of the Reconstructionist, Religion and Intellectual Life, Social Policy, Cross Currents, and Tikkun magazines. He has worked since 1969 for peace between the Israeli and Palestinian peoples, and was among those invited by the White House to take part in the signing of the Declaration of Principles by Prime Minister Rabin and Chairman Arafat in 1993. He wrote the "Seder for the Children of Abraham, Hagar, and Sarah," published in Tikkun magazine in 1999 -- a Passover Seder focused on peace-making between Israelis and Palestinians.
During 2001 he worked closely with Rabbis for Human Rights (Israel) to create the successful “Olive Trees for Peace” campaign, and from 2002 to 2005 was secretary of the Board of Rabbis for Human Rights/ North America.
In 1995, Waskow was ordained a Rabbi by a beit din made up of one Rabbi whose rabbinic lineage was Hassidic, one Conservative Rabbi, one Reform Rabbi, and a feminist theologian.
Waskow has been active in several inter-religious projects. He was a Washington Associate of the Churches' Center for Theology and Public Policy (1979-1982), and a Fellow of the Coolidge Research Colloquium of the Association for Religion and Intellectual Life in 1983. During the 1980s he was a member of the steering committee of Choose Peace, an inter-religious group addressing the dangers of the nuclear arms race, and in the early 1990s he was a member of the steering committee of In Defense of Creation, an inter-religious environmental group. During the winter of 1996 he held the Gamaliel Chair in Religion, Peace, and Justice sponsored by the Lutheran community of Milwaukee. He has written for such journals as Sojourners, Cross-Currents, The Other Side, National Catholic Reporter, and Witness.
In 1997, using Email and the World-Wide Web, he initiated a world-wide observance of the 25th yohrzeit (death-anniversary) of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel in which more than 400 Jewish and Christian communities and congregations participated. He created a unique on-line resource of passages and essays by and about Heschel (now located in the “Torah” section of He was one of the major speakers at the foremost observance of Heschel’s yohrzeit in New York City
In 1998, he initiated the Free Time/ Free People project, a joint exploration by secular scholars, religious leaders, and political organizers of the economic, cultural, and religious factors involved in the pressures toward overwork and underemployment in American society. The Free Time project explores the economic and cultural changes that would encourage the protection of Free Time for family and community life and for self-renewal.. Waskow has published articles in Sojourners, The Other Side, Tikkun, Witness, Bearing Witness, and The Nation on this question.
AW and Rebecca T. Alpert, "Toward an Ethical Kashrut," Reconstructionist (March-April, 1987), pp. 9-13. AW, "Down-to-Earth Judaism: Food and Money," Tikkun (Jan.-Feb., 1988), pp. 19-24. AW, "From Compassion to Jubilee," Tikkun, March-April, 1990, pp. 78- 81. AW, "Retelling the Rainbow," in Susan Clark, ed., Celebrating Earth Holy Days (Crossroad), pp. 89-97. AW, "The Greening of Judaism," Moment (June 1992), pp. 44-47 ff. AW, "Is the Earth a Jewish Issue?" Tikkun (Sept.-Oct., 1992), pp. 35-37. AW, "The Earth and the Jewish People," Jewish Currents, Oct. 1992, pp. 13-17. AW, "Torah, Jews, and Earth," Sh'ma (Feb. 5, 1993), pp. 51-53. AW, "Toward an Eco-Kosher Life Path," supplementary essay in Lawrence Bush and Jeffrey Dekro, Jews, Money and Social Responsibility (Shefa Fund, 1993), pp. 175-186. AW, "What is Eco-Kosher?" in Thich Nhat Hanh, ed., For a Future to be Possible (Parallax Press, 1993), pp. 115-121, and in EcoJustice Quarterly (Autumn 1993), pp. 10-11 ff. AW, "Sacred Earth, Sacred Earthling," Gnosis (Fall 1994), pp. 58-62. AW, “And the Earth is Filled with the Breath of Life,” Cross Currents (Fall 1997), pp. 348-363. Also in Fellowship (July-August 2001), pp. 4-8 A W, “Environmental disaster for Pharaoh – and us?” Philadelphia Inquirer (June 16, 2002), Op/Ed page. AW, “If We Don't Allow the Earth to Rest… ,” Jerusalem Report (May 30, 2005). p. 29. AW & Jeff Sultar, " Chanukah beyond oil: The green menorah covenant " in Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Nov 29, 12007), With title "The Power of Eight," in Grist, Dec 3, 2007, at in Jewcy (Dec 4, 2007), AW, AW, "Hanukkah, Oil, & the Green Menorah," Jerusalem Report (Dec 2007), p. AW, "Passover as if the Earth Really Matters," Nation on-line, Also in Grist, AW, "The Greening of Passover (Eco-Leavening") in On Faith (April 22, 2008) AW, "Same-Sex Marriage, the Bible, and California," on Daily Kos (June 23, 2008) AW, "Unkosher Meat, Unkosher Politics," in On Faith (June 23, 2008) AW, "The Sun Also Rises and Blesses; April 8, 2009)," On Faith (June 24, 2008), AW, "The Breath of All Life Celebrates Your Name," Green Times Religion and Society AW, "Nonviolence and Creative Disorder," Christian Century LXXXII (Oct. 13, 1965), 1253-1255. AW, Tilford Dudley, and Jacob B. Agus, "Forms of Intervention: Moral Responsibilities and Limits," in Religion and Peace (Bobbs- Merrill, 1966), Homer A. Jack, ed., pp. 100-117. AW, "1976: An American Jubilee Year," Fellowship, Jan.-Feb., 1976, pp. 18-19. See also The Witness, May, 1976, pp. 4-6. AW, Where the Peace Action Is (Board of Christian Education, United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., Philadelphia, 1968). AW, "U.S. Capitalism vs. Catholicism: On a Collision Course?" National Catholic Reporter, Feb. 11, 1972, pp. 7 & 18. AW, "Response," NICM Journal for Jews and Christians in Higher Education, Spring, 1976, pp. 38-50. AW, "The Choice: Romanticism or True Messianism?" in Eva Fleischner, ed., Auschwitz: Beginning of a New Era? (Ktav, Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine, and Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, 1977), pp. 307-330. AW, "A Time to Renew: The Fruitfulness of the Biblical Religious Traditions in Shaping a Livable Post-Modern Society," Journal of National Institute for Campus Ministries, Winter, 1982, pp. 6-17, ff. AW, "Rainbow Sign," Christianity and Crisis, April 12, 1982, pp. 90 ff. AW, "Mystery Not Mastery: A Religious Approach to Preventing Nuclear Holocaust," Co-Evolution Quarterly, Fall, 1983, pp. 43 ff. AW, "The Knowledge of Mystery," Religion and Intellectual Life, Fall, 1983, pp. 109-114. AW, "Noah and the Nuclear Rainbow," Worldview, Oct., 1983, pp. 17-19. AW, "Noah, the Religious Traditions, and the Fire Next Time," Journal of the National Institute for Campus Ministries, Winter, 1983, pp. 17-26. AW, "The Future of Prophecy and the Future (or Fate) of the Earth," Drew Gateway (Winter, 1984/Spring, 1985), pp. 55-68. AW, "A Time to Renew," Religion and Intellectual Life (Fall, 1986) pp. 34-48. AW, "New Seasons of Our Joy," Fellowship (Apr.-May, 1987), pp. 20-21. AW, "And So to Pray by Being Prayed," Creation (July/August, 1988), p. 40. AW, "Rediscovering Mystery," Creation (Sept/Oct., 1988), pp. 19-21. AW, "Bible, Intellect, and Politics," Religion and Intellectual Life, Spring-Summer, 1989, pp. 143-147. A W, “From Compassion to Jubilee,” Tikkun (March-April 1990), pp. 78-81. Reprinted in Rebecca Alpert, Voices of the Religious Left (Temple Univ. Press, 2000), pp. 125-131. AW, "God's Body, the Midrashic Process, and the Embodiment of Torah," in Bjorn Krondorfer, ed., Body and Bible (Trinity Press International, 1992), pp. 133-144. AW, “A Politics of the Soul,” Boston Review (April-May 1996), p. 16. AW, “Healing America, Body and Soul,” Tikkun (April-May 1996), pp. 25- 27. AW, “The Meaning of the Politics of Meaning,” P.S. ( June 5, 1996), pp. 1- 3. AW, “Religious Restoration or Religious Renewal,” Tikkun (July- Aug. 1997), pp. 17-19. AW, “Holy Economics: A Rhythm of Worthy Work and Reflective Rest,” Sojourners (Sept.-Oct. 1997), pp. 34-36. AW and David Gracie, “Philadelphia’s Religious Leaders Should Unite to Fight for Wage Bill,” Philadelphia Inquirer, May 15, 1998, Op/Ed page. AW, “It Was Good for Ruth; It’s Good for Us,” Philadelphia Daily News, May 27, 1998, p. 18. AW, “When Politics is Prayer,” Tikkun (Aug-Sept 1998), pp. 49-52 ff. AW, “Proclaim Jubilee!” The Other Side (Sept-Oct 1998), pp. 10-133 ff. AW, “Sex, Spirit, & Abuse,” Gnosis (Winter 1999), pp. 53-57. AW, “Carrying the Sacred Space,” The Other Side (March-April 1999), p.21. AW, “Brothers Reconciled,” Sojourners (July-Aug. 1999), pp. 42-46. AW, “Free Time for a Free People,” Witness (Jan-Feb 2000), pp. 8-11. AW with Committee for Free Time/ Free People, “Time to Be,” Tikkun (May-June 2000), pp. 51-53. AW, “Radical Shabbat: Free Time, Free People,” Sojourners (May-June 2000), pp. 40-42. AW, “Nishmat” and “At Every Boundary the World Is One,” Sacred Journey (June 2000), pp. 35-38. A W, “Fusing the Spiritual and the Political: The Image on a Coin,” Witness (Nov 2000), pp. 26-27; in Jesus Through Jewish Eyes, Beatrice Bruteau, ed. ( Orbis Books).. A W, “Lieberman’s Sabbath,” The Other Side (Nov-Dec 2000), p. 9. A W, “The Lost, Unfound Election,” Beliefnet (Nov 11, 2000). A W, “Sacred Work, Sacred Rest,” Bearing Witness (undated, Nov 2000), pp. 28-30. A W, “Free Time for a Free People,” The Nation (Jan. 1, 2001), pp. 22-24. A W, “Freeing Time, Freeing People,” The Other Side (Jan-Feb, 2001), p. 31. A W, “Beyond the Dyslection,” Beliefnet (Dec. 19, 2000). A W, “Bless This Hut,” Modern Maturity (Nov. 2001), pp. 23-24. Also as “We All Live in a Sukkah,” in From the Ashes, ed. by Beliefnet (Rodale2001), pp. 214-217, as “The Sukkah and the World Trade Center,” Satya (Oct. 2001), pp. 20-21, et al., as “The Sukkah and the Towers” in Best Jewish Writing of 2002 (Michael Lerner, ed.; Jossey-Bass, 2002); as “The Sukkah of Shalom,” in Paul Rogat Loeb, The Impossible Will Take A Little While (Basic Books, 2004), pp. 106-110; in The Nation (Sept 20, 2004), p. 24. A W, “No Justice Through Injustice,” The Forward, Dec. 21, 2001 A W, “One Pledge, Divisible, With Justice For All,” The Forward, July 5, 2002 A W, “In Every Generation, Pharaoh,” in Spiritual Perspectives on America’s Role as Superpower” (Skylight Books, 2003), pp. 112-123. A W, “A Blessing to the Families of the Earth,” Tikkun (Jan-Feb 2003), p. 23 ff. Also (revised) in Tony Kushner & Alisa Solomon, eds., Wrestling with Zion (Grove, 2003), pp. 191-194. A W, “Oiloholics and the Burning World,” Tikkun (March-April 2003), p. 32. A W, “Beyond Iraq,” Tikkun (May-June 2003), p. 28. A W, “Time to Be, Time to Love,” Yes! (Fall 2003), pp. 47-49. A W, “Can America Learn from Shabbat?” in John de Graaf, ed., Take Back Your Time (Berrett Koehler, 2003), pp. 123-133. Also In Utne Reader AW, “In Every Generation, Pharaoh,” in Spiritual Perspectives on America’s Role as Superpower (Skylight Paths, 20034, pp. 109-124. A W, “ ’I Have a Dream’ + 40: From Memory to Transformation,” Peacework (Nov 2003), p. 7. A W, “Veterans Day: Mourning the Past, Transforming the Future,” Tikkun (Oct-Nov 2003), p. 96. A W, “King David, Batsheva, and Making Middle East Peace: What Can Americans Do?” Church and Society (Presbyterian Church USA), Sept-Oct 2004, pp. 37-46. A W, “A Declaration of Interdependence,” Peaceworks (July-August, 2004, P. 6. AW, “The Formula for Terror,” Beliefnet, Oct 5, 2004 A W, “Creating a New Prophetic Agenda,” Tikkun (Jan,-Feb 2005), p. 48. AW, “Reflections on Purim and Peacemaking” Beliefnet March 5, 2005. AW, “Terri Schiavo's Choices and the Dying of Hannah Waskow,” Beliefnet March 24, 2005. AW, “’Hot Facts’: The First Teach-in,”, March 26, 2005. AW, “Thou Shalt Not Revile the Judges,” The Forward (April 22, 2005). p. AW, “God’s October Surprise,” Fellowship, (May-June 2005), p. 22; SoJoNet (June 23, 2005), AW, “Is Divestment the Best Policy?” Sojourners (SoJoNet, June 23, 2005), AW, "Sh’ma: At Every Boundary The World Is One, " American Muslim (Sept. 2005), AW, "From Arrogance to Compassion," Beliefnet (Sept 7, 2005), AW, "Brickner Maintained Commitment to Social Justice," The Forward, Sept 7, 2005. AW, "The Wrong Answer to the Iraq War," The Forward, (September 15, 2005) AW, "A celebration for people of all faiths" (Philadelphia Inquirer, Sept 23, 2005), Op/Ed page. AW, "Whose Image on the Coin?" Jerusalem Report (Nov 2, 2005), p. AW, "George Bush, the Burning Bush, Pharaoh, and Seeds of Change," The American Muslim (Nov 2005), AW, "Eden & Ethics for a Grown-Up society," Conscience (Winter, 2005-2006), pp. 40-43. AW, "Of Goats and Men," Jerusalem Report (May 2006), p. AW, "The Immigrants' Passover in America," in, AW, "Religions have a rare opportunity this fall to push for Mideast peace" Philadelphia Daily News, Aug 12, 2006, p. AW,, "Trauerkaddisch in Kriegszeiten," Junge Kirche Aug 2006. AW, "Gentle Hearts and Coronets," Jerusalem Report (Aug 2006), p. 42. AW, "When Ramadan and Rosh Hashanah Meet," Interfaith Families, AW, "Imams, Airlines, and My Grandmom," American Muslim, Nov. 28, 2006. AW, "In the Dark," Jerusalem Report, Dec. 12, 2006, p. 42. AW and Phyllis O. Berman, "Courtesy or Clarity? – A Jewish response to Theologians Under Hitler," Progressive Christian (Jan-Feb 2007), pp. 11 ff. AW, "Renaming God, Remaking the World" (Progressive Christian (March-April 2007), pp. 45-46. AW and Phyllis O. Berman, "It's Time to Pitch Our Tents Together," Philadelphia Inquirer (August 5, 2007), Currents, p. 1. AW, "Dancing In The Earthquake: Religious Upheaval And Its Effects On US Policy Toward The Middle East," in Foreign Policy in Focus AW, "A Bloody Purim Farce, at Hanukkah Time," Jewcy (December 5, 2007) Phyllis Berman & AW, "Reopening the Tent of Abraham," in Righteous Indignation, edited by Or Rose, Jo Ellen Green Kaiser, and Margie Klein (Jewish Lights, 2006), pp. 319-326. AW, "MLK or LBJ? Presidential Politics through Spiritual Eyes," Jewish Currents (March-April 2008), pp. 8-10. AW, "The Two Jeremiahs," "On Faith" in Washington Post (March 23, 2008), AW, "King, Moses, and Midrash: Death and Resurrrection?" On Faith (April 4, 2008), AW, "Be Comforted in this Election Year," On Faith (June 11. 2008) AW, "Same-Sex Marriage, the Bible, and California," on Daily Kos (June 23, 2008) AW, "Unkosher Meat, Unkosher Politics," in On Faith (June 23, 2008) AW, "The Sun Also Rises and Blesses; April 8, 2009)," On Faith (June 24, 2008), AW, "The Election: Dancing in God's Earthquake," On Faith (Sept 10,2008), AW, "Presidential Aptitude Test: A Multi-Choice Questionnaire," On Faith (Sept. 8, 2008), AW, "Let's Try Biblical Economics," "On Faith (Sept 22, 2008), AW, "The Obsession Film: Is There Something Wrong with Being a Muslim in America?" (On Faith, October 23, 2008) ilm_is_there_someth.html Judaism AW, "The Recovery of Judaism," Motive (Nov., 1969), pp. 15-17. AW, "The Belly of Leviathan," Response (Winter, 1970-1971), pp. 119-123. AW, "The Jewish Contradiction," New York Times, Oct. 21, 1970, OpEd. Reprinted in Jewish Digest XVI (May, 1971), no. 8, pp. 27. AW, "Malkhut Zadon M'Herah T'Aker," Judaism, XX, no.4 (Fall, 1971), 404-415. AW, "Rage and Persistence," National Jewish Monthly, (Dec., 1972), pp. 52 ff. AW, "To Bring the Messiah," Sh'ma, Jan. 5, 1973, pp. 36-38. AW, "How to Bring Mashiach," National Jewish Monthly, Sept., 1973, pp. 23-24, and in The Jewish Catalog (Jewish Publication Society, 1973), pp. 250-251, and as "Como Trazer o Messias," in Portuguese, in Heranca Judaica no 18, 1974, pp. 64-67. AW, "Godwrestling," Jewish Heritage XV (Summer/Fall, 1973) no. 1, pp. 18-23. AW, "Messianism and the New Halacha," Response, Spring, 1974. AW, "Watering the Seed of Abraham and Sarah," Davka, spring, 1974, pp 6-11; CCAR Journal (Central Conference of American Rabbis), Summer, 1974, pp. 63-70; Liturgy, Nov., 1974, pp. 15-20. AW, "Not Standing -- Wrestling," Judaism, Fall, 1974, pp. 464-466. AW, "The Sex Ethic of the Song of Songs," Moment, April, 1976, pp. 68-71. AW, "The Jewish Situation -- 1976," New Outlook, June, 1976, pp. 10-16. AW, "Godwrestling: Jacob and Esau," National Institute for Campus Ministries Journal, Spring, 1977, pp. 74-83. AW, "The Cloudy Mirror: Ishmael and Isaac," CCAR Journal (Central Conference of American Rabbis), Autumn, 1977, pp. 19-28. AW, "The Future of Jewish Peoplehood," Forum (World 2ionist 0rganization), Fall, 1978, pp. 109-124. AW, "Seasons of Our Joy," Moment, Sept. 1979, pp. 24-27. AW, "Dark of the Sun, Dark of the Moon," Moment, Dec. 1979. AW, "The Body Jewish," Natl Jewish Monthly (March 1980), pp. 5 ff. AW, "The Bomb and the Torah," Keeping Posted, Oct., 1982, pp. 6-7. AW, "Purim: A Modern Commentary," Hadassah, Feb., 1983. AW, "Feminist Judaism: Restoration of the Moon," in On Being a Jewish Feminist, Susannah Heschel, ed. (Schocken, 1983). Rebecca Alpert, Linda Holtzman, and AW, "The Children of Noah: Proposal for a Wedding Ceremony," Reconstructionist (Nov., 1983), pp. 24-27. AW, "Noah and the End of the World," New Traditions, Spring, 1984, pp. 83-86. AW, "Interpreting the Flood Story in the Nuclear Age," Reconstructionist (Feb., 1984), pp. 11-16. AW, "The Rainbow Seder," in The Shalom Seders (Adama, 1984). AW, "The Medium is the Message: Notes on the Passover Seder," Moment (April, 1984), pp. 62-63.AW, "Three Streams," Raayonot, Summer, 1984, pp. 36-39. AW, "The Three Great Marches," Keeping Posted, Nov., 1984, pp. 12-13. AW, "Separation Anxiety: Church and State in America," Moment, Jan.-Feb., 1985, pp. 31-33. AW, "The State and the Sukkah," Sh'ma, Feb. 8, 1985. Reprinted in Listening to American Jews, ed. by Carolyn Toll Oppenheim (Sh'ma, 1986). AW, "On the Fringes," Reconstructionist, March, 1985. AW, "Tikkun Olam: Adornment of the Mystery" [The Outward World of the Rabbi], CCAR Yearbook for 1984. (Central Conference of American Rabbis, 1985). Also appeared in Religion and Intellectual Life. AW, "Shabbat," in Reconstructionist, Apr-May, 1986, pp. 19-24 ff. AW, "To Catch a Breath," Moment, April, 1986, pp. 63-66. AW, "Mystery, Wholeness, and the Breath of Life," Genesis 2, April- May, 1986, pp. 17 ff. AW, "The Rest of Creation," Hadassah, Aug.-Sept., 1986, p.30. AW, "Rest," in Contemporary Jewish Religious Thought, Arthur A. Cohen and Paul Mendes-Flohr, eds. (Charles Scribner's Sons, 1987), pp. 795-806. AW, "Between the Fires," Tikkun, Feb., 1987, pp. 84-86. AW with Phyllis Berman, "Fire-Breath," Religion and Intellectual Life (Winter, 1987), pp. 33-35. AW, "Wrestling with Torah, God, and Self," in Zev Garber, ed., Methodology in the Academic Teaching of Judaism, (University Press of America, 1986, pp. 241-250). Also in New Traditions, (Summer, 1986) as "How to Teach the Making of Midrash," pp. 61- 69. AW, "Exodus and Birth," Keeping Posted (March, 1987), pp. 14-15. AW, "The Seventh Sukkot: Renewing a Forgotten Ceremony," Raayonot, (Summer, 1987) pp. 36-39. A W, “Pesach and the Palestinians,” Genesis 2 (Spring 1988), pp. 8-12. Reprinted in Rebecca Alpert, Voices of the Religious Left (Temple Univ. Press, 2000), pp. 141-148. AW, "Down-to-Earth Judaism: Sexuality," Tikkun (March-April, 1988), pp. 46-49 ff. Reprinted in Contemporary Jewish Ethics and Morality, ed. by Elliot N. Dorff and Louis E. Newman ((Oxford Univ. Press, 1995), pp. 289-299. AW, "The Bible's Sleeping Beauty and Her Great-Granddaughters," Tikkun (March-April, 1989). AW, The Boring Parts of Torah," Genesis 2, Spring 1989, pp. 17-19. AW, "Dancing with the Dark," Tikkun (Nov.- Dec., 1989), pp. 60-62. AW, "If We Stood Together at Sinai," Present Tense, Nov.-Dec., 1989, pp. 51-52. AW, "'Returning to Mitzrayim': Torah, Rhetoric, and Power," Midstream, Feb.-March, 1990. AW, "Twice-Promised Land," Tikkun (Sept.-Oct., 1990), pp. 56-58. AW, "Boundary-Markers in Jewish Space and Time," in Contemporary Artifacts (National Museum of American Jewish History, Philadelphia, 1990). AW, "Exodus Is Not Enough," Cross-Currents, Winter, 1990-1991, pp. 516-525. Also appeared in Jewish Spectator. AW, "Jews and the Gulf War: The View from 'In Between,'" The Nation, May 27, 1991; Letters and Response, Sept. 16, 1991. AW, "Creating the Peaceful Future Now," New Outlook June-July-Aug 1991, pp. 15-17. AW, "Only More So," Tikkun, Nov-Dec. 1991, pp. 62-64. AW, "The Fringe of Life and Death," Moment, Dec. 1991, pp 50-53. AW, "Knowing, Doing, and Jewish Studies," Jewish Studies Network (Fall 1991), pp. 1-4. AW, "Justice and Jubilee in the Year 5776," Reconstructionist (Winter 1991/1992), pp. 8-11. See also "Social Justice: Reenvisioning Our Future," in Imagining the Jewish Future, David Teutsch, ed. (State University of New York Press, Albany, 1992), pp. 201-211. AW, "The Embodiment of God," Theology Supplement of Manna (London) (Winter 1992), pp. 17 ff. AW, "Weaving Jewish Remnants into a New Tallit," Tikkun (March- April, 1992), pp. 69-74. AW, "Renewing the Year, Renewing Ourselves," Moment (Oct. 1992), pp. 27-27. AW, "Ancient Sukkot Rites Address Earth's Modern Concerns," Long Island Jewish World, Oct. 9-15, 1992, p. AW, "Beyond Androgyny," Tikkun (Nov.-Dec. 1992), pp. 72-74. AW, "What Is Eco-Kosher?" Jewish Quarterly (London, Winter, 1992-3), pp. 5-10. Also Melton Journal (Autumn, 1993), pp. 22-25 ff. AW, "Spreading Liberation," Hadassah (April 1993), pp. 16-18. AW, "Shabbat, Kashrut, Yomtovim, and the Earth," Jewish Spectator (Spring 1993), pp. -----. AW, "Now Jews, Arabs Must Do Their Part for Peace," Philadelphia Daily News, Sept. 15, 1993, p. 32. AW, "Tu B'Shvat: A Time for Renewal," New York Jewish Week, Jan. 21-27, 1994, Op/Ed Page. AW, "Hebron Should Again Be the Site of Reconciliation," Philadelphia Inquirer, Feb 27, 1994, Op/Ed Page. Phyllis Berman & AW, "The Seder of Rebirth," Tikkun (March-April 1994), pp. 72-75. AW, "What is the Sacred Text for Yom HaShoah?" Sh'ma (Apr. 15, 1994), pp. 1-3. AW, “Sacred Earth, Sacred Earthling,” Gnosis (Fall 1994), pp. 58-62. AW, “The Renewal of Purim and the Fast of Esther,” Sh’ma (Feb 3, 1995) pp. 3-5. AW, “Out of the Tomb of Abraham,” Tikkun (March-April 1995), pp. 37- 40 ff. AW, “Mourning and Hope,” P.S. (Oct 25, 1995), pp. 1, 3-4. AW, “Two-China Policy,” Hadassah (March 1996), pp. 40-42. AW, “Whither Goest Ruth in America?” Philadelphia Daily News,, May 23, 1996. AW, “For a New Judaism,” P.S. (June 19, 1996), pp. 1, 3-4. AW, “Israel’s Tunnel Vision,” Philadelphia Daily News, Oct 3, 1996. AW, “The Ring: A Shabbat Kavanah,” SpouseConnection (Spring 1997), pp. 5- 6. AW, “From Rivkah’s Womb to the Western Wall,” PS (July 23, 1997), pp 1 ff. AW, “Redwoods, Tobacco, and Torah,” Tikkun (Sept-Oct. 1997), pp. 34-36. AW, “ ‘My Legs Were Praying’: Theology and Politics in Abraham Joshua Heschel,” Conseervative Judaism (Winter/ Spring 1998), pp. 144- 149. AW and Phyllis Berman, “Renewing the Year, Renewing Ourselves,” Baltimore Jewish Times, Sept 18, 1998, pp. 67-69. AW, “The Roar Asleep in the Prayer,” Jerusalem Report, Oct 12, 1998, p. 51. AW, “As the Tree Grows,” Baltimore Jewish Times, Jan 29, 1999, pp. 42- 45. AW, “The Seder of the Children of Abraham, Hagar, and Sarah,” Tikkun (March 1999), pp. 41-48. AW, “Weaving Peace,” Jerusalem Report (July 5, 1999), pp. 37. AW, “Tisha B’Av: The Burning Issues,” Baltimore Jewish Times, July 16, 1999, pp. 39-40. AW, “Cain at the Littleton Massacre,” Moment (Aug. 1999), pp. 38-39. AW, “Yom Kippur and Y2K,” The Orchard (Fall 1999), pp. 7-8. AW, “A New Year Rises, A Millennium Sets,” Baltimore Jewish Times (Sept. 10, 1999), pp. 14-17. AW, “Facing Pharaoh,” Jerusalem Report (Jan 17, 2000), p. 42. AW, “Kippah in the Courtroom,” Moment (June 2000), pp. 41-42. A W, “Frozen Korach to Flowering Seed,” Jerusalem Report (July 3, 2000), p. 50. AW, "What Kind of Asylum Did You Have In Mind?", August 22, 2000. A W, “Learning from Lieberman’s Sabbath,” New Jersey Jewish Standard, Aug. 18, 2000 pp. 5 & 34. A W, “Our Legs are Praying: Prayer and Social Action,”, A W, “Carrying Jewish Wisdom into Public Space,”, A W, “A Child’s Death Only One Reason for Repentance,” Philadelphia Inquirer (Oct 4, 2000), p. A25. A W, “Beyond the Brink: Toward a True Peace,”, AW, "The God Who Nurtures at the Breast," Jerusalem Report Nov. 2000. A W, “Becoming the Body of God,” Tikkun (Nov-Dec 2000), pp. 40ff. AW, "Menorah Meditations," (December 2000), section on Hanukkah. A W, "Oil for Light or Oil for Profit?" (December 2000), section on Hanukkah. A W, “NiShma: The Burial of Avraham,” Sh’ma (December 2000), pp. 8-9. A W, “The Emergence of Eco-Judaism,” CCAR Journal (Winter 2001), pp. 27- 37. A W, “The Wreckage of Occupation and War: A letter from Jerusalem the Magnificent and Hares the Suffering,” (Feb 5, 2001). A W, “Possession? Illusion!” Jerusalem Report (Nov 19, 2001), p. 70. A W, “The Sword and the Plowshare as Tools of Tikkun Olam,” Tikkun (May-June 2002), pp. 42-49; also Fellowship (May/June 2003), pp. 12-19; Current Dialogue (World Council of Churches) (July 2005), pp. 25-33. AW, "The Meaning of the Gaza Bombing," , July 25, 2002. AW, "Death and Reconciliation," The Orchard (Fall 2002). A W, “Hayabakot-El,” in Tanya Tzion, ed., Sippurei Reshit (Sifrei Khamad, 2002), 444- 448. A W, “Dance of Holy Veils,” Jerusalem Report (March 10, 2003), p. 50. A W, “Torah, War, and the ‘Gentle Heart’ Today: Israeli Soldiers’ Refusal to Serve in the Occupation Army,” in Arthur Kurzweil, ed., Best Jewish Writing 2003 (Jossey Bass, 2003), pp. 43-48, A W and Phyllis Berman, “The Voice of Wordless Dinah,” Jerusalem Report (Dec 15, 2003), p. 43. AW, "When the Moon Meets Shabbat," Jerusalem Report (June 14, 2004), p. 26. AW, "A Summer of ... Bitter Triumphalism," Jerusalem Report, Oct 4 , 2004, p. 47. A W, “The Boy in the Bright Red Shirt,” Jewish Currents (Nov-Dec. 2004), pp. 8-9. A W, “The Taste of Freedom,” Jerusalem Report, Jan. 24, 2005, p. 31. AW, “If We Don't Allow the Earth to Rest…,” Jerusalem Report (May 30, 2005). p. 29. AW, “Heal the Heart, Heal the World,” Jerusalem Report (June 13, 2005). pg. 47. AW,, “What If the Biblical Ruth Came to America?” Forward (July 2, 2005), p. AW, “Shout Rather Than Whisper: A Jewish Renewal Perspective on Reform,” Judaism (Summer-Fall 2004), pp. 193-196. AW, "Is Divestment the Right Tactic?" in Sojourners (Aug 4, 2005), p. AW, "Hiroshima + 60, Jerusalem + 2500," Beliefnet (Aug 9,2005), AW, "The Forgotten Connection," Jerusalem Report (September 5, 2005) p. 42. Phyllis O. Berman & AW, "Preventing Cervical Cancer: Pekuach Nefesh (Saving Life) at Bat Mitzvah Time," Philadelphia Jewish Voice (Sept. 2006; /15801cancer.html) AW, "The Nature of Negotiations," Midstream (March-April 2007), pp. 2-3. AW, "Harvest and New Seed: Seed for Winter: Shemini Atzeret," "Open to the Earth and All Humanity," in Paul Steinberg, ed., Celebrating the Jewish Year: The Fall Holidays (Jewish Publ. Soc., 2007), pp.161-165. AW, "Violence and Nonviolence in Jewish Thought and Practice," in Peace, Justice, and Jews: Reclaiming Our Tradition , ed. by Murray Polner and Stefan Merken (Bunim & Banigan, 2007), pp.117-133. AW, Torah, War, and the 'Gentle Heart' Today: Israeli Solders' Refusal to Serve in the Occupation Army," ," in Peace, Justice, and Jews: Reclaiming Our Tradition , ed. by Murray Polner and Stefan Merken (Bunim & Banigan, 2007), pp.. 252-257. AW, "Dancing in an Earthquake" Sh'ma (Sept 2007), p. 1 ff). AW, "Why the Silence?' Nation (Oct 1, 2007), p. AW, "The Very Tall Tale of Babel," Jerusalem Report AW, "A Green Menora," Jerusalem Report (Nov 27, 2007) AW, "Passover as if the Earth Really Matters," Nation on-line, Also in Grist, AW, "The Greening of Passover (Eco-Leavening") in On Faith (April 22, 2008) AW, "Whom Do We Mourn?" Tikkun (May-June 2008), pp. 82-85. AW, "Same-Sex Marriage, the Bible, and California," on Daily Kos (June 23, 2008) AW, "Unkosher Meat, Unkosher Politics," in On Faith (June 23, 2008) AW, "The Sun Also Rises and Blesses; April 8, 2009," On Faith (June 24, 2008), AW, "Becoming Elijah – between the Generations," Jewish Education News (Aug 2008), AW, " After the Flood – or Before?" Jerusalem Report (Oct 2008), p. . AW, " Beyond the Election: Harvesting Our Values" NY Jewish Week (Nov 20,2008) Military Strategy and Arms Control AW, "The Limits of Defense," Atlantic Monthly, February, 1962, pp. 80- 98. AW, "American Military Doctrine," Survival (Institute for Strategic Studies, London), May-June, 1962, pp. 106-115. Also transl. as "Amerikas militarische Doktrinen," Atomzeitalter (Frankfurt am Main, W. Germany), Sept., 1962 (no. 9), pp. 222-231. AW, Unintended War ("Beyond Deterrence" Series, American Friends Service Committee, 1962). AW, "Civil Defense, Democracy, and the Self-Destroying Prophecy," The American Behavioral Scientist, VI, no. 2 (October, 1962), pp. 3- 6. AW, "The Evolution of American Military Doctrine," in Disarmament: Its Politics and Economics, ed. by Seymour Melman and distributed as Special Issue of Daedalus, Fall, 1962, pp. 193-211. Reprinted in Survival, May-June, 1962, pp. 106-115 and (translated) in Atomzeitalter, Sept., 1962, pp. 222-231. AW, The Shelter-Centered Society (Peace Research Institute, 1962). Condensed in Scientific American, May, 1962, pp. 46-51, and (transl.) Atomzeitalter, July-August, 1962, pp. 173-178. Reprinted in 39 Steps to Biology, Garrett Hardin, ed. (Freeman, 1968), and Science, Conflict, and Society (Hardin, ed.) 1969. AW, "Could Disarmament Be Policed?" Commentary (November, 1963) pp. 394-396 AW, "The Place of Hostility and Conflict in a Disarmed World," in Violence and War, ed. by Jules H. Masserman (Science and Psychoanalysis, vol. VI, Gavne and Stratton, 1963), pp. 83-91. AW, "Nonlethal Equivalents of War," in Roger Fisher, ed. International Conflict and Behavioral Science: The Craigville Papers (Basic Books, 1964), pp. 123-144. AW, "Disarmament as a Special Case in Military Strategy," World Politics XVI (January, 1964), pp. 322-327. AW, "Historiography and the Disarmed World: A Problem in the Study of an Unprecedented Future," Diogenes no. 48 (Winter, 1964), pp. 139-146. AW, "Alternative Models of a Disarmed World," Disarmament and Arms Control II (Winter, 1964), pp. 59-74. AW, "Advancing American National Interests Without War," in Bulletin of Atomic Scientists XX (February, 1964), no. 2, pp. 23-25. Reprinted in Toward a Strategy of Peace, Walter Clemens,ed. (Rand-McNally, 1965). AW, "A Discussion," in Walter Millis, The Demilitarized World (Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, 1964). pp. 39-61. AW, "New Roads to a World Without War," Yale Review LIV (Autumn, 1964), pp. 85-111. AW, "Conflicting National Interests in Alternative Disarmed Worlds," in Security in Disarmament, Richard J. Barnet and Richard A. Falk, eds. (Princeton University Press, 1965), pp. 361-383. AW, "Social Science and Civil Defense: Problems in the Study of an Unprecedented Future," Journal of Conflict Resolution IX (Sept. 1965), no. 3, pp. 397-412. AW, Keeping the World Disarmed (Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, 1965). AW, Toward a Peacemakers Academy: A Proposal for a First Step Toward a United Nations Transnational Peacemaking Force (Dr. W. Junk Publishers, The Hague, 1967). Condensed in Saturday Review, Aug. 12, 1967, pp. 12-15 ff. as "The Education of Peacemakers." AW, "Looking Forward: 1999" New University Thought VI, no. 3, (Spring, 1968), pp. 34-55. Reprinted in Mankind 2000, Robert Jungk and Johan Galtung, eds. (Allen & Unwin, London, 1969), pp. 78-98. Translated into German in Futurum III no. 1 (1970). pp. 3-31. AW, "Creating the Future in the Present," The Futurist II (Aug., 1968), no. pp. 75-77. AW, "The Future -- Who Can Imagine It?" Wall Street Journal 9/12/68, p.16. AW, "The Historian's Role in Futures Research," Futures I (Dec. 1968), no. 2, pp. 117-124. AW, "Peace and War: The History of the United States, 1939-1999," in Power and Law: American Dilemma in World Affairs, Charles A. Barker, ed. (Johns Hopkins Press, 1971). AW, "Transarmament 2000," Tikkun (Vol I, no.1), Summer 1986. AW, "Two Reactions to Chernobyl," Moment, Sept.- Oct. 1986, pp. 58-60. Also as "Light from Chernobyl," Crosscurrents (Spring 1986), pp. 1-4. Theory & Practice of Politics AW, “Activists Who Shaped a Century: Marcus Raskin,” Social Policy (Winter 1999), pp. 59-63. A W, “Nader ---,” Tikkun (Sept-Oct 2000), pp. AW, "Forty Years -- Are We Out of the Wilderness Yet?" Jewish Currents (May-June, 2008), pp. 10-12.