Shabbat HaGadol is swift upon us, when we read God’s Call for an intergenerational heart-felt alliance to save Earth from utter destruction. The very last message from the very last of the classical Hebrew Prophets.
At The Shalom Center ‘s request, Hazzan Jack Kessler and his student Daniella Forstater actually created an intergenerational English-language Haftarah – the medium is the message ---- for our day by taking passages from Greta Thunberg’s famous UN speech on saving Earth from utter destruction and intertwining it with passages from Malachi, shaping the passages on saving Earth from utter destruction according to Haftarah trope and then doing the chanting themselves.
Explanation: “An Old/New Intergenerational Haftarah in English for Shabbat HaGadol before Pesach, in Words of the Prophet Malachi and Greta Thunberg, as Malachi Calls for the Prophet Elijah to turn the hearts of Elders and Youth to Each other Lest Earth be Utterly Destroyed.”
Click here or on the filename above to activate the audio file and listen.
And here, by popular demand, is a PDF of this Haftarah's text with trope marks.
We also suggest that you recommend to all congregants that they welcome Elijah to the Pesach Sederby quoting the last two verses of Malachi rrather than "Shfoch chamatcha,"
Shalom and good yontif, Arthur